03/04/18 Flashcards
What is the difference between Ia and Ib Aa fibres?
Ia are muscle spindle fibres whereas Ib are golgi tendon organ fibres
What is the function of Ab/II fibres?
What is the function of Ay fibres?
motor to muscle spindles
What is the function of Ad III fibres?
fast pain; cold and touch
What is the function of B fibres?
preganglionic sympathetic fibres and visceral afferents
What is the function of C (IV) fibres?
slow pain; hot; reflex
What is the other function of C fibres?
postganglionic sympathetics
What is type 1 small vessel disease?
What is type 2 small vessel disease?
cerebral amyloid angiopathy
what is type 3 small vessel disease?
inherited or genetic SVD
What is type 4 small vessel disease?
inflammatory and immunomediated SVD
What is type 5 small vessel disease?
venous collagenosis
what is type 6 small vessel disease?
other SVD
Give examples of type 6 small vessel disease?
post-radiation angiopathy; non-amyloid microvessel degeneration in Alzheimers
What nuclei in the brainstem deals with taste fibres?
solitary nucleus
What is the secretomotor nucleus of vagus?
dorsal nucelus
What is a succenturiate lobe?
smaller accessory placenta separate to main placental disc
What is velamentous insertion
umbilical cord inserts into fetal membranes not placenta
What is velamentous insertion close to the cervix called?
vasa praevia
What is the difference between the CO of an 80 year olad and a 20 years old?
What is the average bone loss in women per decade ?
Why may creatinine levels be normal in poor renal function?
low muscle mass
What is the function of hte appetitive and approach systems?
What neurotransmitter is invovled in the appetitive and approach systems?