Nervous System II Flashcards
4 main parts of the brain
cerebrum, diencephalon, brain stem, cerebellum
What is the cerebrum?
the largest part of the brain, two hemispheres, connected by the corpus callosum, gyri and sulci, 5 lobes
What are the 5 lobes of the cerebrum?
frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, isula
The function of the frontal lobe?
voluntary muscles
The function of the parietal lobe?
general sensation
The function of the occipital lobe?
The function of the temporal lobe?
olfactory, auditory
The function of the insula lobe?
gustatory (taste)
What are the meninges?
dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater
What is dura mater?
directly beneath the skull, two layers (periosteal, meningeal), forms dural folds and venous sinuses
What is arachnoid mater?
the squishy film between dura and pia, subarachnoid space holds CSF
What is pia mater
thin inner layer attached to the brain, very delicate
What do the ventricles of the brain do?
contain cerebrospinal fluid, 4 chambers, cerebral aqueduct, interventricular foramen
What is the diencephalon?
between cerebrum and brain stem, integrates sensory and motor information, three main parts
What are the three main parts of the diencephalon?
thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus
What is the thalamus?
sensory relay center, interthalamic adhesion, most sensory neurons transmitting to the cortex synapse here
What is the hypothalamus?
Connected to pituitary by infundibulum
What is the epithalamus?
pineal gland
What is the brain stem?
connects brain to spinal cord, autonomic functions
What is the mid brain?
visual, auditory, tactile reflexes
What is the pons?
connects cerebrum and cerebellum
What is the medulla oblongata?
autonomic functions
What does CN I do?
Olfactory, smell
What does CN II do?
Optic, vision
What does CN III do?
Oculomotor, moves eyeball
What does CN IV do?
Trochlear, helps move the eyeball
What does CN V do?
Trigeminal, facial sensation, mastication
What does CN VI do?
Abducens, helps move the eyeball
What does CN VII do?
Facial, movement of face, anterior taste, lacrimation
What does CN VIII do?
Vestibulochochlear, hearing and equilibrium
What does CN IX do?
Glossopharyngeal, taste posterior tongue, gag reflex, salivation
What does CN X do?
Vagus, phonation, HR, BP, visceral smooth muscles and glands
What does CN XI do?
Spinal Accessory, SCM, trapezius
What does CN XII do?
Hypoglossal, tongue movement
What are spinal nerves?
31 pairs of nerves that exit the vertebral column through intervertebral foramina
What are dorsal and ventral roots?
dorsal: Sensory, cell body
ventral: Motor
What is the spinal cord external anatomy?
18 inches long, posterior and anterior groove, ends L1/L2 at conus medullaris
What are the parts of the cerebrum?
cortex, white matter, basal nuclei
What is the cortex?
grey matter, conscience area
What is white matter?
myelinated axons that form the medulla, connect parts of the cortex to each other, and have three fiber types:
What is the basal nuclei?
pockets of grey matter, deep to medulla, motor, corpus striatum
What is the corpus striatum?
caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus
What are dural venous sinuses?
Superior sagittal sinus
Transverse sinus
Straight sinus
What are dural folds?
Falx cerebri
Tentorium cerebelli
Falx cerebelli
Where is CSF formed?
In the choroid plexuses
What is hydrocephalus?
reabsorption of CSF blocked, swollen skull
What is the limbic system?
Emotions, memory, etc.
Includes parts of
- cerebrum - thalamus - hippocampus - amygdala - hypothalamus - fornix
What is the circle of Willis?
arterial supply to the brain