Mites Flashcards
Where do mites spend their entire life cycle?
The host
What do mites produce?
Dermatologic conditions
What is the infestation of mites called?
The condition of having mites
What are the clinical signs of mites?
How do you diagnose a mite infestation?
Skin scraping
Cellophane tape test
What are the characteristics of Sarcoptiform mites?
Round to Oval
How do Pedicels help determine the species of mites?
By the length, joints, suckers, and location of anal openings
What are the two families of Sarcoptiform mites?
Sarcoptidae mites
Burrowing mites
Psoroptidae mites
Non-burrowing mites
How are Sarcoptidae and Psoroptidae transmitted
By direct contact
Sarcoptes scabei canis/felis/sues
Dependent on the host
Entire life cycle is 3 weeks
How do you diagnose Sarcoptes scabei canis/felis/sues?
Skin scraping
Can be hard to find
What does a Sarcoptes scabei canis/felis/sues cause?
Bacterial and yeast infections
Does Sarcoptes scabei canis/felis/sues have zoonotic potential?
Little bit
Causes a red rash
Does not establish a full-blown infestation in people
Psoroptidae mites
Non-burrowing mites
Where do Psoropitdae mites live?
The surface of the skin and feed on the keratinized scale, hair, and tissue fluids
Otodectes cynotis
Live in the external ear canal
What are the hosts of Otodectes cynotis?
Cats, dogs, ferrets
What does Otodectes cynotis cause?
Otitis externa
Is Otodectes cynotis contagious?
Spread by physical contact
Is Otodectes cynotis zoonotic?
Non-sarcopticform mites
Demodex spp
Cheyletiella spp
Demodex spp Characteristics
The adult mites look like 8-legged alligators
Live deep in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands
How is Demodex diagnosed?
Deep skin scrape
What does it mean if Demodex spp is host-specific?
It is not transmissible from one species to another
Is Demodex zoonotic?
Cheyletiella spp
Walking dandruff
Mites look like large moving flakes of dandruff
What are the hosts of Cheyletiella spp?
Dogs, Cats, Rabbits
Cheyletiella characteristics
Can be seen with a naked eye
Lives in the keratin layer of the skin
How is Cheyletiella diagnosed?
Cellophane tape test
What is the term for too many mites?
What does a localized infection of mites look like?
Non-pruritic alopecia on the muzzle, face (especially around the eyes), and forelegs
What does a generalized infection of mites look like?
Diffuse alopecia Secondary pruritic (itchy) bacterial infection
What is a generalized mite infection caused by?
Immune deficiency
Genetic predisposition
Hormonal changes (particularly during estrus)
Immunosuppressive disease or drugs
When looking at a skin scraping under the microscope, what do you report to your veterinarian?
Life stages
live: dead ratio
What is the treatment of all other species of mites besides Demodex?
Treat the bedding and other animals
What is the treatment for Demodex spp?
Lime-sulfur and Amitraz dips Ivermectin orally Interceptor daily Promeris/Advantage Multi Goodwinol ointment
What was considered the best off-label treatment for Demodex spp?
Ivermectin orally
What species of dogs cannot have Ivermectin?
Collies because they have a Multi-drug resistant MDR-1 gene
What type of treatment costs a lot of money?
Interceptor daily
What is the Demodex treatment for cats?
Selamectin (Revolution)
What is used to treat generalized Demodex spp today?
“aner” group of drugs