Millionaire's Dinner Party Chapter 7 Translation Flashcards
Deinde Trimalchio ad Nicerotem respexit et ‘solebas’ inquit ‘suavior esse in convictu; nescio quare nunc taceas nec quicquam dicas, oro te, narra illud quod tibi iuveni accidit.’
Then Trimalchio looked back at Niceros and he said “You used to be better company at a party; I do not know why you are silent now and do not say anything. I pray, you, tell this young man what happened to you.”
Niceros delectatus affabilitate amici ‘gaudio dissilio’ inquit ‘quod te tam hilarem video. itaque faciam quod rogas, et i timeo istos scholasticos ne me rideant. rideant; narrabo tamen; quid enim mihi aufert qui ridet? melius est rideri quam derideri.’
Niceros delighted by the affability of his friend he said “I am bursting with joy because I see you so happy/cheerful. Therefore I shall do what you ask and even if I am afraid that those intellectuals will surely laugh at me. Let them laugh; however I will tell you; for what does he who laughs take from me? It is better to be laughed at than to be sneered at.”
‘haec ubi dicta dedit’, talem fabulam exorsus est: ‘Cum adhuc servirem, habitabamus in vico angusto; nunc Gavillae domus est.
When he gave these words, he began so great a tale. “When I was still a slave, we lived on a narrow street; the home is now of Gamilla.
ibi amare coepi uxorem Terentii cauponis; noveratis Melissam, pulcherrimum bacciballum.
There I began to love the wife of Terentius the innkeeper; you know Melissa, a really beautiful little peach.
sed ego non mehercule corp- oraliter illam amabam sed magis quod bono ingenio fuit.
But by Hercules I did not love her for her body but more because she was a good wit.
si quid ab illa petii, numquam mihi negavit; si fecit assem, semissem habui.
If I asked her for anything, she never denied me, if she made a penny, I had a halfpenny.
huius contubernalis ad villam supremum diem obiit. Itaque nihil non egi ut ad illam pervenirem.
Her mate died at his house on the last day. Therefore I did nothing in order to reach her.
forte dominus meus Capuam exierat ut negotium quoddam expediret.
By chance my master had left to Capuci? In order to arrange/procure some business.
nactus ego occasionem persuadeo hospiti nostro ut mecum ad quintum miliarium veniat.
Having obtained an opportunity I persuaded our guest to come with me to the fifth milestone.
erat autem miles, fortis tamquam Orcus. proficiscimur nos circa gallicinia; luna lucebat tamquam meridie.
However he was a soldier, brave as hell. We set out at around the cock crow; the moon shone as if it were noon.
venimus inter monumenta; comes meus coepit ad stelas facere; sedeo ego cantabundus et stelas numero.
We came among/between the tombs/monuments; my companion began to make for the inscriptions, I sat singing and counting the inscriptions.
deinde ut respexi ad comitem, ille exuit se et omnia vestimenta secundum viam posuit.
Then as I looked to my companion, he undressed himself and placed all the clothes beside the way/sheet.
mihi anima erat in naso, stabam tamquam mortuus. at ille circumminxit vestimenta sua, et subito lupus factus est.
My heart/soul was in my nose, I stood still as if dead. But he piddled all around his clothes and suddenly became a wolf.
nolite me iocari putare; ululare coepit et in silvas fugit. ego primum nesciebam ubi essem, deinde accessi ut vestimenta eius tollerem; illa autem lapidea facta sunt.
Do not think I am joking: he began to howl and fled into the woods. At first I did not know where I was, then I went to pick up/take his clothes; but they were made of stone.