Chapter 10 from 10.31 Flashcards
puer ad urbem ambulavit ad librum emendum
The boy walked to the city to buy a book.
milites dum montem ascendunt ab hostibus conspecti sunt
While the soldiers were climbing the mountain they were noticed by the enemy.
femina domi manere iussa est dum epistulam acciperet
The woman was ordered to stay at home until she received the letter.
iuvenes ad tabernam ambulaverunt ad vinum bibendum
The young men walked to the pub in order to drink wine.
dum custos dormit, captivi effugerunt
While the guard was sleeping, the prisoners escaped.
pueri in via manebant dum puellae redirent
The boys stayed in the street until the girls came back
Romam cras iter faciam ad novum templum videndum
I shall travel to Rome tomorrow to see the new temple.
imperator exspectabat dum naves advenirent
The general was waiting until the ships arrived.
servus dum in agro laborat gladium in terra celatum invenit
While the slave was working in the field, he found a sword hidden in the ground
cives in foro aderant ad verba nuntii audienda
The citizens were in the forum to listen to the words of the messenger.
(using ad + gerundive, dum + present indicative, or dum + imperfect subjunctive):
I returned home to prepare dinner
domum redii ad cenam parandam.
(using ad + gerundive, dum + present indicative, or dum + imperfect subjunctive):
While the girls were waiting, the boys arrived
dum puellae exspectant, pueri advenerunt.
(using ad + gerundive, dum + present indicative, or dum + imperfect subjunctive):
The old man shouted in order to warn the children
senex clamavit ad liberos monendos.
(using ad + gerundive, dum + present indicative, or dum + imperfect subjunctive):
We decided to remain in the forum until we saw the senator
in foro manere constituimus dum senatorem videremus
(using ad + gerundive, dum + present indicative, or dum + imperfect subjunctive):
The army was sent to capture the city
exercitus missus est ad urbem capiendam.