Millionaire's Dinner Party Chapter 3 Translation Flashcards
In his eramus lautitiis, cum ipse Trimalchio ad symphoniam allatus
We were deep in these luxuries, when Trimalchio was brought in to the sound of a band.
cum lecto accubuisset, pinna argentea dentes perfodiens, ‘amici’
inquit ‘nondum volui in triclinium venire, sed, ne diutius vos morarer, omnem voluptatem mihi negavi; permittite tamen mihi ut lusum finiam.’
When he had reclined in his bed, picking his teeth with a silver toothpick, he said “Friends. I did not want to come into the dining room yet, but, lest I delay you any longer. I have denied all pleasure for me. However permit me to finish my game.
sequebatur puer tabulam terebinthiam portans et crystallinas tesseras; et pro calculis albis et nigris aureos argenteosque habebat denarios.
A boy was following carrying a Terebithian board and crystal pieces. And for white and black counter pieces he had gold and silver coins.
iam Trimalchio lusum finierat et fecerat potestatem clara voce ut
hospites iterum potionem sumerent, cum subito signum symphonia datur et gustatoria a choro cantante rapiuntur.
Now Trimalchio had finished his game and had made a command with a clear voice to have his guests take up their drink again. When suddenly a signal is given by the band and the hors d’oeuvres are carried off by the singing chorus.
sed inter tumultum cum forte paropsis argentea excidisset et puer iacentem sustulisset, animadvertit Trimalchio colaphisque puniri puerum et proicere rursus paropsidem iussit.
But amongst the commotion when by chance a silver side dish had fallen and a boy picked up the thing lying (in ruins.) Trimalchio noticed and ordered the boy to be punished by a box to the ears and to throw down again the side dish.
insecutus est servus argentumque inter reliqua purgamenta scopis coepit everrere.
A slave followed and began to sweep the silver among the remaining rubbish with a broom.
ego interim ad eum conversus sum qui supra me accumbebat et rogavi ‘quae est mulier illa quae huc atque illuc discurrit?’ ‘uxor’ inquit ‘Trimalchionis; Fortunata appellatur, quae nummos modio metitur.
I meanwhile, turned to he who was reclining above me and I asked “who is that woman who runs here and there?” “The wife of Trimalchio” he said; she is called Fortunata, who counts her cash by the bushel.
et modo, modo quid fuit? noluisses panem de manu illius accipere. nunc Trimalchionis topanta est.’
And just lately what was it? You would have not wanted to accept bread from her hand. Now she is Trimalchio’s all-in-all.
statim allatae sunt amphorae diligenter gypsatae, quarum in cervicibus pittacia fixa sunt cum hoc titulo: ‘Falernum Opimianum annorum centum.’
Immediately wine jars carefully sealed were brought in, on the necks of which labels were fixed with this inscription “100 years old Falernum Opimian wine”
nobis titulos perlegentibus, complosit Trimalchio manus et ‘eheu’ inquit ‘ergo diutius vivit vinum quam homo. quare
libere bibamus.
with us reading through the titles, Trimalchio clapped his hands and said “Alas therefore wine lives longer than man. Therefore let us drink freely.
verum Opimianum praesto. heri non tam bonum posui,
et multo honestiores cenabant.’
I offer true Opimian, yesterday I did not put it so well (offer so good a wine), and much grander (more honourable) people were dining.
potantibus ergo nobis et lautitias mirantibus, larvam argenteam attulit servus, cuius articuli in omnem partem flectebantur.
Therefore with us drinking and marvelling at the luxuries, a servant brought in a silver skeleton, of which’s joints were being bent in every direction.
cum hanc super mensam semel atque iterum obiecisset, ut aliquot figuras exprimeret, Trimalchio exclamavit:”eheu, nos miseros, quam totus homuncio nil est. sic erimus cuncti, postquam nos auferet Orcus.”
When he had thrown this above the table multiple times, in order that he could express several forms, Trimalchio exclaimed: ‘Alas for us poor creatures! All that man is is nothing. Thus we will all be, after we are taken to hell.”
ergo vivamus, dum licet esse bene. nobis sapientiam eius laudantibus subito advenerunt servi et toralia proposuerunt, in quibus retia erant picta venatoresque cum venabulis et totus venationis apparatus.
Therefore let us live while it is permitted to be well.’ For us praising his wisdom suddenly servants arrived and placed forth tapestries on (which) nets had hunters with spears and the entire equipment of hunting.
cum haec miraremur, extra triclinium clamor sublatus est ingens, et, ecce, canes Laconici circum mensam discurrere coeperunt.
When we were marvelling at these things outside the dining room a great noise arose and look! Spartan dogs began to run around the table.
secutum est hos repositorium in quo positus est aper maximus.
A serving platter followed these (dogs) on which a huge boar was placed
ut aprum scinderet, accessit barbatus ingens, venatoris vestibus indutus, qui strinxit venatorium cultrum et latus apri vehementer percussit.
In order to carve the boar a huge, bearded man dressed in the clothes of a hunter approached who drew a hunting knife and violently struck the side of the boar.
cum hoc fecisset, aves e ventre evolaverunt. parati aucupes cum harundinibus fuerunt, qui aves circum triclinium volitantes momento exceperunt.
When he had done this, birds flew out from its belly. Bird catchers with reeds had been prepared who took out the birds flying around the dining room in an instant.