Chapter 3 Flashcards
we were ordering
I was greeting
you (pl) were sending
he/she/it was coming
you were writing
they were giving
I was punishing
we were drinking
you were shouting
he/she/it was frightening
Convert from present tense to imperfect, then translate:
- dormiebat
- he/she/it was sleeping
Convert from present tense to imperfect, then translate:
- monebam
- I was warning
Convert from present tense to imperfect, then translate:
- vocabas
- you were calling
Convert from present tense to imperfect, then translate:
- ducebamus
- we were leading
Convert from present tense to imperfect, then translate:
- custodiebatis
- you (pl) were guarding
Convert from present tense to imperfect, then translate:
- timebamus
- we were fearing
Convert from present tense to imperfect, then translate:
- inveniebant
- they were finding
Convert from present tense to imperfect, then translate:
- sedebat
- he/she/it was sitting
Convert from present tense to imperfect, then translate:
- laborabatis
- you (pl) were working
Convert from present tense to imperfect, then translate:
- habebant
- they were having (/had)
I was fighting
We were hearing
She was writing
They were greeting
You were walking
She was giving
I was drinking
He was punishing
We were preparing
You (pl) were reading
viri equum ex horto trahebant
the men were dragging the horse out of the garden
ancilla amicos per agros ducebat
the slave-girl was leading her friends through the fields
dei et deae pugnabant
the gods and goddesses were fighting
amicos de periculis belli monebatis
you (pl) were warning your friends about the dangers of war
pueri in templo dormiebant
the boys were sleeping in the temple
femina iubebat ancillas in horto laborare
the woman was ordering the slave-girls to work in the garden
pecuniam gladiis custodiebamus
we were guarding the money with swords
puella equos timebat
the girl was afraid of horses
nuntii in templo deae sedebant
the messengers were sitting in the temple of the goddess
librum de bello scribebam
I was writing a book about the war
decem annos villam Romae habebamus
we had a house in Rome for ten years
vinum semper bibebam; nunc aquam bibo
I always used to drink wine; now I drink water
quinque horas in agro sedebamus
we sat in the field for five hours
dominus dona servis dabat; nunc servos semper punit
The master used to give gifts to his slaves; now he always punishes the slaves
equum quinque annos habebam
I had a horse for five years
The master was sleeping in the house
dominus in villa dormiebat
Men were walking to the walls of the temple
viri ad muros templi ambulabant
We were dragging our friend out of the inn
amicum e taberna trahebamus
I used to sail to the islands
ad insulas navigabam
You had a shop in Rome for ten years
Romae decem annos tabernam habebas
servi eramus sed liberti nunc sumus
we used to be slaves, but now we are freedmen
pueri amici erant
the boys were friends
ancilla decem annos eras et nunc domina es
you were a slave-girl for ten years and now you are the mistress
erant in horto quinque nuntii
there were five messengers in the garden
puella in templo erat
the girl was in the temple
The girls were not in danger
puellae in periculo non erant
The freedman and the master were friends
libertus et dominus amici erant
We were on the island for ten hours
decem horas in insula eramus
You (pl) used to be friends but now you always fight
amici eratis sed nunc semper pugnatis
In Rome I was a slave in the temple
Romae servus in templo eram
we can/are able
you can/are able
you (pl) could, were able
he/she/it can/is able
I could/was able
nunc dormire potestis
now you (pl) can sleep
feminae dona invenire non poterant
the women could not find the gifts
in templo verba deorum audire possumus
we are able to hear the god’s words in the temple
amici ad insulam navigare non possunt
the friends are not able to sail to the island
servus epistulam legere non poterat
the slave could not read the letter
We are able to guard the temple
templum custodire possumus
I cannot hear the messenger
nuntium audire non possum
I was not able to drink the wine
vinum bibere non poteram
The slaves could not carry the master
servi dominum portare non poterant
The messenger can see the house of his friend
nuntius villam amici videre potest
State the conjugation of the verb and translate:
1st - we build, are building
State the conjugation of the verb and translate:
3rd - they depart, are departing
State the conjugation of the verb and translate:
2nd - we should have
State the conjugation of the verb and translate:
4th - you (pl) arrive
State the conjugation of the verb and translate:
3rd - you (sg) are looking for
He remains
I was living
I used to have
She runs
We eat
libertus ad villam advenit
the freedman is arriving at the house
pueri in templum festinare debent
the boys must hurry into the temple
nuntii Roma nunc discedunt
the messengers are now leaving Rome
librum in horto quaerebas
you were looking for the book in the garden
Romae quinque annos habitabam; in insula nunc habito
I lived in Rome for five years; now I live on the island
verba nuntii audire debebatis
you ought to have listened to the messenger’s words
amici domini cibum consumebant et vinum bibebant
the master’s friends were eating food and drinking wine
decem horas in taberna manebamus
we stayed in the inn for ten hours
dominus villam in insula aedificabat
the master was building a house on the island
servi per agros cum ancillis currunt
the slaves are running through the fields with the slave-girls
Men are arriving at the house
viri ad villam adveniunt
the slaves were building the walls of the temple
servi muros templi aedificabant
the women and girls are staying on the island
feminae et puellae in insula manent
we must run away from the danger
a periculo currere debemus
you (pl) used to live in Rome in a block of flats
Romae in insula habitabatis
Identify the number, gender and case of:
mala (four possible answers)
- singular, feminine, nominative
- singular, feminine, ablative
- plural, neuter, nominative
- plural, neuter, accusative
Identify the number, gender and case of:
stulti (three possible answers)
- singular masculine genitive
- singular neuter genitive
- plural masculine nominative
Identify the number, gender and case of:
plural feminine genitive
Identify the number, gender and case of:
Romanum (three possible answers)
- singular masculine accusative
- singular neuter nominative
- singular neuter accusative
Identify the number, gender and case of:
laetis (six possible answers)
- plural masculine dative
- plural masculine ablative
- plural feminine dative
- plural feminine ablative
- plural neuter dative
- plural neuter ablative
new (n gen sg)
many (f acc pl)
angry (f gen sg)
large (m dat pl)
foolish (n nom pl)
Identify the number, gender and case of: liberti irati (two possible answers)
- singular masculine genitive
- plural masculine nominative
Identify the number, gender and case of:
puer laetus
singular masculine nominative
Identify the number, gender and case of: magna templa (two possible answers)
- plural neuter nominative
- plural neuter accusative
Identify the number, gender and case of: vino bono (two possible answers)
- singular neuter dative
- singular neuter ablative
identify the case, number and gender of: novos gladios
plural masculine accusative
for the good friend
amico bono
the small houses (abl)
parvis villis
many years (acc)
multos annos
of the happy slaves
servorum laetorum
with much money
multa pecunia
taberna parva est et vinum malum est
the inn is small and the wine is bad
pecuniam nuntiis laetis damus
we are giving money to the happy messengers
ancillae novum consilium habent
the slave-girls have a new plan
vinum Romanum amatis
you (pl) love Roman wine
sunt multi dei et multae deae
there are many gods and goddesses
pueri et puellae stulti sunt
the boys and girls are stupid
servi muros magni templi aedificabant
the slaves were building the walls of the great temple
novus dominus multos annos servus erat
the new master was a slave for many years
vir iratus servum malum per hortum trahebat
the angry man was dragging the evil slave through the garden
insula parva erat sed amicum invenire non poteramus
the island was small but we could not find our friend
I am the master of a large house
magnae villae dominus sum
Many women were running into the small temple
multae feminae in parvum templum currebant
We cannot drink the bad water
aquam malam bibere non possumus
The angry freedman was punishing the new slave
libertus iratus novum servum puniebat
You do not like the stupid horse
equum stultum non amas
dei bona Romanis semper dant
the gods always give good things to the Romans
boni deos amant et timent
Good men love and fear the gods
femina multum pecuniae ancillis dat
the woman is giving a lot of money to the slave girls
Romae multi in insulis habitabant
In Rome many people lived in blocks of flats
multi servorum in horto nunc laborant
many of the slaves are now working in the garden
dominus dona pulchra dominae semper dat
the master always gives beautiful gifts to the mistress
nautae irati in templo pugnabant
the angry sailors were fighting in the temple
nauta miser vinum in taberna bibebat
the sad sailor was drinking wine in the inn
patriam pulchram habemus
we have a beautiful homeland
verba misera nuntiorum audiebamus
we were listening to the miserable words of the messengers
The miserable friend was not eating his food
amicus miser cibum non consumebat
Many of the Romans lived in beautiful villas
multi Romanorum in villis pulchris habitabant
the wretched girl was crying for five hours
puella misera quinque horas lacrimabat
the happy sailors were sailing to Rome
nautae laeti Romam navigabant
We love to give beautiful gifts to the gods
dona pulchra deis dare amamus
search for! look for! (sg)
come! (pl)
stay! (pl)
give! (sg)
you (pl) are building
build! (pl)
sit! (sg)
drink! (pl)
you are punishing
punish! (sg)
in hortum ambula!
Walk into the garden!
monete libertum de magno periculo!
Warn the freedman about the great danger!
Roma discedite!
Leave Rome!
iube servos stultos laborare!
Order the stupid slaves to work!
custodite templum gladiis
guard the temple with swords!
audite verba laeta nuntii, puellae!
listen to the messenger’s happy words, girls!
veni Romam, o domine bone!
come to Rome, good master!
domina, nuntius ad villam nunc advenit
Mistress, a messenger is now arriving at the house
nova arma puero da, nunti!
Messenger, give the boy new weapons!
patriam custodite, o Romani!
guard your homeland, Romans!
Master, I cannot find the letter
epistulam invenire non possum, domine
There is a messenger in the house, mistress
domina, est in villa nuntius
Stay in the garden, boy!
mane in horto, puer!
Gods, guard the temple!
custodite templum, o dei!
Drink the wine and eat the food, sailors!
vinum bibite et cibum consumite, nautae!
insulam diu oppugnabamus
we were attacking the island for a long time
epistulam statim mitte, domina!
send the letter at once, mistress!
dominus verba feminarum audit. deinde servum vocat
the master listens to the women’s words. Then he calls a slave
amicus nunc discedit; dormire tandem possum
My friend is now leaving; at last I can sleep
libertus subito equos audit. ‘puellae’, inquit ‘amici nunc adveniunt’
The freedman suddenly hears horses. “Girls,” he says “your friends are now arriving”
The sailors were drinking wine for a long time
nautae vinum diu bibebant
Suddenly a slave-girl runs into the field
subito, ancilla in agrum currit
Write the letter at once, boy!
scribe epistulam statim, puer!
At last I was able to read the book
librum legere tandem poteram
We listen to the words of the messenger. Then we call the girls
verba nuntii audimus. deinde puellas vocamus