Chapter 8 Flashcards
laudata est
She was praised
iussi estis
You (pl) were ordered
relictus sum
I was left behind
visi sunt
They were seen
superati sumus
We were overcome
They have been conquered
victi sunt (m)
She was greeted
salutata est
I was led (f)
ducta sum (f)
You (sg) have been guarded (m)
custoditus es (m)
He was killed
necatus est
servus in hortum missus est
The slave was sent into the garden
hae puellae in via a pueris conspectae sunt
These girls were noticed in the street by the boys
celeriter fugere iussi estis, cives
You have been ordered to flee quickly, citizens
gladius e flumine tractus est
A sword was pulled out of the river
multi clamores illa nocte auditi sunt
That night many shouts were heard
de periculo mortis monitus sum
I have been warned about the danger of death
omnes ab hostibus capti sumus
We were all captured by the enemy
cena optima tibi parata est, amice
An excellent meal has been prepared for you, friend
cur in forum ductus es?
Why were you (sg) taken into the forum?
consilium militis a duce acceptum est
The soldier’s plan was accepted by the leader
The city has finally been set free
urbs tandem liberata est
We were seen in the forum by the consul
in foro a consule visi sumus
The dinner was prepared by the slave-girls
cena ab ancillis parata est
You have been led into danger, soldiers
in periculum ducti estis milites
When were the gifts given to you, master?
quando dona tibi data sunt, domine?
liberati eramus
We had been freed
acceptus eras
you (sg) had been received
rogata eram
I had been asked
servati erant
They had been saved
custoditae eratis
You (pl) had been guarded
They had been sent
missi erant (m)
It had been built
aedificatus erat
You (pl) had been found
inventi eratis (m)
She had been praised
laudata erat
I had been ordered
iussus eram (m)
captus eram; deinde effugi
I had been captured, then I escaped
epistulam inveni quae tibi missa erat
I found the letter that had been sent to you
illa verba numquam audita erant
Those words had never been heard
cur cepisti pecuniam quae deis data erat?
Why did you take the money that had been given to the gods?
nuntius qui in foro conspectus erat subito discessit
The messenger who had been noticed in the forum left suddenly
muri multas horas custoditi erant
The walls had been guarded for many hours
turba e foro mota erat
The crowd had been moved out of the forum
cur Romam missi eratis, milites?
Why had you been sent to Rome, soldiers?
multum cibi a pueris consumptum erat
Much food had been eaten by the boys
templum quod a rege aedificatum erat in bello deletum est
The temple that had been built by the king was destroyed in the war
The words of the messenger had been heard by everyone
verba nuntii ab omnibus audita erant
That book had been written by the old man
ille liber a sene scriptus erat
You had been sent to the shop, girls
ad tabernam missae eratis, puellae
The weapons had been dragged from the forum
arma e foro tracta erant
Five horses had been found near the road
quinque equi prope viam inventi erant
si illam puellam laudas, stultus es
If you praise that girl, you are foolish
si puer senem servavit, fortissimus erat
If the boy saved the old man, he was very brave
laetissimus sum si amicos pecuniamque habeo
I am very happy if I have friends and money
nisi viam mihi ostendes, numquam redire potero
Unless you show me the road, I shall never be able to return
si me audire potestis, statim respondite!
If you can hear me, reply at once
omnes te salutabimus si Romam venies
Everyone will greet you if you come to Rome
si librum meum nunc habes, ubi invenisti?
If you now have my book, where did you find it?
ancilla tristis est nisi ab omnibus amatur
The slave-girl is sad unless she is loved by everyone
si bellum gerimus, semper vincimus
If we wage war, we always win
pueros punire debemus si hoc fecerunt
We must punish the boys if they did this
If the boys are quiet, they are working well
si pueri tacent, bene laborant
I do not trust the senator if he said these things
senatori non credo si haec dixit.
If we overcome the enemy, we shall be happy
si hostes superabimus, laeti erimus.
Unless I can sleep, I am miserable
nisi dormire possum, miser sum.
If the citizens are afraid, they must guard the gates
si cives timent, portas custodire debent.
libros a rege ipso emptos habeo
I have the books bought by the king himself.
multos senatores et consules ipsos in via conspeximus
We caught sight of many senators and the consuls themselves in the street.
quid ipse in bello fecisti, pater?
What did you yourself do in the war, father?
miles stultus se ipsum semper laudabat
The foolish soldier was always praising himself.
ancilla cenam sibi et reginae ipsi paravit
The slave girl prepared a meal for herself and for the queen herself.
consilium imperatoris ipsius optimum est
The plan of the general himself is the best.
quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Who will guard the guards themselves?
hostes auxilio deorum ipsorum vincere poteramus
With the help of the gods themselves we were able to conquer the enemy
milites per urbem et per forum ipsum ambulabant
The soldiers were walking through the city and through the forum itself.
nuntius adest; dux ipse mox adveniet
The messenger is here; soon the leader himself will arrive.
The general himself was in the camp
imperator ipse in castris aderat.
I did not see the goddess herself
non vidi deam ipsam.
What did you yourself hear, slave?
quid ipse audivisti, serve?
I gave the letter to the consuls themselves
epistulam consulibus ipsis dedi.
This boy is the son of the king himself
hic puer filius regis ipsius est.