Latin Beyond GCSE Chapter 3 Flashcards
hi milites civibus praesidio erunt.
These soldiers will be a means of protection for the citizens.
tempestas nautis periculo erat.
The storm was a source of danger to the sailors.
hic liber mihi magno usui est.
This book is of great use to me.
pueri magistro oneri sunt.
The boys are a burden to the teacher.
illa femina duci nostro exitio erat.
That woman brought destruction to our leader.
scelera filii curae erant matri.
The crimes of the daughter were a matter of concern to her mother.
senex dives novum templum dono dedit.
The rich old man gave a new temple as a gift.
qui suos produnt nobis odio sunt.
Those who betray their own men are hated by us.
dux unam cohortem legioni auxilio misit.
The general sent one cohort to be a help to the legion.
ille per virtutem saluti erat urbi.
Through his courage that man was the salvation of the city.
(using predicative dative): All the allies were a help to the Romans.
omnes socii auxilio erant Romanis.
(using predicative dative): That senator was an object of hatred to his own citizens.
ille senator civibus suis odio erat.
(using predicative dative): The victory is an honour to our men.
victoria honori est nostris.
(using predicative dative): This money will be of great use to the old man and his wife.
haec pecunia seni et uxori magno usui erit.
(using predicative dative): My brother’s crime is a matter of concern to me.
scelus fratris mihi curae est.
nullam spem effugiendi habemus.
We have no hope of escaping.
ars bene scribendi non iam docetur.
The art of writing well is no longer taught.
dux noster cupidus erat vincendi.
Our leader was eager to win.
puer audiendi causa post ianuam se celavit.
The boy hid behind the door in order to listen.
princeps natus est ad regendum.
The chief was born to rule.
occasionem domum redeudi saepe petebam.
I often looked for an opportunity to go back home.
consilium tandem cogitando cepi.
At last I formed a plan by thinking.
omnes liberi cupidi discendi erant.
All the children were eager to learn.
cives non parati sunt ad discedendum.
The citizens are not prepared to leave.
milites signum oppugnandi exspectabant.
The soldiers were waiting for the signal to attack.
(using gerunds): I want to learn the art of speaking wisely.
artem sapienter loquendi discere volo.
(using gerunds): This boy is eager to win.
hic puer cupidus est vincendi.
(using gerunds): By working I became rich.
dives factus sum laborando.
(using gerunds): I wrote a letter in order to complain.
epistulam querendi causa scripsi.
(using gerunds): We had no opportunity to leave.
nullam occasionem discedendi habuimus.
verba nova vobis semper discenda sunt.
You must always learn the new words.
hunc librum puellae legendum dedi.
I gave the girl this book to read.
labor mihi vitandus est.
I must avoid work.
senator pontem reficiendum curavit.
The senator had the bridge repaired.
epistula difficilis matri meae scribenda est.
My mother has to write a difficult letter.
scisne urbem defendendam esse?
Do you know the city must be defended?
iter longum tibi faciendum est.
You must make a long journey
sensi rem celeriter conficiendam esse.
I felt that the business had to be finished quickly.
novus pons aedificandus erit.
A new bridge will have to be built.
omnia uno tempore facienda erant.
Everything had to be done at the same time.
(using gerundives): The money needs to be found.
pecunia invenienda est.
(using gerundives): Those words must be heard by the citizens.
illa verba civibus audienda sunt.
(using gerundives): My father undertook the building of a new house.
meus pater novam domum aedificandam suscepit.
(using gerundives): This book must be thrown into the fire.
ille liber in ignem iaciendus est.
(using gerundives): What did we have to learn?
quid nobis discendum erat?
domum nunc tibi redeundum est.
You must go back home now.
mihi cras in horto laborandum erit.
I shall have to work in the garden tomorrow.
militibus prima luce proficiscendum erat.
The soldiers had to set out at dawn.
a te patri persuadendum est.
You must persuade your father.
nunc est bibendum.
Now it is necessary to drink.
vobis non festinandum est.
You must not hurry.
civibus eadem nocte fugiendum erat.
The citizens had to flee the same night.
captivis a nobis parcendum est.
We must spare the captives.
omnibus cras moriendum erit.
Everyone must die to-morrow.
Roma mihi discedendum est.
I must leave Rome.
(using impersonal neuter gerundives of obligation): We must escape immediately.
nobis statim effugiendum est.
(using impersonal neuter gerundives of obligation): You must wait here, slave.
tibi hic expectandum est, serve.
(using impersonal neuter gerundives of obligation): The boys will have to run as quickly as possible.
pueris quam celerrime currendum erit.
(using impersonal neuter gerundives of obligation): Our leader had to obey the gods.
deis a duce nostro parendum erit.
(using impersonal neuter gerundives of obligation): You must all go away.
omnibus vobis abeundum est.
rex nuntium misit ad cives monendos.
The king sent a messenger to warn the citizens.
hic locus idoneus est castris ponendis.
This place is suitable for pitching camp.
Romam adveni domus emendae causa.
I arrived in Rome for the sake of buying a house.
ars arboris ascendendae ab omnibus laudatur.
The art of climbing a tree is praised by everyone.
naves aedificandae sunt ad mare transeundum.
Ships must be built to cross the sea.
puer domi manebat matris adiuvandae causa.
The boy stayed at home in order to help his mother.
hostes parati sunt ad impetum faciendum.
The enemy are prepared to make an attack.
senex agris colendis operam dabat.
The old man gave attention to cultivating his fields.