Chapter 7 from 7.17 Onwards Flashcards
We are praised
He/she/it is handed over
They are guarded
you (sg) are held
you (pl) are greeted
Convert from active to passive, keeping the same person and number, then translate:
- punitur
- he is punished
Convert from active to passive, keeping the same person and number, then translate:
- amamur
- we are loved
Convert from active to passive, keeping the same person and number, then translate:
- ducor
- I am led
Convert from active to passive, keeping the same person and number, then translate:
- iubemini
- you (pl) are ordered
Convert from active to passive, keeping the same person and number, then translate:
- mittuntur
- They are sent
nova villa iam aedificatur
A new house is now being built
nos Romani numquam ab hostibus vincimur
We Romans are never conquered by the enemy
clamores puerorum saepe in via audiuntur
The shouts of the boys are often heard in the street
a domino vocaris, serve
You are being called by the master, slave
illa verba Romae numquam dicuntur
Those words are never spoken in Rome
rex ab uxore gladio necatur
The king is being killed by his wife with a sword
verba deorum non semper intelleguntur
The words of the gods are not always understood
vinum in hac taberna venditur
Wine is sold in this shop
porta nunc fortiter a militibus custoditur
The gate is now being guarded bravely by the soldiers
num a patre punimini, pueri?
Surely you are not being punished by your father, boys?
We are greeted in the street
in via salutamur
The food is being eaten by these boys
cibus ab his pueris consumitur
The letter is at last being written
epistula tandem scribitur
You are being watched by the senator, citizens
spectamini a senatore, cives
The door is being attacked with a sword
ianua gladio oppugnatur
I was being punished
He was being greeted
You (pl) were being defended
They were being watched
We were being moved
Convert from active to passive, keeping the same person and number, then translate:
- videbaris
- you were being seen
Convert from active to passive, keeping the same person and number, then translate:
- ducebamur
- We were being led
Convert from active to passive, keeping the same person and number, then translate:
- vocabatur
- He was being called
Convert from active to passive, keeping the same person and number, then translate:
- custodiebamini
- you (pl) were being guarded
Convert from active to passive, keeping the same person and number, then translate:
- mittebar
- I was being sent
urbs decem annos oppugnabatur
The city was being attacked for ten years
aqua a puellis bibebatur
Water was being drunk by the girls
pecunia in templo custodiebatur
The money was being guarded in the temple
ego a sene de periculo fluminis monebar
I was being warned by the old man about the danger of the river
liber diu scribebatur
The book was being written for a long time
nonne in periculum ducebamini, milites?
Surely you were being led into danger, soldiers?
urbs a civibus armis defendebatur
The city was being defended by the citizens with arms
cena mea diu parabatur
My dinner was being prepared for a long time
a turba spectabamur
We were being watched by the crowd
ille liber saepe legebatur
That book was often read
Many words were being written
multa verba scribebantur
The wall was being destroyed by the boys
murus a pueris delebatur
We were being praised for a long time
diu laudabamur
Shouts were often heard in the forum
clamores in foro saepe audiebantur
Why were you being attacked with a sword, master?
cur gladio oppugnabaris, domine?
I shall be greeted
They will be guarded