Chapter 7 from 7.6 to 7.16 Flashcards
Put the following into the comparative, keeping the same number, gender and case:
Put the following into the comparative, keeping the same number, gender and case:
miserum (m acc sg)
Put the following into the comparative, keeping the same number, gender and case:
Put the following into the comparative, keeping the same number, gender and case:
fortes (m nom pl)
Put the following into the comparative, keeping the same number, gender and case:
ingentia (n nom pl)
ego stultior sum quam frater
I am more foolish than my brother
quis fortior erat quam dux noster?
Who was braver than our leader?
servi crudeliores sunt domino
The slaves are crueller than the master
puella quam heri conspexi multo pulchrior erat quam comites
The girl whom I caught sight of yesterday was much more beautiful than her companions
consilium facilius petimus
We are looking for an easier plan
nonne haec verba difficiliora sunt quam illa?
Surely these words are more difficult than those?
quam gravis hic gladius est! multo gravior est quam ille
How heavy this sword is! It is much heavier than that one
quam irata erat mater tua? num iratior quam mea?
How angry was your mother? Surely not angrier than mine?
nonne equus meus iam celerior est tuo?
My horse is now faster than yours, isn’t it?
hostes multo ferociores sunt militibus nostris
The enemy are much fiercer than our soldiers
The old man was braver than his son
senex fortior quam filius erat
Are the gods more miserable than we are?
suntne dei miseriores quam nos?
I have never read an easier book
librum faciliorem numquam legi
Who is more savage than our master?
quis saevior est quam dominus noster?
I have never written a more difficult letter
epistulam difficiliorem numquam scripsi
Put the following into the superlative, keeping the same number, gender and case:
Put the following into the superlative, keeping the same number, gender and case:
forti (m dat sg)
Put the following into the superlative, keeping the same number, gender and case:
Put the following into the superlative, keeping the same number, gender and case:
tristis (f nom sg)
Put the following into the superlative, keeping the same number, gender and case:
crudelem (m acc sg)
navem gravissimam ad mare trahebamus
We were dragging the very heavy ship to the sea
cur illum librum longissimum legere cupis?
Why do you want to read that very long book?
hic capitivus semper audacissimus est
This prisoner is always very bold
quis fuit fortissimus militum?
Who was the bravest of the soldiers?
nova ancilla semper laetissima est
The new slave-girl is always very happy
ego stultus sum; tu stultior; ille stultissimus
I am foolish; you are more foolish; he is the most foolish
ille nuntius verba tristissima dixit
That messenger spoke very sad words
hic erat crudelissimus dominorum quod servos suos saepe puniebat
This man was the cruellest of masters because he often punished his slaves
viri ferocissimi in hac insula olim habitabant
Very fierce men once lived on this island
templum quod in media urbe vidimus ingentissimum erat
The temple that we saw in the middle of the city was very huge
I built the longest wall
murum longissimum aedificavi
These boys are very stupid
hi pueri stultissimi sunt
Our mistress was always very brave
domina nostra semper fortissima erat
I was carrying the heaviest of the gifts
gravissimum donorum portabam
That woman and her husband are very happy
illa femina maritusque laetissimi sunt
villa senatoris maior templo erat
The house of the senator was bigger than the temple
nova ancilla cenam pessimam paravit
The new slave-girl prepared a very bad meal
plurimi cives in foro aderant
Very many citizens were in the forum
peiorem cibum numquam consumpsi
I have never eaten worse food
pater plus pecuniae filio dedit
The father gave his son more money
melius vinum numquam bibam
I shall never drink better wine
haec navis celerrima omnium est
This ship is the fastest of all
urbem maximam ibi invenimus
We found a very big city there
murus eius minor erat meo
His wall was smaller than mine
puellam pulcherrimam in foro conspexi
I caught sight of a very beautiful girl in the forum
I have never read a worse book
peiorem librum numquam legi
That horse is very small
ille equus minimus est
We have never had a better king
meliorem regem numquam habuimus
This is the best of the slave-girls
haec est optima ancillarum
All these words are very easy
omnia haec verba facillima sunt
milites portam fortissime custodiebant
The soldiers were guarding the gate very bravely
puer peius scribit quam puella
The boy writes in a worse way than the girl
haec puella senatori audacissime respondit
This girl replied very boldly to the senator
hostes quam celerrime fugerunt
The enemy fled as quickly as possible
servus iratius dixit quam dominus
The slave spoke more angrily than the master
iuvenis stultissime villam incendit
The young man very foolishly set the house on fire
‘viamne facillime invenisti, serve?’ ille ‘minime’ respondit
“Did you find the way very easily, slave?” “No,” he replied
filia senatoris semper optime dicit
The senator’s daughter always speaks very well
milites nostri audacius pugnabant quam hostes
Our soldiers were fighting more boldly than the enemy
omnes laetissime discesserunt
They all went away very happily
This boy runs more quickly than his brother
hic puer celerius currit quam frater
The old man slept well
senex bene dormivit
The slave was working more happily than his master
servus laetius laborabat quam dominus
I shall send a letter as quickly as possible
epistulam quam celerrime mittam
The citizens were defending the city very bravely
cives urbem fortissime defendebant