Mainly Chile - MA Questions 28.02.21 Flashcards
Name the DOs of Atacama.
Valle de Copiapó DO, Valle del Huasco DO.
Which DO is the highest in Chile?
Valle del Elqui DO.
Name the DOS of Coquimbo.
Valle del Choapa DO, Valle del Elqui DO, Valle del Limarí DO.
Which DO in Coquimbo is the northernmost and the driest?
Valle del Elqui DO.
Which DO in Coquimbo has only Andes DO areas?
Valle del Choapa DO; areas: Illapel and Salamanca.
Which DO in Coquimbo is known for its Calcareous soils making it a very good spot for Chardonnay?
Valle del Limari DO.
What is the name for the morning fogs present in the western Limari Valley closer to the coast?
Which DO in Aconcagua has all 3 DO areas (Costa, Entre Cordilleras and Andes)?
Aconcagua DO.
Name the DOs of Central Valley.
Valle de Curicó DO, Valle del Maipo DO, Valle del Maule DO, Valle del Rapel DO.
Where would you find the DO area Puente Alto and where does it fit under the west east classification?
Valle del Maipo DO, Central Valley. Andes area.
What are the DO zones of Valle de Curicó DO?
Valle del Lontué DO, Valle del Teno DO.
Name the DO Zones of Valle del Maule.
Valle del Claro DO, Valle del Loncomilla DO, Valle del Tutuvén DO.
Which DO Zone in Maule is the only one having Costa DO areas?
Valle del Claro DO; Empedrado and Curepto.
Which DO Zone in Valle del Rapel has Costa DO areas?
Valle de Colchagua DO; Lolol, Litueche, Paredones and Pumanque.
Where would you find the Peumo DO area? Is it Costa, Entre Cordilleras or Andes?
Valle de Cachapoal zone of Valle del Rapel. Entre Cordilleras.
Name the DOs of Sur.
Valle del Itata DO, Valle del Bío-Bío DO, Valle del Malleco DO.