(M) Plasmodium (module-based) Flashcards
para kay Rupert kasi napaka-OA magpaquiz; im mostly including the things not mentioned sa lecture
important and cause human disease (5)
Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium malariae
Plasmodium ovale
discovered in some parts of Malaysia, which seems to be similar to Plasmodium falciparum and P. malariae in some aspects but, not much information, about the organism, is available at present
P. knowlesi
The first reported case of P. knowlesi was in
P. knowlesi is normally a parasite of?
long tailed macaques monkey (Macaca fascicularis, Macaca irus)
Plasmodia species, being under phylum Sporozoa, are obligate intracellular parasites, like the?
one of the oldest diseases of mankind
parasites undergo two different processes of multiplication, namely:
- sporogony
- schizogony
the sexual process since it is described with union of sex cells with sporozoites as the end products
the asexual cycle, for which the parasites reproduce through binary fission with merozoites as the resulting organisms.
intermediate host
definitive host
supports the asexual process of multiplication
having sporogony cycle in them
first 2 being the most common species of malaria vectors in the world
Anopoheles flavirostris, A. minimus
. Female mosquitoes need animal’s hemoglobin to produce their eggs and generally, they feed at night, between
4PM - 4AM
According to the Department of Health (DOH) in 2019, endemic places are as follows:
Palawan (approximately 90% of cases), Sulu provinces, Mindoro Occidental, and Sultan Kudarat.
dormant form, which is present only in Plasmodium vivax and P. ovale
Hypnozoite (H)
Hypnozoite is only present in?
P. ovale and vivax
What plasmodiums (2) have both primary and secondary exo-erythrocytic merozoites (EEM)
Ovale and vivax
These plasmodium have simply merozoites only.
P. falciparum and P. malariae
already in the blood stream, have a short life span, just like sporozoites, because they are obligate intracellular parasites, thus, should be able to find the next host cells, the red blood cells.
How is it possible for merozoites to invade rbcs?
the RBC has a receptor for merozoites
Plasmodium that prefer to invade young RBC including reticulocytes
vivax and ovale
prefers old or senescent RBC
Plasmodium malariae
infects RBC regardless of maturity or age
P. falciparum
Full entry of the merozoite inside the RBC. The parasite, inside the
host RBC, is called?
young trophozoite
Young trophozoite, with a chromatin dot and thin ring of cytoplasm thus, also referred as?
ring form
he parasite, as it grows, utilizes what for its nourishment?
hgb through through acid digestion resulting to splitting of heme (with iron) from the globin fractions
serves as food for the parasite
converted to hemozoin or the malarial pigment, which may begin to appear on the cytoplasm of the parasite during this stage of development (growing tropho)
It causes the red blood cell to have fimbriations or become oval-shaped and these changes increase as the parasite matures
P. ovale
host red blood cell may become bigger than non-infected ones
Plasmodium vivax
This plasmodium has red blood cells do not necessarily change their sizes
P. falciparum and P. malariae
The membrane of the host RBC will also change resulting to formation of knobs, which are referred as?
The stippling are named based on the species such as
- Schuffner’s dot = vivax
- Zeinmman’s dot = malariae
- James’ dots = ovale
- Christopher dots, Maurer’s cleft or Garnham bodies = falciparum
Each species has a particular period to complete the ES cycle, such as: P. vivax and ovale
Each species has a particular period to complete the ES cycle, such as: P. malariae
72 hours
Each species has a particular period to complete the ES cycle, such as: P. falciparum
36-48 hours