LV02-PL39 Getting a Haircut (Questions) Flashcards
What is the man waiting for as to why he sits on the chair?
¿Iitaka royiri shirampari ikotyatantari saikamentotsiki?
He is waiting to have his haircut.
Royaatziro rameetya.
Who [fem] will cut his hair?
¿Oitaka ameeteriri?
Rebecca will cut his hair, as his hair has grown.
Ameetatyeeri Rebecca, antawotake iishi.
Why does Rebecca clean her machine?
¿Oitaka opoñaantari otekantawori omaakinate Rebecca?
She cleans it because it filled up with the man’s hair that she cut.
Otekantawori iyaikitapaake iishi shirampari ameetakeri.
He is looking at himself to see if it is good what she cut.
Raminatatya raminiro irooperotakerika ameetakeri.
What happened when the man getting a haircut saw it?
¿Jimpe okantaka iñaakero shirampari rameetaka?
There lacked a little bit.
Eentatsi oyotawaka eepichokiini.
With what does Rebecca throw out the man’s hair?
¿Oitaka ookantari Rebeca iishi shirampari?
She throws it out with a dustpan.
Ookantari ookamento ka’ashi.
Who did she accompany when she threw out the man’s hair?
¿Iitaka otsipatanakari ookiro iishi shirampari?
She accompanied her husband to throw it out with him so he will be able to learn how she throws it out.
Otsipatanakari oime ookakaiyiri riyotantyaawori jimpe okantziroka ookiro.