Literacy Phrases 01 Flashcards
You must see how much each student learned.
Ontzimatye paminero okaatzika riyotakeri aromino apaani, apaani.
If the student doesn’t know it well…
Teririka riyotzirota kameetha aromino…
What is it telling us?
¿Oitaka iñaawaitatziri aakaki?
We will know where it travels.
Ayotakeri jimpe ikeni.
How much does he weigh?
¿Jimpe okaatzi itenanka?
Ask the students to say what tracks are on the page.
Potyaanteri aromino inkanteri iitzipaini iitarika paajinaki.
Point to a drawing.
Pookotero apaani owakorentsi.
Talk about whatever the writing is on the paper.
Pinkenkithatakoteri ikaatzika osankenatakotainchari papereki.
At the beginning of the page, point to drawings.
Ompoñaanakya paajinaki pookotero owakorenchereki.
Before you teach the first class, write all the names of the students on note cards.
Tekeraata pishitoryaatanaketa apaani clase, posankenatero iwairopaini aromino paperyaanikiki.