LV02-PL30 Doing Beadwork (Questions) Flashcards
When did she make her beaded bracelet?
¿Tsikapaiteka antziroka neenketziiki omarekonta?
She made it yesterday.
Antakero chapinki.
For whom does she make her bracelet?
¿Iitaka antziriri omarekonta?
She is making it for Sister.
Antatziniro Eentyo.
What is she doing now sitting Indian-style?
¿Iitaka antziri iroñaaka okotyaata iroñaaka?
She stretches her thread out so then she will be able to bead her bracelet.
Antatzi intharyaatziro iiro oshinthatantyaawori omarekonta.
What is she cutting in her hand?
¿Iitaka ototatziri akoki?
She cuts the thread so she will be able to bead her bracelet.
Ototatziro iirotha ashi oshinthatantyaawori omarekonta.
What is she doing now with her feet, as to why she stretches the thread out with her feet?
¿Iitaka antziri iroñaaka oitziki intharyaantawori oitziki iiro?
So she will be able to thread her bracelet.
Ashi omonkyaantyaawori omarekonta.
What is she doing as to why she tars her thread with tar?
¿Iitaka antziri itziritantawori tziriki iirothate?
So she will be able to thread her beads.
Ashi omonkyaantyaawori oneenketziikite.
What is she threading/inserting here now?
¿Iitaka omonkiri iroñaaka jaka?
She is threading/inserting her beads for her arm bracelet.
Omonkyaatziro oneenketziikite ashi omarekonta akoki.
She is cutting her beads at the bottom so it won’t move out of position.
Ototakotatziro oneenketziikite omotookiki eero ishiryaanta.