LV02-PL04 Tarrafa Fishing** (Questions) Flashcards
What did Owanto take?
¿Oitaka raanakeri Owanto?
He took his basket to put his meat in that he will get in his cast-net.
Raanake iyantzire otetantyaari itsimerite ari iraake itarajate.
Why did Owanto pull his canoe?
¿Oitaka inoshikatantawori Owanto ipito?
He pulled his canoe along the edge because the water wasn’t deep.
Inoshikatantawori omerekiyatatzi…ñaa te osaanatzi inoshikatantawori ipito.
Where will Owanto throw his cast-net so he can fix it?
¿Jimpe rookeroka Owanto itarajate iwetsikantawori?
What will Owanto get cast-net fishing?
¿Iitaka raayeri Owanto itarajatake?
He will get koryo and shima.
Raaye koryo shima.
What is Owanto snapping off?
¿Iitaka itzinkaiyiri Owanto?
He is snapping off the koryo spine so it won’t pierce his hand.
Itzinkatziri ichee koryo eero owantariri irakoki.
How many did Owanto put in his basket?
¿Jimpe ikaatzika rotetakeri Owanto iyantzire?
What is Owanto shaking on the beach?
¿Oitaka rotekiri Owanto impanikiiteki?
Lots of wood debris.
Osheki inchapooki.
With what is Owanto cleaning it [the fish]?
¿Oitaka ikatziyantari Owanto?
He cleans it with his hand.
Ikatziyantari irakoki.
He didn’t get a knife so will clean it with his hand.
Tekaatsi raaye kotsiraaniki ikatziyantyaari irakoki.