LV02-PL11 Trip to Get Squash (Questions) Flashcards
Where is that person [fem] over there going, as to why she holds her basket?
¿Jimpe iyaateka asheninka jironta otaiyantawori oyantzire?
She is getting squash.
Aatye kemi.
Where is she at [in the trip] right now?
¿Jimpe iweyanakaka iroñaaka?
She went down to the river’s edge.
Oirinkanake otaapiki.
When did she go and get squash?
¿Tsikapaiteka iyaatake aakitzi kemi?
She got it yesterday.
Aake chapinki.
For what purpose now does she put her sweet potato in the basket?
¿Jimpe oiteroka iroñaaka otetantawori oyorite kantziriki?
She will put it in so that she can carry it later.
Otetatyeero onkyaakotanairo paata.
Where is the wading person going?
¿Jimpe riyaateka asheninka shaatainchari?
He is going to the other side to get a canoe so that he can shuttle me across.
Riyaatatye intatsikeroki raayero pitotsi rowemontyaantenari.
When did she go and get sweet potatoes.
¿Tsikapaiteka iyaatzika aayi koritzi?
Where is she over there going now, the walking one on the other side?
¿Jimpe iyaateka jironta iroñaaka anashitainchari intatsikeroki?
What is the bent over one [fem] doing now?
¿Iitaka antziri asheninka iroñaaka oyotainchari?
She is sweeping her home.
Opishitatziro onampi.
Where is her son going now, as to why he held his tarp?
¿Jimpe riyaateka iroñaaka otomi rotaiyantanakawori ityekomashite?