Literacy Phrases 18 Flashcards
Teach the students how capital letters function.
Piyotayeri aroomino jimpe okanta letra antawo.
We learned the other day about small letters.
Ayotakeri chapinki otsipani kitaisheri okaatziini letra.
We write capital letters beginning sentences.
Osankenatero antawo letra ompoñaantanakyaari oración.
There can be long and short sentences.
Oración eentatsirika santhari eejatzi okakaakitziini.
Help the students remember the capital letter.
Pamitakoteri aroomino roshiretyaawo letra antawo.
Say to the students a syllable which they learned yesterday.
Pinkanteri aroomino opaimantantari ñaantsi oitarika riyotakeri chapinki.
owotenkawo apite
owotenkawo oyoomate
Grandma went to the store, but she forgot her money.
Isheeni jatake opiyota’a asha’awontsi, tema opeyakotakeri oyorikite.
Teach the students what this means.
Piyotayeri aroomino iitaka oshiyakaawentantyaawori jiroka.