LV02-PL35 Getting Breadfruit (Questions) Flashcards
What is the person over there [fem] in the photo doing, as to why she put her breadfruit on the ground?
¿Iitaka antziri asheninkatatsiri jironta owantawori owawookite isaawiki?
Her son pokes them [to make them fall].
Rotziryiro otomi.
She is putting her breadfruit on the fire.
Othointakotatziro owawookite.
She is peeling her breadfruit.
Isha’atziro owawookite.
She puts in breadfruit’s peel.
Otetatziro otaki wawooki.
She is covering it with its skin on the banana leaf.
Ashitakotatziro omashiki paryantzipanaki.
When did she get the breadfruit?
¿Tsikapaiteka aakero wawooki?
She got it earlier this morning.
Aakero inkaanki okitaitamane.
Who helps her and picked it for her up high?
¿Iitaka amitakotzirori thopiryaakenirori jenoki?
Her son picked it for her.
Ithopiryaakeniro otomi.
He climbs up high to get it for her.
Rataitakotziniro jenoki.
He poked [to make it fall] one ripe one for her.
Rotziryaapaakeniro apaani irakanto.
Why does she like her breadfruit?
¿Iitaka oñaamatantawori owawookite?
She likes it because it is delicious and is like yuca.
Oñaamatantawori poshinirini, kemitaka kaniri.