Literacy Phrases 14 Flashcards
number chart
ashitakotainchari noomeropaini
Show the number chart, so then the student will know what the number looks like.
Pookotero ashitakotainchari noomeropaini, ari riyotero aroomino jimpe okantawaita noomero.
Ask one student to read the page.
Pinkowakoteri apaani aroomino riñaanatero paajina.
sight word
ñaantsi ayotero owairo aipathaki
Don’t teach them the syllable.
Eero piyotayiri opaimantantari ñaantsi.
pencil eraser
irapishite oshementotsi
Have the students point with their pencil erasers whatever you are reading in the book.
Potyaanteri aroomino rookotero irapishiteki oshementotsiki oitaka piñaanatziririka paperiki.
Ask one student to read out loud.
Pinkowakoteri apaani aroomino riñaanatero shintsini.
The other students will follow along reading in their heads.
Itsipapaini aroomino royaateri riñaanawaitashireyaawo iitoki.
When a student has finished reading…
Ari rithonkatakero aroomino riñaanatziro…