LT PKG EXAM #12 Flashcards
Question 1:
In order to comply with FDNY Rehabilitation and Care procedures, each apparatus is required to carry five gallon water jugs. These five gallon water jugs are to checked and refilled with fresh water when?
A: At each Roll Call
B: Once each day
C: Once each week
D: Only when necessary
Answer: A
AUC 230 sec 5.5
Question 2:
Units are operating at a gasoline spill for an overturned vehicle. The Lieutenant in the Engine orders his members to stretch a foam handline. After the officer calls for water, the ECC should start water providing what pressure at the eductor?
A: 125
B: 150
C: 200
D: 225
Answer: C
TB Foam Evolution 1 2.4
Question 3:
Feedback Assisted Rescue can be utilized to home in on the location of missing, lost, or trapped members during an operation. Which of the following choices regarding these procedures is CORRECT?
A: One member is assigned two HT’s and the HT’s are placed on the channel which the missing member was operating.
B: The transmitting buttons of both HT’s are pressed
C: The HT’s are held two to three inches apart. This distance will produce the loudest, high pitch feedback tone.
D: The HT’s are equipped with a timeout timer which cuts off the transmitter after 60 seconds of continuous operation to eliminate the “stuck button” problem.
Answer: A
A IS CORRECT – 9.5.10
B – The transmitting button of ONE HT is pressed. 9.5.10 C
C – The HT’s are held 1-2” apart. 9.5.10D
D – The HT is equipped with a time-out timer which cuts off the transmitter after 30 SECONDS 9.5.10 PG 9-14
Question 4:
Engine operations in high rise fireproof multiple dwellings can be challenging. Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information?
A: Due to the complexity of supplying and stretching from standpipe systems, the first and second arriving engines companies will always operate together.
B: The first arriving engine should communicate with the ladder company officer to select the attack stairway. The attack stairway need not be the stairway with a standpipe outlet.
C: The first arriving engine should notify the 2nd engine and IC of the designation of the attack stairway.
D: Buildings where a three length stretch is required should be made known to all first alarm units and should be entered into the CIDS.
Answer: D
D) Buildings where a THREE length stretch from a standpipe would NOT be sufficient should be made known to all first alarm units and should be entered into the CIDS. I.e. This means if the building requires 4 (or more) lengths, it should be in CIDS and units notified.
MD Ch 2 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.5 B
Question 5:
In order to properly staff companies with the required number of chauffeurs, company officers shall assist company commanders in the selection and training process. Before being selected to chauffeur school, members must have a minimum of _________years of experience in the FDNY, and at least _________ hours of driver training.
A: 2,3
B: 3,3
C: 3,5
D: 5,5
Answer: C
Driver training consists of drive/operate the apparatus at drills, returning from alarms, on inspectional duties, etc….
AUC 254 sec 1.3 and 2.4
Question 6:
Lieutenant Ace is discussing the Thermal Imaging Camera with one of her firefighters who is working his last tour before being promoted. She explains that a quick way to check if the camera is in the high heat (low sensitivity) mode is to look for what in the upper left corner of the display?
A: Red triangle inside a red square
B: Green triangle inside a green square
C: Red square inside a red triangle
D: Green square inside a green triangle
Answer: B
TB Tools 27 Data Sheet 1 3.1.2
Question 7:
During company drill on portable ladder placement, one member of a busy Brooklyn Ladder Company made which incorrect comment?
A: For fire on the 2nd floor of a 5-story tenement without a front fire escape, portable ladders should only be raised to the 3rd and 4th floors.
B: For fire on the 2nd floor of a 6-story tenement with a front fire escape, a portable ladder should be raised to the first balcony at a point opposite the drop ladder if the fire escape is becoming crowded.
C: For fire on the 2nd floor of a 6-story tenement with a front fire escape, where a portable ladder has already been raised to the first balcony and more relief is required, another portable ladder should be raised to the second balcony.
D: If panic conditions reign on the fire escape, attempt to keep the ladders out of reach of the people while raising and positioning them.
Answer: A
A) For fire on the 2nd floor of a 5-story tenement without a front fire escape, portable ladders should be raised to the 3rd floor and adjacent to the fire on the 2nd floor.
A Note: In a tenement without a front fire escape, when fire is in the cellar, 1st floor and/or 2nd floor, raise portable ladders adjacent to and above the fire area, even if the aerial ladder will be required on the upper floors.
D Note: If a panic stricken victim interferes with the ladder raising procedure, members may lose control of the ladder and it may fall and cause injury.
Lad 1 10.1
Question 8:
The Aerial Ladder Pipe can prove to be a significant asset at a fire operation where an elevated stream is required. Which of the following choices is correct?
A: Only one supply source is recommended to prevent undue stress on the aerial ladder in the event a sudden loss of water occurs.
B: The ladder pipe should be supplied with roughly 110 psi, plus 5 psi for every 10 feet in elevation.
C: When in operation, the angle of the aerial ladder should not exceed 80 degrees. At the maximum operating angle of 80 degrees, the maximum elevation of the ladder pipe will be 90 feet.
D: While the ladder pipe is in operation, both the vertical and horizontal movement of the stream is controlled using the halyard.
Answer: B
B Note: When operating at the maximum elevation of 80 feet, the Siamese should be supplied with roughly 150 psi.
A) TWO supply sources are recommended to prevent undue stress on the aerial ladder in the event a sudden loss of water occurs.
B) When in operation, the angle of the aerial ladder should not exceed 70 DEGREES. At the maximum operating angle of 70 DEGREES, the maximum elevation of the ladder pipe will be 80 FEET.
C) While the ladder pipe is in operation, the VERTICAL movement of the stream is controlled using the halyard. The HORIZONTAL movement is controlled by moving the turntable.
Eng Ch 9 6.6.5 - 6.6.8
Question 9:
You have just been hired to staff E-522 the Reserve Apparatus in E-329’s quarters. As a Lieutenant in charge of this apparatus, the only correct procedure you followed can be found in which choice?
A: You ensured there was a minimum of 3 CFR trained FFs
B: You ensured the Reserve apparatus is equipped with CFR equipment by utilizing E-329s spare equipment or utilizing the battalion depot
C: During the tour, you utilized the battalion depot for any OOS CFR equipment
D: E-329’s officer will be responsible for filling out and forwarding a Lost Property Report upon the discovery any equipment lost after deactivation of E-522
Answer: C
AUC 259
A- Minimum of 2 CFR trained FFs….sec 9.2
B- Reserve CFR units will be provided with CFR equipment by Tech Services upon activation…sec 9.4
C- sec 9.6
D- The officer who was in charge of the apparatus while it was out of storage is responsible for the preparation and forwarding of the Lost Property Report….sec 7.5.4
Question 10:
The SENSIT gas detector will detect a gas source as low as ____ ppm.
A: 5
B: 10
C: 15
D: 20
Answer: D
Natural Gas Addendum 5 1.0
Question 11:
Which of the following choices is CORRECT regarding the transmission of a MAYDAY for a Collapse Imminent?
A: The member becoming aware of the situation shall immediately depresses their EAB button and then contact the IC with the Mayday transmission.
B: The member transmitting the Mayday must transmit the location of the imminent collapse and the location of affected members.
C: The IC shall ensure a roll call is conducted immediately for members in the potential collapse area.
D: A Mayday transmission is not required for a Collapse Imminent situation.
Answer: A
A IS CORRECT – 9.4.1A1
B – The location of the Imminent Collapse and THEIR LOCATION (not the location of affected members)
C – IC shall ensure a roll call is conducted immediately and ALL MEMBERS accounted for.
D – Collapse Imminent requires a Mayday Transmission.
Question 12:
As the first arriving Ladder Company at a 6-story Old Law Tenement with fire on the 4th floor, which choice reflects the most correct tool assignment for the Roof Firefighter?
A: Handie-Talkie, Flashlight, Halligan tool, Axe/Maul, Life Saving Rope
B: Handie-Talkie, Flashlight, Halligan tool, 6`Hook, Life Saving Rope
C: Handie-Talkie, Flashlight, Halligan tool, 6`Halligan Hook, Life Saving Rope
D: Handie-Talkie, Flashlight, Halligan tool, 10`Hook, Utility Rope
Answer: C
Lad 3 3.2.6
Question 13:
Which of the following is not a properly-described duty of the second arriving engine at a high rise fireproof multiple dwelling fire?
A: Upon arrival, ensure the Fire Department Connection is supplied and provide assistance where necessary (e.g., extremely long stretch to the FDC, broken FDC, frozen hydrant, etc.)
B: Obtain the Post Radio from the first arriving BC and bring it to the standpipe outlet where the first hoseline is being connected to establish a communications link on the Command Channel between the fire sector and the IC, if necessary.
C: The second arriving engine officer must advise the IC when their members are assisting the first engine advance into the IDLH.
D: When the second line is charged, the pressure on the first line may drop; therefore, the nozzle firefighter of the first line should be notified.
Answer: D
D) When the second line is charged ,the pressure on the first line may drop; therefore, the CONTROL FIREFIGHTER at the standpipe outlet supplying the first line AND the OFFICER of the first line should be notified.
MD Ch 2 8.2.3 A,B, D, 8.3.3 B
Question 14:
As a result of a past PCB incident involving a leaking transformer on a Metro North (New Haven line) passenger rail train car, the FDNY is requiring all members to be familiar with Metro North M2 train cars. Select the choice that contains the most correct information regarding these train cars.
A: M2 cars always operate in pairs, one “A” car (an even numbered car), having a pantograph is coupled to a “B” car (odd numbered car) having no pantograph
B: The best way to identify M2 cars is the red stripe on each side of the car and the pantograph on the roof of the “A” car
C: Though there is only 1 pantograph for every 2 cars, there will be a PCB containing transformer on the “A” car only, which will have attached to it the EPA approved label
D: The pantograph will be folded when receiving power from the catenary (overhead) wires
Answer: A
AUC 266 add 2
A- sec 3.2
B- The best way to identify M2 cars is the ORANGE stripe on each side of the car and the pantograph on the roof of the “A” car
C- Though there is only 1 pantograph for every 2 cars, there will be a PCB containing transformer on EVERY car, which will have attached to it the EPA approved label…sec 3.4
D- The pantograph will be UNfolded when receiving power from the catenary (overhead) wires…sec 3.5
This section has been asked on past Lts exams
Question 15:
During a water rescue, predetermined hand signals have been established to allow the rescuer and tether to communicate. All FDNY members should familiarize themselves with these signals. Which is the correct signal that indicates the rescuer is ready to be pulled to shore?
A: Both hands placed on top of the rescuer’s head.
B: Both arms waving in the air.
C: One hand placed on top of the rescuer’s head.
D: One arm waving in the air.
Answer: C
Water Rescue 2 6.1
Question 16:
Safety is a priority when utilizing the aerial ladder. Which of the following choices is not in accordance with Department policy?
A: Before placing the aerial ladder into operation, the area immediately around the turntable should be designated a Danger Zone.
B: Before placing the aerial ladder into operation, the Danger Zone around the turntable should be clear of members, tools or any impediments before rotation of the aerial.
C: When placing the aerial ladder into operation, if a firefighter is to climb the aerial ladder, he or she shall climb onto the turntable after the aerial ladder is raised and rotated.
D: Always have the chauffeur remain close to the apparatus while the aerial is in use. For extended operations or when the turntable will be left unattended, disengage the power-take-off in order to prevent accidental movement of the ladder.
Answer: C
C) BEFORE placing the aerial ladder into operation, if a firefighter is to climb the aerial ladder at the start of an operation, he or she shall be in position on the turntable BEFORE the aerial ladder is to be raised and rotated.
Lad 2 8.17, 8.25