Light in the Dark Ages - HOS II Flashcards
“Fall of the West”
Fall of Roman Empire, Romulus Augustulus last emperor in the west overthrown by Odoacer (Odoacer)
Date of Fall of Rome
Consequences of Fall of Wes
Infrastructure collapses, cities shrink, rural society
Germanic Peoples
assimilated into Roman society, but would take control of provinces and were unwilling to obey Roman emperors (franks in Gaul)
Battle of Adrianople
Harsh treatment to Germanic peoples Atat hands of some Roman officials that let to conflict
“The Scourge of God”
Leo I and Attila the Hun
united huns, violent invader who caused migration of more tribes, was moving on Rome which was virtually defenseless until Pope Leo convinced him to turn around
a way of life characterized by prayer and self denial lived in seclusion from the world and under a fixed rule with professed vows
lives alone apart from world
lives in a community
female ‘monk’
St. Paul of Thebes
first hermit
St. Anthony of Egypt
first abbot, established a ‘network’ of hermits, father of Christian Monasticism
St. Pachomius
author of an early, influential Rule of Life
Monasteries role in developing Christian European culture
trained men for priesthood, centers of evangelization, preserved Greco-Roman culture
room in monastery where they copied manuscripts
St. Benedict of Nursia
wealthy and educated, withdrew to be a hermit, attracted followers as his reputation for holiness spread, eventually founded 13 monasteries
where St. Benedict of Nursia withdrew to live as a hermit
St. Scholastica
St. Benedict of Nursia’s twin sister, founded Benedictine Sisters
Monte Cassino
St. Benedict’s great monastery
The Rule of St. Benedict
guide lives of monks
Opus Dei
Divine Office (‘work of God’)
“Ora et Babora:
Work and Prayer
period before you join monastery
St. Gregory the Great background
wealthy Roman family, held government positions, gave up wealth and became a monk in a monastery he established
Pope Pelagius II
Sends St. Gregory the Great to Constantinople as nuncio and when St. Greg. returns he is dead
Servus Servorum Dei
Servant of the Servants of God, first used by St. Gregory
Accomplishments of St. Gregory the Great
Established Gregorian chant, protects Rome from Lombards, Sends St. Augustine of Canterbury to Britain
tax on Jews and Christians
Muhammad and the Koran
Merchant from Mecca, claimed Gabriel called him to be the herald of Allah, gave him the Koran
Submission to the will of Allah
Islamic growth
created empire from Indus River to Gaul, used war to spread Islam (jihad)
Battle of Tours Date
Battle of Tours
Charles Martel prevents further Muslim spread
“the Eldest Daughter of the Church”
Frankish cheiftan, promised conversion if victory in battle, he and 3000 troops were baptized together, establishes Merovingian Dynasty
St. James
brings Catholic faith to Spain along with St. Paul
Christians under Muslim rule
Reconquista date
St. Patrick
“Apostle of Ireland”
St. Patrick background
Roman Briton from Wales, taken into slavery, escaped and worked in Gaul to become a monk, vision led him back to Ireland
Irish monasteries
preserved Greco-Roman culturem were missionaries, important centers of learning, changed Penance
What does non Angli sed Angeli mean?
They are not Angles, but angels
Ethelbert of Kent
Who St. Augustine turned to, allowed monks to settle in Canterbury
wife of Ethelbert of Kent, Catholic, Frankish princess
ST. Gregory named ST. Augustine of Canterbury
Primate Bishop of England and granted him the Pallium
South of Thames
Roman traditions predominated
North of Thames
Celtic traditions predominated
Synod of Whitby
seeks to reconcile Roman and Celtic tradtions
St. Bede the Venerable
Scholar monk, developed BC/AD distinction, named a doctor of the Church
St. Boniface
Apostle of Germany
Bona Facere
Good work
St. Bonifacebackground
Enlgish monk named Winfrid, experienced discouragement
Sts Cyril and Methodius
Apostles to the Slavs, led Slavs to turn to Constantinople instead of Rome, developed Cyrillic alphabet)
Sts Cyril and Methodius and Background
sons of aristocratic family, commissioned by Emperor Michael III as missionaries to Moravia
Polish evangelization
first Moravian refugees, Duke Mieszko made Poland a vassal of the Pope
St. Vladimir
Thought monothiesm would be good for Russia, found Byzantine archetecture amazing, converted contry to Catholicism
X Byzantium
Constantinople was capital of Roman Empire, center of Christian culture, Politically Roman, culturally Greek
Emperor extended his authority over the Church and theological matters
Justinian I
Codex Justinianus, Hagia Sophia
religious images used for prayer and devotion
image breakers
Emperor Leo orders
destruction of all icons
Theological questioning of icons
Heresies that denied the physical humanity of Jesus combined Islamic nd Jewish influence on Christian thought brought representations of Christ in art into question
St. Joh of Damascuc
Argued “iconophile” position and opposed imperial interference in Church matters. Argued that when Jesus took human form, man given permission to depict him in art.
Date of Second Council of Nicaea
Second Council of Nicaea
Empress Irene came to power in 780 and convinced the Pope to convene Council.
acts of honor and veneration directed to created beings. When directed to icons it honored the saint, not the image
absolute honor reserved for God alone
Pepin the Short
Son of Charles Martel, ambitious ruler who looked for recognition of his claim to power. Annoited king by St. Boniface with approval of the Pope
Pala States foundin
Pope Stephen II looked to Pepin for protection against the Lombards when Byzantines wouldn’t assist him. Pepin defeated Lombards and turned territory over to the Pope makeing him its ruler
Pepin’s son, expanded kingdom, highly intelligent, devoutly Christian.
Charlemagne and Papcy
Pope Adrian I turned to him for help, Charlemagne ruled all of Germanic kingdoms. LeoIII crowned him “Emperor of Romans”
Great Schism date
Great Schism
Split between RCC and EOC
Differences between RCC and EOC
Papal authority
Filioque Controversy
“And the Son”, term added to the Creed in the West, Patriarch of Constantinople refused to accept addition
Cardinal Humbert
appempted to force Patriarch to recognize authority of Pope
Date of Patriarch’s excommunicated
Patriarch’s excommunication
Humbert was not Pope but excommunicated in Pope’s name despite there being no pope.