HOS Tri 3 Test 2 Flashcards
The Raising of Lazarus
Lazarus was ill, Martha and Mary tell Jesus, Jesus decides to go the Jerusalem (go to his death). Thomas commits to Jesus’ plan
God is my help
Jesus and the Resurrection and the Life
Martha and Mary confront Jesus about their dead brother, for if he came sooner he could have saved Lazarus. Jesus challenges Martha’s faith
Jesus Raises Lazarus to Life
Jesus orders Martha to take away the stone covering Lazarus’ body. A dead man then walks out of the cave
Session of the Sanhedrin
Caiaphas suggests they kill Jesus to save their people. After all, one death is better than a nation’s death
The Entry into Jerusalem
Jesus fulfills prophecy of Zechariah. Jesus sends 2 disciples to get him some donkeys
The Cleansing of the Temple
People were selling things in the church, Jesus pushed them out as the Church had become a “house of Theives”
The Authority of Jesus Questioned
Elders ask Jesus who gave him authority. Jesus responds by saying, who gave John authority. The elders did not have a response, so Jesus did not answre
Parable of two son
2 sons are ordered to work at vineyard. First says No at first, but goes anyway. Second says Yes at first, but does not show.
Main Messages of Parable of Two Sons
Better to say ‘Yes’ and ‘Yes’
First and Last Parable
Session of Sanhedrin Main Message
God uses evil for good
Parable of the Tenants
Landowner sends servants to get things from the tenants. The Tenants kill them all, including his son. Jesus says he should have turned to Jesus to become the foundation for the project
Main Messages of Parable of the Tenants
Jesus is foundation of our lives, Religious Authority bad
Symbolism in the Parable of the Tenants
Owner is God
Tenants are RA
Servants are prophets
Son is Jesus
Parable of the Wedding Feats
Many people are invited to a wedding feast. The first group of people reject. The second group accept. There is one man who was not in a Wedding Garment, for he was killed
Main Message of the Wedding Feast
Must respond yes to God’s invitations and it requires change. First and Last Parable
Symbolism in the Wedding Feast
Wedding Garments -> Conversion and change
Proper Garment -> proper attitude
Change of Garment -> change of heart
Paying Taxes to the Emperor
Pharisees ask if it is lawful to pay Caesar tax. Jesus responds with give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God.
Main Messages of Paying Taxes to Emperor
Dual citizenship, obligations on Earth, Obligations to God
The Question about Resurrection
Sadducees ask Jesus ludicrous question, Jesus says they should look at the Scriptures. God of the Living
Main Message the The Question about Resurrection
God is God of Abraham, who is Dead, but he is not the God of the Dead. Abraham must not be dead, must be an afterlife
The Greatest Commandment
Scribes ask Jesus what is the best commandment. Jesus replies, Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself.
The Poor Widow’s Offering
Rich men put there surplus in a bin. The widow puts two coins, which is her all in the bin
Main Message of the Poor Widow’s Offering
First and Last Parable, the widow game more
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
10 Servants are on their way to the Kingdom of Heaven. Only 5 of them brought extra oil.
Main Message of the Parable of the Ten Virgins
Be prepared
The Parable of the Talants
Man gives talants to one man and doubles them. Man gives talants to another and he buries them to keep them safe.
Main Message of the Parable of the Talants
We must use our talents, fear prevents us from God and the Kingdom of heaven
First and Last Parables
The Poor Widow’s Offering, Parable of the Wedding Feast, Parable of the Two Sons,