AP Word - Revolutions Flashcards
Denis Diderot
editor of the Encylopedie, compilation of knowledge
John Locke
one of first Enlightenment thinkers, social contract
Baron de onesquieu
argued with governent with three distinct branches
decounced religious bigotry, critized Christianity, and argued for religious tolerance
Jean Jacques Roussea
argued for return to nature where society cannot corrupt
general will
civic impuleses of citizens seeking to pursue the common good within their community
social contract
voluntary agrement among people defining the relationship of individuals with one another and with government
Manifest Destiny
Americans destined to expand to Pacific
Monroe Doctrine
“Hands off” policy regarding European colonization in Americas; isolationist policy
Maximilien Robespierre and Jacobins
radical revolutionaries who did not want any king to rule France
intense belief in pride in one’s national culture which is associated in the territory in which they reside
Count Camillo di Cavour
leads nationalist government in Italy
King Victor Emmanuel II
Creates Parliamentary monarchy Problems; right to vote was limited to middle/upper class property holders; Catholics upset by new nation; disagreements over imperialism; lacked industry
Otto van Bismarck
Prime Minister of Prussia and leader of German Confederation led a series of wars to grow Prussian Power
Franco-Prussian War
leads to French concession of Alsace and Lorraine ( Treaty of Frankfurt)
Willhelm I
Unified German states, King of Prussia and now German Emperor
the politics of reality, based on practical concerns rather than theory or ethics
Decembrist Uprising
revolt of Western oriented and liberal army officers against conservatives Tsar Nicholas I
Sultan Selim III
attempted reforms to improve Ottoman administrative and military’s makeup, but angered Janissaries and officials; disposed and killed in 1807
Sultan Mahmud II
overthrew Janissaries with a secret army and European help; restarted Ottoman reform by utilizing Western models
trend in 1870s-1880s in which loyalty to the sultan was replaced by loyalty to the Ottoman state
allowed Europeans in foreign cities to live according to European laws, not local laws
Toussaint L’Overture
a free black man who led Haitian Revolution
Jean Jacques Dessalines
lead a revolt following the capture of L-Overture
1824 Mexican constitution
federalist, but still ignored the legal status of Indians, distributions of land, educational problems and impoverishment
Simon Bolivar
wealthy creole military officer, led an independence movement against Spain out of Caracas in the Viceroyalty of New Granada, writes Jamaica Letter
Jose de San Martin
calls for independence in the Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plate grew
Argentine republic
Led by Domingo F. Sarmiento; period of political stability and liberal control
Dom Joao VI
ruled Portugal from Brazil until 1820
Dom Pedro I
became constitutional emperor of Brazil after declaring Brazil independent
Reasons Industrial Movement begins
Population Explosion, Enclosure movement, Agricultural Revolution, Commercial Revolution, and the Enlightenment
factory system
factories were places where large numbers of workers used machines to manufacture goods
mass production
the making of many identical items by dividing work into simple repetitive tasks
Crimean War
fought on the Black Sea after Russia attacked the Ottoman Empire regarding Holy Land
Tsar Alexander II
following defeat to Ottomans, agrees to reform Russia
Redemption Payments
serfs had to buy land assigned to them from previous owner’s estates (Russia)
(local governments), regulated roads, schools, and polices for peasents (Russia)
Trans-Siberian Railroad
connect European Russia with the Pacific
Sergei Witte
Russian minister of finance supervised economic industrialization
The “Social Question”
what is the governments responsibility in this area
Muhammad Ali
emerged as khedive ruler of Egypt and broke away from direct Ottoman rule after French withdrawal
Matthew Perry
aririved in Edo Bay and threatened bombardment if Americans were not allowed to trade in Japan
Treaty of Kanagawa
Shogunate bureaucrats saw no alternative but to open Japan to the outside world, given West’s power
Boshin War
imperial samurai (westernization) vs Shogunate troops (tradition)
Meji Restoration
Emperor Meiji restored as imperial ruler
economic system based on the private ownership of captial goods and the means of production with the creation of goods and services for profit
Adam Smith
Scottish philosopher, best known for book ‘The Wealth of Nations’ and is citied as “father of modern economics”
Marx’s ideas were wrong and success regarding political/ societal harmony could be achieved by peaceful means’ support parliamentary monarchies to achieve goals
Universal male suffrage
the vote for working-class men was achieved by the second half of the 19th century
Labor unions
trade unions legalized in 1824 and fought for workers rights