HOS Unit 4 Test Flashcards
“Church” means
The Church is
-the means and goal of God’s plan
- visible and spiritual
- human and divine
- sacrament of salvation
- sign and instrument of the communion of God and men
Definitions of the Word Church
- building where ppl worship
- the entire people of God
- The diocese
- the assembly of believers
a gathering
Church was founded by
Christ, he provided the basic structure of the Church by choosing 12 Apostles with Peter as their head
efficacious sign
Scriptural Images of the Church
The People of God (1 Peter 2:9)
The Body of Christ
image emphasizes intimacy of Christ’s relationship w/ the Church
Prayer of St. Teresa Avila
Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours.
Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassionately on this world.
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good.
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Temple of the Holy Spirit
place where God was present in the Church in a special way
The Holy Spirit is the source of
the Church’s life, unity, gifts, and charism
4 Marks of the Church
One, Holy, catholic, apostolic Church
Every Christian shares the beliefs that we are all children of God, unified under the Pope
united with God, Holy Spirit guides Church to be Holy
universal or comprhensive, contains all that is needed for salvation, universal for the whole human race
founded on the Apostles and continues to be led by the Apostles trough their successors
The Precepts of the Church
“the very necessary minimum”
- attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days and rest from unnecessary work
- confess your sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least oce a year-
- receive the Eucharist at least during the Easter Season
-observe days of fasting and abstinence
-help provide the material needs of the Church according to your ability
Other religions and salvation
salvation only comes through belief in Christ as the only Son of God. Other religions, sice they do not acknowledge this cannot be true means of salvation.
those who are not Christions who do not know Christ or his church..
but seek God with a sincere heart and do his will, may achieve salvation
special relationship with God through OT, Christianity rose out of Judasm
trace their origins back to Abraham and acknowledge only one God, they see Jesus as a prophet but not as the Son of God
Catholics and Other Christians
We view non-Catholic Christians as our brothers and sisters in Christ, “Sparated brethren.”
movement to restore Christian unity
The Laity
refers to people not ordained or in consecrated state of life, vast majority of Church
Consecrated Life
To consecrate means to set aside for a holy purpose. Have dedicated their lives to God to pursue a more intimate relationship with him
Forms of consecrated Life
hermits, consecrated virgins and widows, religious life
Religious Life
people who make lifelong commitments to belong to a religious community, profess 3 vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience
Ordained Ministry
through sacrament of Holy Orders, men are consecrated to special roes of service in the church
ordained for the purpose of service and works of charity
transitional vs permanent deacons
transitional are working their way up to preisthood, cannot marry, permanent deacons are permanent, can marry
coworkers with their bishops, providing spiritual leadership and celebrating the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist
direct successors of the Apostles, cheif catechists and pastors for a region called a diocese
someone who teaches the faith
leader of a parish
formed by the Pope and allof the bishops, teaching authority of the Church
church of a bishop
A bishop that governs a diocease & other diocease in the area
people, usually bishops, who electe the Pope
Collage of Cardinals
Dioceise area governed by a bishop
St. Agnes Cathedral
St. Patricks Cathedral
Notre Dame Cathedral
As the direct successor of St. Peter, he leads the Church on earth
titles of the Pope
Bishops of Rome, Vicar of Christ, Universal Pastor
Still Mother of Church, says “yes” to the angel Gabriel
Four Marian Dogmas
Divine Motherhood, Perpetual Virginity, Immaculate Conception, The Assumption
Marian Apparitions
Times where Mary has appeared to one or more members of the faithful, Church does not require belief
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Mary appears to poor Aztec peasent named St. Juan Diego telling him to go to the local bishop and have him build a shrine to her on a local hill, After Bishop’s lack of belief, Mary provided Juan with the famous image as proof of her apparition
Our Lady of Lourdes
Mary appears to a poor girl named St. Bernadette and prays the rosary with her, revealing herself as the Immaculate Conception. A spring of water, credited with miraculous healings began to flow from the grotto where Mary appeared
Our Lady of Fatima
Portugal 20th century, Mary appeared to 3 young children, asked teh children to pray the rosary for world peace, the end of WWI, for sinners, and for the conversion of Russia
the public, communal, and offical worship of the Church
open to all
done in a group
church has rules
the central liturgy of the Catholic Church is the…
Liturgy and Holy Trinity
In liturgy we encounter the Holy Trinity at work and through this the Holy Trinity is more deeply revealed
Liturgical Year
built around important events in the life of Jesus and the liturgies help us to remember God’s saving power made through real through these events
Beginning of Liturgical year
first Sunday of Advent
Starts on Jesus’ birth and ends on the Baptism of Jesus
What season comes after Christmastime
Ordinary time and it celebrates the Life and Ministry of Jesus
prepares for Easter, lasts 40 days, begins Ash Wednesday, could include Penance, prayer and Fasting
Holy Week
last week of J.C.’s earthly life, begins Psalm Sunday
Pashchal Triduum
three days before easter, Holy Thursday celebrates Last Supper, Good Friday celebrates Jesus’ cruxifixion, and Holy Saturday celebrates Jesus in the Tomb
Easter Season
celebrates death and Resurrection of Jesus, lasts 50 days
comes from Greek words “to throw together”
actions that serve as symbols
object representing something else
Covenant symbols
Some symbols get their meaning from salvation history and remind us of God’s saving action. Their meanings might not be obvious to people of our culture
examples of covenant symbols
consecrating with oil, immersion in waterm lanying on of Hands
Nature Symbols
some symbols seem to carry the same meaning almost everywhere
efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church