HOS Tri 3 Test 1 Flashcards
Answers to Prayer
Ask -> Receive, Seek -> Find, Knock -> Door Opened
Teachings of Prayer
perseverance in prayer, effectiveness of prayer, God’s generosity
Parable of the Rich Fool
Rich man has great harvest, decides to build barns to store harvest instead of giving it away.
Messages of Rich Fool
- rich man never say beyond himself
- getting vs giving
Vigilant and Faithful Servants
Describes how to act as a servant
Images of readiness in Vigilant and Faithful Servants
- dressed and ready to go (gird lions)
- lamps lit
- servant ready for return of groom
Parable of Great Feast
A man had a great dinner and invited many people. But people began to excuse themselves. Then the last people who were invited accept
Responses of the Great Feast
bought a field -> distraction of work
new oxen -> distraction of possessions
new wife -> distraction of sex
Symbolism of the Great Feast
Master -> God
First Invited -> Jews (Pharisees) -> Reject
Third Invited -> sinners and Gentiles -> Accept
Main messages of the Great Feast
Often we say ‘yes’ to God’s invitations and then reject it due to distractions
The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
the rich man does nothing while alive to help Lazarus, a poor beggar, and when he dies the rich man goes to Hell whilst Lazarus goes to Heaven
Characters of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Rich Man -> Dives
Lazarus -> Poor Man -> Dogs licked his sores
Sin of Dives
Not acknowledging Lazarus at all
Main Messages of the Rich Man and Lazarus
must not be blinded by our own wealth, must notice the needs of the poor
Lost and Found Parables / Parables of Mercy
- Parable of Lost Sheep
- Parable of Lost Coin
- Parable of Lost / Prodigal Son
- Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard
Pattern of Parables
1) Aspect of Lost
2) searching, seeking
3) finding
4) great rejoicing
5) extravagant, disproportionate response
Parable of the Lost Sheep
Jesus explains to scribes and Pharisees about leaving 99 sheep behind to find and help the 1
Main Message of the Parable of the Lost Sheep
God does not write us off as sinners, he searches and accepts us back
Parable of the Lost Coin
Women as 10 coins, loses 1, finds it, and celebrates with friends
The Parable of the Lost/Prodigal Son
Younger son asks for father’s inheritance, but wastes it. but to his surprise, his father welcomes him back
How was the Prodigal Son sorry?
he was sorry for his condition, status, and hunger. not for sinnning
Signs of mercy in the Parable of Lost Son
Fatted Calf & Party -> Kingdom of God
Robe -> Sign of Honor
Ring -> Sign of Authority
Shoes -> sign of sonship
Who does the Older son represent in the Parable of the Prodigal Son?
Represents Pharisees who refuse to accept sinners and US.
Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard
Landowner hires men and offers a silver coin for a days work. Those who worked at the 1st hour recived the same about as those who worked the 5th hour
Main message of Parable of the Laborers
God is generous and we are stingy
Cleansing of the Ten Lepers
10 Lepers were told to show themselves to the priests. On the way to the priest one was cleansed and he glorified the Lord. He was a Samaritan.
Act of Faith (Ten Lepers)
they left BEFORE they were cured
Main message of The Cleansing of the Ten Lepers
9/10 lacked attitude of gratitude, they did not return
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
A Pharisee went to the temple to pray and he praised himself. A tax collector went to the temple and begged for mercy.
Main Message of The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
“Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and the one who humbles himself will be exalted”
The Rich Young Man and the Missed Vocation
Rich Man asks Jesus on how to gain eternal life. Jesus replies by saying follow the Commandments and give to the poor to have treasure in heaven.
Main Message of the Rich Young Man and the Missed Vocation
“it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven”
Humans it is impossible, God everything is possible
Peter in the Rich Young Man and the Missed Vocation
Peter is still self centered, he is looking for rewards. “What will there be left for us.”
Zacchaeus the Tax Collector
Zacchaeus is looking for Jesus and Jesus reveals he must stay at Zacchaeus’ house. Crowd is upset
Reactions to Zacchaeus the Tax Collector
Zacchaeus -> Haste and Joy
Jesus -> open and welcoming
crowd ->
Main Message of Zacchaeus the Tax Collector
Jesus came to seek what was lost
Discussion about the origins of the Messiah
Some argued Jesus is the Messiah, some argued otherwise. This is because Jesus preached in Galilee which causes confusion as the scriptures state the messiah will be come from Bethlehem
Reactions of Jesus’ Origin Discussion
Guards -> disbelief
Pharisees -> “Have you also been decieved
Nicodemus -> calls for people to follow the law, no longer night disciple.
The Good Shepherd
Jesus is giving one of His most passionate and intimate illustrations portraying His people as sheep and Him as the Good Shepherd.
Good Shepherd Properties (Prophet Jeremiah)
- calls sheep by name
- leads and guides sheep
- protects
- knows them and they know him
- provides
Gate/Door Symbolism The Good Shepherd
Allows access (to God and Heaven, but also protects from intruders. When Shepherds lay down and form a gate they become Good Shepherds (like Jesus)
Feast of Dedication
People ask for proof if Jesus is God, but if they are his sheep, they should know he is God by his deeds. Jesus gets charged of Blasphemy
Three Promises of the Feast of Dedication
eternal life, victory over death, everlasting peace