HOS II Unit8 Tri II Flashcards
Pio Nono
Pius IX
Pius IX granted
a representative assembly for lay people and toleration for the Jewish population
The Immaculate Conception (difined) date
Ineffabilis Deus
Pius IX defined the Immaculate Conception ex cathedra
ex cathedra
“from the chair”, infallible from the Pope
over emphasize papal authority, supported ex cathedra
Our Lady of Lourdes date
Mary appeared to…
Beradette Soubirous and confirmed she was the Immaculate Conception
Syllabus of Errors
A clear list of errors which are being condemned; an attempt toprotect people by warning them away from dangerous ideas
Quanta Cura
condemns socialism, Gallicanism, rationalism, separation of Church and State
First Vatican Council date
The First Vatican Council responds to
secular challenges to faith and defining Papal authority
Decisions made in First Vatican
Defined roles of faith and reason; God’s existence can be known by unaided reason. Pope is only infallible when speaking ex cathedra
King Vittorio
led Italian political revolution and overthrew the Papal States, offers Law of Guarantees
Law of Guarantees
Pope remains a soverign, Pope is allowed use of Vatican, Church is given 3.5 millian lire per year
Pius and Law of Guarantees
refused it, declared himself a “prisioner of the Vatican”
agreed to an independent Vatican city state
Otto Van Bismark
the Iron Chancelor, unified German Empire
“culture struggle”, various laws made by Bismark topersecute the CC (Falk Laws)
Pope Leo XIII
Strong pastoral leader of the Church who could defend the Faith while speaking positively of the contemporary
Secular Humanism
materialistic understanding of the human person
Catholic Social Teaching
Refutes socialism, private property is a right, wealthy and poor should live in harmony
Pope Pius X motto
To restore all things in Christ
Pope of the Eucharist
Pope Pius X, encouraged frequent consumption of the Eucharist
Pope Benedict XV election
Elected for diplomatic skill, created seven point peace program which was ignored
Lateran Treaty
resolved “Roman Quesrion”, critiqued totlitarianism
Divini illius magistri
church education
quadragesimo anno
Developed Catholic Social Teaching
Casti Connubii
matrimony and family
Spanish Civil War
Leftist regime that resented Church lost and Franco left CC alone
Viva Christo Rey
Long live Christ the King
Plutarco Calles
Mexican leader that executed Catholics
BL. Miguel Pro
Martyr that died in Mexico, cc rights would eventually be restored
Pope Pius XII
Appealed for peace during WWII, “Hitler’s Pope”
Edith Stein
Jew-> athiest -> Catholic, martyred in Aushwitz
St. Maximilian Kolbe
Polish Franciscan martyr, gave own life for a married man, martyr of charity