HOS II Unit 7 Flashcards
Biggest difference between Catholics and other Christians
our reverence for the Eucharist
Why is the Eucharist so important for Catholics
It brings together in a single ritual all the aspects of Catholic faith
In our celebration of the Eucharist we are united with
The Communion of Saints who are praising God on Earth and Heaven
The Passover comes from
The Paschal Lamb in the Passover symbolizes
Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God
The Eucharist in the NT
Role of meals on Jesus’ ministry, Multiplication of Loaves & fish, bread of life Discourse, Last Supper - Paschal Image
What do Catholics believe about the Eucharist
The Eucharist is the Real Body and Blood of Jesus Christ
Eucharist means
When recieving the Eucharist we…
Remember these events but also participate in them
substance changes but appearance (accidents) remain
Who says, “If its a symbol, to hell with it.”
Flannery O’Connor
Matter of the Eucharistic Rite
Unleaven Bread + Grape Wine
Form of the Eucharistic Rite
“This is my body” “This is …. my blood”
Minister of the Eucharistic Rite
Bishops and Priests can consecrate, no EM
Bishops and Priests are OM for distribution. EM for distribution can be a layperson
long white garmet that can be used by all liturgical ministers
long cloth scarf according to the manner in which it is work, it is the mark of the Office of the priest or deacon
the sleeveless outer garment of the priest
a cape-like garment worn by a priest for deacon in processions at Benediction and in other services
worn during “Ordinary Time.” Ordinary does not mean ordinary in the sense of common or normal. Ordinary means counting, as in the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time
worn on Passion Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, and the Feast days of Martyrs
worn during the Christmas and Easter season and celebration of Mary, the Angels, the Saints who were not martyrs, All saints, birth of JTB, Chair of Peter, Conversion of Paul, and St. John the Evangelist
worn during advent and Lent
worn on third Sunday of Advent and the Fourth Sunday of Lent
Funerals + All Souls Day
cup used to hold the wine that become the Blood of Christ
plate that holds bread that becomes body of Christ
vessel used to hold the Hosts which will be used for communion
Table at which the Eucharist, the Sacrifice of the Mass, is celebrated
The “dwelling place” where the Blessed Sacrament is kept outside of Mass
The special vessel designed to hold a host and make it visible for Eucharistic adoration