Cold War & Decolonization - APWMH Flashcards
Iron curtain
division between free and communist societies in Europe
Marshall Plan
program of loans that were designed to aid Western nations rebuilding from WWII’s devastation and help prevent spread of communism
easing up on Stalin’s policies and the creation of a more tolerant political climate
Cuban Missle Crisis
USSR installed missles in Cuba
first space satellite
Red Scare
period of intense concern for communist conspiracies
Truman Doctrine
provide military and finacial aid to Greece and Turkey to prevent them falling to communism
Domino Theory
if one country becomes communist, others will follow
created as a defensive alliance against possible Soviet aggression
Warsaw Pact
USSR with eastern satalite countries created communist empire
Portuguese Colonial War
independence from Portugal was achieved through armed struggle in Angola
Marxist-Lenninist party that established control after overthrowing the existing government in Nicaragua
group of guerrilla “freedom fighters” opposed to the Sandinistas Marixist gov. of Nicaragua
Prague Spring
Czechoslovakia stands up to USSR, USSR invades
Hundred Flowers Campaign
Mao encouraged intellectuals to speak out about Communist rule
Great Leap Foward
attempted to bring about industrialization at the local, rural level, in China
Little Red Book
Mao’s attempt to spread Communist thought
Gang of Four
plotted to overthrow Chinese Communists and reinstate Mao
Ho Chi Minh
led the party and adapted Marxism to work for the peasant majority in Vietnam
Mengistu Haile Mariam
leader of the Deng, a military gov. that governed Ethiopia
Reza Shah Pahlavi
leader of Iran, launched a series of wide-reaching reforms starting in 1963 called the White Revolution
Pan-African Congress
meetings heldto coordinate and discuss independence for Africa
Kwama Nkrumah
led the decolonization process to establish Ghana out of what was the Gold Coast colony of British
Algerian Liberation Front
Algerian nationalist grew after WWI and especially after WWII. Independence war fought from 1954-1962 between France
an Igbo nationalist and secessionist unrecognized state in West Africa which existed from May 1967 to Jan 1970
Nigerian Civil War
war fought between the gov. and seccessionist state of Biafra
Viet Minh
used guerilla fighting against the French and Japanese to gain control of northern Vietnam
Geneva Conference
determined Vietnam will be dividing into Viet Minh-controlled north and French south
Government of India Act
Grants increased suffrage to Indians and transferred local governments to Indians
Quit India Movement
was a massive civil disobedience movement to end British control of India
Quebecois Separatist movement
A French Canadian movement that aimed to create an independent state based on Quebecois-French-Canadian culture
Six Day War
Egyptian war with Isreal, Nasser defeated
Green Revolution
In India, improve agricultural production by increasing crops through high-yeild, disease-resistant chemically created crops
Indira Ghandi
first and only female prime minister of India
Sirimavo Bandaranaike
a Sri Lankan politician who was Prime minister 3 times
Julius Nyerere
President of Tanzania, promoted own form of African socialism and Marxism
“Great Soul”, name Ghandi became known by
Shining Path
the Communist party of Peru, wanted to overthrow gov.
Idi Amin
Ugandan military officer who served as a president of Uganda, pro-westernization but became a very poor leader
Swar Revolution
Communist takeover of Afghan gov
Persian Gulf War
Iraq, under Hussein, invaded oil-rich Kuwait.