LESSON 8: D8 - Animal Phyla Flashcards
What two devlopments can animals go through?
Larval or embroyonic devlopment
Means that the young look very different from the adult
This type of development means that the young version is a mini-version of the adult
Invertebrates and Vertebrates
-They have no backbone
-There are 7 phyla
(The Chordata phyla)
-They have a backbone
What are Protostomes and deuterostomes used for?
used to categorize members of major taxonomic groups of animals by how they develop as embryos
-The first opening of the organism becomes -the mouth
-Simple organisms
-The first opening of the organism becomes -the anus (the mouth develops later)
-Complex organisms
7 phyla for Invertebrates are?
- Porifera (sponges)
- Cnidaria (jellyfish)
- Platyhelminthes (flat worms and round worms)
- Annelida (segmented worms)
- Mollusca (clams, mussels, snails,
- Arthropoda (crabs, lobster, insects, spiders)
- Echinodermata (Sea Urchin, Sand Dollar)
- Have no definite shape – asymmetrical;
-No tissues or organs
-Colony of specialized cells (they are dependent on these specialized cells in order to perform specific functions in their bodies - since they do not have organs!!)
-Good powers of regeneration (parts or whole body)
-Skeleton of sponging (modified collagen) and spicules (hard crystal material)
- Jellyfish, corals, anemones
- Radial symmetry (can be divided at any point into 2 matching halves)
- Primitive nerve net but no brain (very primitive/simplistic nervous system)
- 2-way digestive tract (a single opening that serves as both the mouth and anus, very simple digestive cavity that acts as both the stomach and intestine)
-Stinging cells for capturing food.
-First animals to exhibit bilateral symmetry (right and left sides are mirror images of one another)
-primitive brain
-3 tissue layers (endoderm, mesoderm, & ectoderm)
-Includes free-living flatworms and parasitic flatworms (tapeworms, flukes)
-Earthworms, sandworms, leeches
-Slightly more complex body plan, have many segments (like many rings joined together)
-Complete one-way digestive system/tract with mouth and anus
-Have well-developed digestive and circulatory systems (i.e. closed circulatory system - blood is limited to vessels)
-includes: snails, slugs, nudibranchs, chitons, limpets, clams, oysters, squid, octopus, nautilus, etc.
-Either have no shell, one shell, or two shells
-Contain a mass of soft flesh that covers the soft body and encloses internal organs
-Many have hard mouth parts used for feeding (radula in gastropods, beak in cephalopods).
-Includes: insects, crustaceans, centipedes, millipedes, and arachnids (spiders)
-exoskeleton made of chitin (polysaccharide)
-must shed their exoskeletons in order to grow (they can develop a new exoskeleton once larger)
-Includes: sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sand dollars, sea cucumbers, and crinoids
-radial in adults / bilateral in larvae
-tube feet and water vascular system (Tube feet are used to pass food to the oral mouth at the centre and can also attach to surfaces. Water vascular syhstem helps them move around)
-Most exhibit pentamerism (consisting of 5 parts)
How many classes of VERTEBRATES?
5 classes
-Class Fish
-Class Amphibia
-Class Reptilia
-Class Aves (birds)
-Class Mammalia