G5-Intro to Mendelian Genetics Flashcards
a particular version of a
characteristic that is inherited, such as
hair colour or blood type
true-breeding organism
an organism
that produces offspring that are genetically
identical for one or more traits when selfpollinated or when crossed with another
true-breeding organism for the same traits
the offspring of two different truebreeding plants
TRUE OR FALSE: traits are a blend from the two parents
What was Mendels pea expirment called?
-controlled experiments
-to test how these traits were inherited through the use of true breeding and hybrid pea plants
What did Mendel do in his pea plant expriment?
- removed male reproductive organs
- crossed two true-breeding plants, called the parental (P) generation, that differ in only one of 7 hereditary traits he tested for
The hybrid offspring resulting from these crosses are called the filial (F1) generation
Self-pollination or pollination of 2 individuals of the F1 generation creates
new generation with mixed traits
-F2 generation
-This is the result of a monohybrid cross
What did Mendel learn from his pea plant expirment?
F1 generation always resulted in purple flowers even though they had one white and one purple flower parent
This did not fit the “blending” hypothesis that would expect blended pink flowers
This showed that one trait was masking the other
in the F2 generation, the white flower trait reappeared!
traits must be passed on by discrete heredity units called…
What did Mendel hypothsize about factors?
even if factors are not expressed in an individual, they may still be passed on
What were factors in the F1 gen called?
the dominant factor
factor that remained, but was hidden in the F1 generation, was called
recessive factor
alternate version of the genes are known as
If both of your alleles are identical you are…
If your two alleles are different you are…
Dominant alleles are represented with an …
uppercase letter
Recessive alleles are represented with a…
lowercase letter
What did the law of segeration state?
Each organism carries two factors, now known as genes, one from each parent for each characteristic
Parent organisms donate only one copy of each gene in their gametes
trait of an individual which is expressed
the individual genes an individual presents
Polygenic genes
many genes
pleiotrophic genes
how multiple traits will be expressed by 1 gene
somatic cells
not sex cells
Are sex cells diploid or haploid
They are haploid
one of the numbered chromosomes.
- Humans have 22 autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes