Lesson 4, Chapter 5 Flashcards
Multiple sclerosis
An autoimmune disease that destroys myelin surrounding the axons of neurons of the central nervous system
Scar tissue left behind when the myelin surrounding axons is destroyed
Autoimmune disease
A disease where a person experiences periods when their symptoms worsen, alternating with periods of worsening or a reduction of symptoms
Amyloid plaques
Plaques of abnormal tissue that build up in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease.
A decline in thinking skills and changes in personality and behavior.
Brain tumors
Clumps of abnormal cells in the brain.
Primary brain tumors
Brain tumors that begin in the brain.
Secondary brain cancer
Brain cancer that started somewhere else in the body.
Spinal cord injuries
Injuries that damage the spinal cord, often leading to paralysis.
Loss of motor function.
Cervical region
Neck area of the spine or spinal cord.
Brain injuries
Injuries due to damage of brain tissue.
Cerebral palsy
A disorder of movement due to brain damage caused by problems in pregnancy, prematurity, or birth trauma.
Cerebral vascular accidents (strokes)
Burst or blocked vessels in the brain causing brain damage.
An injury caused by force applied to the brain.
Peripheral neuropathy
A syndrome of sensory loss, muscle weakness, and problems with circulation that affect peripheral nerves.