Lesson 4, Chapter 2 Flashcards
Parasympathetic division
A division of the autonomic subdivision that is dominant when you are relaxed; sometimes called the rest and digest system
Sympathetic division
A division of the autonomic subdivision that is dominant when you are afraid or angry; sometimes called fight or flight system
Lowest area of the brain; regulates heartbeat and breathing
Sacral area of the spinal cord
Lowest area of the spinal cord
Thoracic region
Trunk area
Lower back area
Chemicals that make your blood clot faster
Frontal lobe
The lobe of your brain used for problem-solving and for initiating voluntary movement
Reticular formation
Cells scattered throughout the brainstem that help keep you awake and alert
Acoustic nerve
One of the cranial nerves that brings the sensation of sound to the brain
A structure in the brain just above the brainstem that receives most sensations
A structure in the brain just below the thalamus that communicates with the pituitary gland
Pituitary gland
A structure in the brain that tells the adrenal glands to secrete hormones in times of stress
A structure at the back of your brain that helps maintain muscle tone, keep your balance, and helps your muscles contract in the correct order.
Temporal lobes
The lobes in the brain primarily responsible for perceiving sound.
Acoustic nerves
The nerves containing neurons that travel from the ears to the brain, carrying the nervous impulses for sound.
Optic nerves
The nerves containing neurons that travel from the eyes to the brain, carrying the nervous impulses for sight.
Occipital lobe
The lobe at the back of your brain primarily responsible for perceiving sight.