Lesson 4, Chapter 4 Flashcards
Reflex arc
The simplest of movements; often occurs due to a sudden painful stimulus.
Sensory receptors, sensory neurons, interneurons, motor neurons, effectors
The five components to a reflex arc in the correct order.
Sensory receptors
Structures that activate sensory neurons.
Sensory neurons
Neurons that send nervous impulses into the central nervous system.
Neurons that stay inside the structures of the central nervous system.
Motor neurons
Neurons that send action potentials (nervous impulses) to muscles or glands.
Structures that act in response to neurotransmitters secreted by a motor neuron.
Presynaptic terminals
The ends of the branches of an axon.
Axon hillock
The structure that connects the axon to the cell body.
Synaptic vesicles
Vesicles inside the ends of an axon that contain a neurotransmitter.
A chemical that is released by a neuron which has an effect on another neuron or a muscle fiber.
Presynaptic membrane
The membrane at the end of the branches of an axon.
Synaptic cleft
The space between the end of a branch of a neuron and either the dendrite of another neuron or a muscle fiber.
Neuromuscular junction
An area consisting of a presynaptic terminal, a synaptic cleft, and the area of a muscle fiber directly affected by a neurotransmitter.
A term reflecting the difference in charge between the outside of an axon’s membrane and the inside of the axon’s membrane when the neuron is at rest.
Sodium ions
Ions with a positive charge that are more concentrated outside the membrane of a neuron’s axon when the neuron is at rest.
Potassium ions
Ions with a positive charge that are more concentrated inside the membrane of a neuron’s axon when the neuron is at rest.
Action potential
The nervous impulse that occurs when sodium ions rush into the axon of a neuron.
A term reflecting a reduction of the difference in charge between outside and inside the membrane of a neuron’s axon; it occurs when an action potential (nervous impulse) is generated.