Lesson 16 Review Flashcards
If the present stem ends in a vowel, the stem will or will not change when σ is added?
will not
βαπτίζω ἐβάπτιζον βαπτίσω
I baptize
What are the four liquid consonants?
λ, μ, ν, ρ
I hear
ἀκούω ἤκουον ἀκοὐσω
I loose(n), destroy
λύω ἔλυον λύσω
How do you find the present stem of a verb?
Drop the final -ω from the 1st person singular form.
If the present stem ends in a consonant stop, the stem will ___, according to the ___.
contract; Square of Stops and Stops Plus Sigma
Do verbs with syllabic and temporal augment have the same or different imperfect tense endings?
the same
πέμπω ἔπεμπον πέμψω
I send
πιστεὐω ἐπίστευον πιστεὐσω
I believe (w/dat.)
λέγω ἔλεγον ἐρῶ
I say, speak, tell
Ἀγαπἠσεισ τὸν πλησίον σου ὡς σεαυτόν
You shall love your neighbor as yourself
I go down
καταβαίνχ κατέβαινον καταβήσομαι
The future tense sign is a/an ___ inserted between the present stem and the ___
σ; present tense endings
εὑρίσκω ηὕρισκον εὑρήσω
I find
I go, walk
βαίνω ἔβαινον βήσομαι
κράζω ἔκραζον κράξω
I cry out, call out
three Greek accent marks
´ acute; ~ circumflex; ` grave
Μακάριοι οἱ πτωχοὶ τῷ πνεύματι
Blessed are the poor in spirit
γράφω ἔγραφον γράψω
I write
πείθω ἔπειθον πείσω
I persuade
I cry out, call out
κράζω ἔκραζον κράξω
α lengthens to , ε to , and ο to __.
η; η; ω
I find
εὑρίσκω ηὕρισκον εὑρήσω
ἄρχω ἦρχονἄρξω
I rule (w/gen.)
The first sign that identifies the imperfect tense is the ___.
imperfect tense endings
You shall love your neighbor as yourself
Ἀγαπἠσεισ τὸν πλησίον σου ὡς σεαυτόν
I rule (w/gen.)
ἄρχω ἦρχονἄρξω
I say, speak, tell
λέγω ἔλεγον ἐρῶ
A deponent has ___ forms but ___ meanings.
passive or middle; active
Work has no reproach
Ἔργον δ᾽οὐδὲν ὄνειδος
Μ μ μῦ
mu says /m/ as in moose
I have
ἔχω εἶχον ἕξω
The second sign that identifies the imperfect tense is called ___ and means ___.
augment; “to increase”
I throw
βάλλω ἔβαλλον βαλῶ
ἄγω ἦγον ἄξω
I lead
I persuade
πείθω ἔπειθον πείσω
καταβαίνχ κατέβαινον καταβήσομαι
I go down
If the verb is a compound verb, the augment will be added after a/an ___.
shortened preposition
γινώσκω ἐγίνωσκον γνώσομαι
I know
ἔχω εἶχον ἕξω
I have
I save
σῴζω ἔσῳζον σώσω
I write
γράφω ἔγραφον γράψω
I remain, stay
μἐνω ἔμενον μενῶ
Divine Homer
Θεῖος Ὅμηρος
I persecute
διώκω ἐγίωκον γιώξω
nc as in encore
θέλω ἤθελον θελήω
I wish, will, desire
δέ (postpositive conjunction)
When a verb begins with a vowel, the stem will be augmented by ___ the initial vowel. This is called ___.
lengthening; temporal augment
I lead
ἄγω ἦγον ἄξω
βλέπω ἔβλεπον βλέψω
I see
μἐνω ἔμενον μενῶ
I remain, stay
I send
πέμπω ἔπεμπον πέμψω
Imperfect means ___. The imperfect tense is used to describe a/an ___ action.
“not finished”; continued or repeated
nch as in anchor
I go up
ἀναβαίνω ἀνέβαινον ἀναβήσομαι
δέ (postpositive conjunction)
Δ δ δέλτα
delta says /d/ as in dog
Α α ἄλφα
alpha says /ah/ or /uh/ as in drama
I believe (w/dat.)
πιστεὐω ἐπίστευον πιστεὐσω
When a verb begins with a consonant, the stem will be augmented by ___. This is called ___.
ἐ; syllabic augment
What person/number of the imperfect also has a moveable ν
3rd person singular
λύω ἔλυον λύσω
I loose(n), destroy
φεύγω ἔφευγον φεύξομαι
I flee
I glorify
δοξάζω ἐδόξαζον σοξόσω
I flee
φεύγω ἔφευγον φεύξομαι
Θεῖος Ὅμηρος
Divine Homer
I baptize
βαπτίζω ἐβάπτιζον βαπτίσω
ἀναβαίνω ἀνέβαινον ἀναβήσομαι
I go up
I know
γινώσκω ἐγίνωσκον γνώσομαι
I see
βλέπω ἔβλεπον βλέψω
βάλλω ἔβαλλον βαλῶ
I throw
δοξάζω ἐδόξαζον σοξόσω
I glorify
διώκω ἐγίωκον γιώξω
I persecute
Ἔργον δ᾽οὐδὲν ὄνειδος
Work has no reproach
Blessed are the poor in spirit
Μακάριοι οἱ πτωχοὶ τῷ πνεύματι
Ω ω ὦ μέγα
omega says /o/ as in ocean
σῴζω ἔσῳζον σώσω
I save
Λ λ λάμβδα
lambda says /l/ as in lion
ἀκούω ἤκουον ἀκοὐσω
I hear
βαίνω ἔβαινον βήσομαι
I go, walk
I wish, will, desire
θέλω ἤθελον θελήω
Β β βῆτα
beta says /b/ as in boat
Verbs whose stem ends in a liquid consonant take slightly different endings in what two tenses?
the future and first aorist