Lesson 12 New Material Flashcards
λεγω ἔλεγον
I say, speak, tell
Βλεπω ἔβλεπον
I see
γινώσκω ἔγίνωσκον
I know
γραφω ἔγραφον
I write
θελω ἤθλον
I wish, will, desire
Ἔργον δ᾽οὐδὲν ὄνειδος
Work has no reproach
κράζω ἔκραζον
I cry out, call out
μένω ἔμενον
I remain, stay
φεύγω ἔφευγον
I flee
δέ (postpositive conjunction)
I say, speak, tell
λεγω ἔλεγον
I see
Βλεπω ἔβλεπον
I know
γινώσκω ἔγίνωσκον
I write
γραφω ἔγραφον
I wish, will, desire
θελω ἤθλον
Work has no reproach
Ἔργον δ᾽οὐδὲν ὄνειδος
I cry out, call out
κράζω ἔκραζον
I remain, stay
μένω ἔμενον
I flee
φεύγω ἔφευγον
δέ (postpositive conjunction)
The first sign that identifies the imperfect tense is the ___.
imperfect tense endings
The second sign that identifies the imperfect tense is called ___ and means ___.
augment; “to increase”
If the verb is a compound verb, the augment will be added after a/an ___.
shortened preposition
Imperfect means ___. The imperfect tense is used to describe a/an ___ action.
“not finished”; continued or repeated