Lecture - Pathology (Asthma) Flashcards
- Is it reversible or irreversible?
- What sort of symptoms do you get with asthma?
- What’re the triggers for asthma attacks mainly?
- Jusr saying but it’s a complex chronic inflammation of bronchial mucosa
- So this is reversibble airways obstruction but what is chronic obstructive aireays disease? SO like, how are asthma and COPD diffeernt?
What’s the three different classifications of asthma? Like, what can induce it?
Alright, for asthma:
- What is the core abnormality?
- What are the two types of inflammtion?
- What does each of the inflammtion lead to: high or low asthma
- What’re the treatment options for each of the types of iinflammtion?
Aetiology for asthma
- What two things interact to give ‘Early intermittent asthma’ and what are the examples?
- What will those two things and ‘Early intermittent asthma’ sometimes lead to?
- is this type of asthma reversible?
What is the hygiene hypothesis and how does it relate to a see saw?
Is asthma a heriditary thing? Like if the parents have it, is the kid mroe likely to get it too?
So some geners obviously influence the asthma susceptibility and severity but other genes modify ______ to _______ (pharmacogenomics)
What is ADAM 33?
From Annika’s lecture, what are the two things that we learnt about how epigetics influence gene expression?
-Just know that RNA interference is a third
Airway obstruction in asthma
What are the three things that cause the obstruction?
On slide 21, explain the pathophysiology
Airway immune responses
- What hypersensitivity is the Early Phase response?
- What AB and cell is invovled?
- What hypersensitivity is the Late Phase response?
- What’s the cells involved?
Okay, what’re the cellular responses to allergens
Aka summarise slide 23
Explain how mast cells degranulate - slide 24
Inflammation in asthma phases
-you’ve talked about the early and late phase, but what’s the third phase?
In the pathphysiology, you said bronchospams was a thing - what is it?
Also, what’s the deal with this mucosal changes?
What does the sputum of someone who’s coughed up stuff in asthma look like?
Airway remodelling
- What happens to the basememnt membrane?
- What about mucus stuff?
- Name the three other things that haopen
What happens in an asthma attack
- regarding the general description
- airflow
- PEFR and FEV1
- how is it usually resolved?
What’re the causes of asthma attack?
- What is occupational asthma?
- What is occupational exposure?
- What’re the characterisiics of sensitizer-induced occupational asthma and irritant-induced asthma?