Lecture 4 Acute Pain Psych Med Flashcards
What is pain? A multidimensional…..
Doctors play an essential role in ____, _____ and _____ of acute and persistent pain
Why was Descarte wrong?
What does IASP say pain is?
Is the cause always visible?
What is the definition for doctors of pain?
Get injury at periphery - what happens?
-chemicals, stimulate, signal travels….
What are the three types of receptors?
What fibres travel to the spinal cord and what happens there?
What is the second relay station?
What three main places does the brain connect to?
Where does pain perception occur?
- Descending pathway from brain to ____ _____
- What does it usually do?
Pain neurotag - what does each thing do?:
- Premotor/motor cortex
- Cingulate cortex
- Prefrontal cortex
- Amygdala
- Sensory cortex
- Hypothalamus/thalamus
- Cerebellum
- Hippocampus
- Spinal cord
- Organise and prepare movements (to get away)
- Concentration/focussing
- Problem solving
- Fear, fear conditioning and addiction
- Sensory discrimination
- Stress response, autonomic regulation and motivation
- Movement and cognition
- Memory, spatial cognition and fear conditioning
- Gating from the periphery
Getting to of trouble - the descending pathways, what do these do:
- Sympathetic nervous system (4)
- Motor system (3)
- Endocrine system (3)
- Pain production system (3)
- Immune system (4)
- Parasympathetic system
- Increases HR, mobilise energy stores, increase vigilance and sweat
- Run away, fight, protect the damaged area
- Mobilise energy stores, reduce gut and reproductive activity
- Motivate to escape and seek help, attract attention
- Fight invaders, sensitise neutrons, produce fever, make sleepy to promote healing
- Nourish cells and heal tissue
Psychosocial correlates in the development and maintenance of pain - what factors are involved in this>
What are the three main questions to ask about pain to classify it?
Acute vs chronic pain:
- Time of each?
- Useful?
- Causes?
- Facilitate healing through?
- Is there complicated psychological processing and social acceptance?
Cancer vs non-cancer:
- What percentage of cancer patients suffer from severe to very severe pain related to cancer?
- Is cancer progressive?
- Is cancer pain acute or chronic?
- Cancer patients - most can be effectively treated using what?
- Non-cancer pain - what’s the cause?
- Is non-cancer pain acute or chronic?
Nociceptive pain:
- Obvious ____ injury or illness or ____-_____
- What sort of pain?
- What words are used to describe it?
- What is ‘nociception’ and what is ‘pain perception’? Are they the same?
- What other things are between injury and pain felt?
What is an example of acute non-cancer pain?
It’s symptoms of what usually?
Is it useful?
Is it usually nociceptive or neuropathic?
Pain is a complex perceptual experience - what 6 things is it influenced by?
What is neuropathic pain?
Abnormality of what?
How is it treated?
What is peripheral and what is central neuropathic pain?
How do patients describe this pain?
What is the non-pharmacological treatment for pain? Physical and psychological (3 each)
Approach to pain - RAT
- what nemonic to use?
- what does measuring pain do?
- what are the methods for measuring pain?
- what three criteria to look at here?
- what are the neuropathic features?
- what physical and psychological and social factors might there be?
- what are the non-drug treatments? (4)
- what are the drug treatments for nociceptive pain (mild, moderate and severe)?
- what about drug treatments for neuropathic pain?