Lecture 11 Flashcards
WEIRD psychology
WEIRD: Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic
Define sex
Refers to the properties of people that determine their classification as male or female. Five physical characteristics used to classify sex including chromosomes, gonads, hormones, genitalia and secondary sex characteristics
- Are the packages of DNA that carry our genes
- Have 23 pairs of chromosomes with one of each pair provided by each parents
- 23rd pair differs across the sexes and is referred to as the sex chromosomes because the pair determines a person’s genetic sex
Chromosomes in males and females
Female: Both are alike and are called X chromosomes
Males: Have one X and one Y
Pubertal growth spurt
On average the pubertal growth spurt begins and peaks about 2 years earlier for girls
Girls start at 9 and peak at 11
Boys start at 11 and peak at 13
Part of the endocrine system
Glands that produce sex hormones
Generate ova(eggs) in females and sperm in males - the cells used in reproduction
Female vs male gonads
Female gonads are the ovaries located on either side of the abdomen
Male gonads are the testes
located in the scrotum, the pouch of skin that hangs below the penis
The hormones estrogen and progesterone are higher in females and the hormones androgens - Most common androgen is testosterone which is higher in males
In females, androgens are produced by adrenal glands and in males some of the androgens are produced in testes that are converted into estrogens
Define gender
Refers to the social and psychological aspects of being female or male
Goes beyond biological sex to include a person’s understanding of the meaning of being male or female
Gender identity
Is an individual’s sense of belonging to the male, female or alternate gender
Gender expression
Refers to how individuals present themselves in terms of their behaviours, interests and appearance
In dimensions related to gender and especially to the continuum from femininity to masculinity
A non binary person and androgynous
Non Binary: May identify or express their gender as both male and female or as neither
Androgynous: Having attributes that are typically associated with both genders
- People who are low on both dimensions are referred to as undifferentiated
Variances in sexual development
- Congenital conditions in which the development of chromosomal, gonadal or anatomical sex is atypical
- “Congenital” means these conditions are present from birth
- An infant with a VSD might have genitals that are not typical or their genitals may appear to be female or male when the child’s genes indicate the opposite sex
- Refers to experiencing one’s psychological gender as different from one’s biological or at birth sex
- Transgender individuals can be genetically and anatomically male or female that identify as the opposite sex
Transgender experience
Gender dysphoria: Refers to a person’s discomfort with their at birth gender
Transition for transgender
Individuals involve gradual stages that move from reversible treatments to permanent ones
- Gender affirming surgery
- Sex reassignment surgery