Kanji - Level 7 - Radicals Flashcards
See the cool wing on the bottom? See the head with the neat feather coming out of the top? This is a bird. Tweet tweet!
If you boil a village everything will turn black. Mostly because you’re a crazed murderer, but more so because when you boil a village all the roads melt and coat everything in black tar. Picture it! It looks like Pompeii. (Oof, too soon?)
This looks like a boat coming toward you in the water. See the billowing sail and the reflection off the water? That’s what boats look like.
Put some dirt around your head and in your mouth to figure out your head’s circumference. When you pull your head out you’ll have the perfect shape of your head, making measuring the circumference easy. Oh, and the dirt in your mouth? That’s just for the taste.
This looks like a little tamagotchi or (if you aren’t a 90s kid) a duck. What do both of these critters have in common? They have really crazy clan followings. And the people who enjoy them (tiny pocket games or watching quacking duckies) create clans that get together and share their experiences. Which clan are you a part of?
In a prison on a rice paddy they’re boiling something. What do you think it is? Fish! What goes better with rice? What’s easy to find, making it cheap prison food? Fish, of course!
This radical already looks like a gate, right? Just imagine a big gate with two pillars, one on either side. Then, up above are the doors, which can come down at any moment.
The radicals ground and big make up this radical. There’s a big guy on the ground… who is that big guy? Embarrassingly, it’s your husband. Feel the shame that he got knocked down on the ground. By what? Who? How? (It doesn’t matter.)
Don’t confuse this with 未 (jet), though. See how 未 has a little tail at the end? That’s because jets and other planes have tails, while husbands don’t. At least I’d sure hope yours doesn’t.
This looks a bit like a backwards S. S for Self. But it’s backwards because you didn’t want to mix yourself up with any of the other selves out there, so you flipped it. That’s why it means oneself. (That’s you!)
This radical will appear as things like yourself, herself, etc., so keep that in mind!
Here we have the ground radical, with something underneath it. What is it? What likes lying in the ground, covered in mud? You’ll have to use your imagination here, but see if you can find the four legs, the little piggy ears, and the curly tail at the bottom. That’s right, this is a pig!
This radical looks a little like the letter P, right? It’s a P printed onto something… wait, it’s not printed, it’s a stamp that’s been put on the paper. Peter Parker likes to use stamps instead of pens
What happens when you put a flat surface on top of a pair of legs? You get a table.
This radical is made up of coffin and child. To keep a child out of a coffin they’ll need a good teacher to make sure they know not to stick forks in outlets or dance in traffic. That’s why this radical is a teacher.
This radical looks kind of like a temple on a hill, don’t you think? With all the layers, n’ stuff? Just picture that first horizontal line as the base of the ornate temple balancing on that hill underneath it and you’ll have no problem remembering this radical.
Top hat
This radical looks just like a top hat. That’s why it’s top hat!
See the wing? It’s kind of like a bat wing with webbing. Either way, it’s just a wing.
Flowers that grow out of the ground of a rice paddy after you bury fins there will grow yellow. Why? Because yellow is the color of a fish’s soul, so planting flowers over their fins will turn them into a nice, pretty yellow.