Kanji - Level 25 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 忄soul + 毋 window + 貝 shellfish
If you could just get your soul to open the window to shellfish, you’ll grow accustomed to them sooner or later! I know shellfish are a bit of an acquired taste, but if you don’t open that window, you’ll never like them!
Reading: かん
You’ll need to become accustomed to eating shellfish if you want to grow up big and strong like Genghis Khan (かん). He didn’t have shellfish growing up either you know, he had to grow accustomed to their taste too, but look how successful he was!
Radicals: 尸 flag + 古 old
The flag is old but that doesn’t mean it’s not still alive. This is a living flag, and it gets old just like other living things.
Reading: きょ
The flag that is old and alive is actually a Buddhist relic (that’s why it’s alive, in fact … and old!). But, it’s a really dumb relic, so it’s put in Little Kyoto (きょ).
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + ヨ wolverine + 水 water
Your scooter’s been stolen by a wolverine, who’s now getting water all over it. You need to apprehend that wolverine!
Reading: たい
You catch up with the wolverine and apprehend it by tying it down with the tie (たい) from around your neck!
Radicals: 覀 helicopter + 示 jackhammer
You have to fly in a helicopter and use a jackhammer to punch your ballot. The helicopter gets you far away from prying eyes, and the jackhammer makes you really try for whoever you’re voting for on that thing. It’s foolproof!
Reading: ひょう
While using the jackhammer on the ballot, the helicopter pilot keeps yelling “Heyo (ひょう), don’t mess up! Heyo! Watch out, don’t let me see!” as he flies the helicopter all over the place.
Radicals: 尸 flag + 禹 mantis
You see a mantis sitting on a flag and you know for a fact that it does not belong there. Insects should be in trees and on the ground. Not on flags. Insects belong in the wild!
Reading: ぞく
Luckily for you, and unluckily for this mantis who doesn’t belong on your flag, you’re a Bosozoku (ぞく) bike gang member, and you don’t take crap from nobody. You climb the flagpole, punch the mantis and yell, “YOU DON’T BELONG HERE!”
Radicals: 扌fingers + 足 foot
Use your fingers to grab this guy’s foot and catch him! Not physically though, you do grab his foot, but you close your eyes, and catch the idea of him in your mind just by touching your fingers to his foot.
Reading: とら
As you touch his foot, you catch a glimpse of the Torah (とら) in your mind. Suddenly, you are able to grasp and understand every single thing written in the Torah. You fall to the ground.
Radicals: 扌fingers + 甫 wedding
At your wedding you use your fingers to catch the wedding rings. And to catch the bouquet. And to catch the rice that everyone is throwing at you, ow, ow, hey stop! Weddings are really more about catching things than they are about whoever is standing across from you.
Reading: ほ
You’re having a good time catching things until it’s cleanup time and someone throws a hoe (ほ) at you. First of all, ow again, that was your face. Second, this is your wedding. You aren’t supposed to have to hoe it all up. You’re supposed to drop everything you caught and leave!
Radicals: イ leader +丨stick + ユ hook + 矢 arrow
A leader with a stick, a hook, and an arrow is able to change the climate and weather. Not just the type of climate that causes sunny and rainy days though, the political climate too, because they’re a political candidate too.
Reading: こう
Who is this climate and weather-changing candidate leader with the hook, stick, and arrow? It’s none other than こういち.
Radicals: 非 criminal + 車 car
The criminal that stole your car was your comrade! You thought the two of you were friends, but you were probably wrong.
Reading: はい
You feel really weird about this whole situation so you write your comrade a haiku (はい). It’s really all you can do, since your car is long gone.
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 兄 older brother
There’s a tsunami coming and your older brother is in no condition to escape. Your older brother has brittle bone syndrome so there’s no way he’ll be able to escape the tsunami in time in his condition.
Reading: きょう
His condition gets worse and you have to travel all the way to his home in きょうと to get him out.
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 京 capital
A tsunami causes the capital to become very cool. The capital was already a pretty cool temperature, but with the addition of the water from the tsunami, the capital is now very cool.
Reading: すず
You find out that the cool tsunami water is coming from Sue Zoo (すず). The only animal there is a penguin named Sue, so the Sue Zoo is always kept cool for her. But now that Sue’s fountain broke, the cool water is everywhere! Time to sue the zoo…
Radicals: 幺 poop + 艮 root + 阝building + 音 sound
If you poop on the roots of a building, the sound will echo all the way through the building, and each and every person in there will know what you did.
Reading: きょう
The echo doesn’t stop there, this building’s roots extend throughout the entire city of きょうと. The echo reverberates and soon everyone in きょうと is listening, horrified, to your poop.
Radicals: 交 mix + 力 power
If you mix different types of power you’ll produce something effective.
Reading: こう
The most effective mix of two powers is two こういちs. Take one, mix it with another, and you have something with immeasurable power. You use it to attack that animal-like creature. It’s super effective!
Radicals: 莫 greenhouse
You have a greenhouse that is endless. Imagine your endless greenhouse, which goes on and on, as far as the eye can see. Lucky you.
Reading: ばく
Your flowers have grown so big that now the only way you can fit into your endless greenhouse is by lying on your back (ばく).
Radicals: 糸 thread + 色 color
Sometime in the future, thread of every color will be faced with extinction. Eventually there will be nothing else to make thread out of, and thread of every kind and color will reach extinction.
Reading: ぜつ
The extinction of thread was brought on by a very strange thing. Deadly zits (ぜつ). These zits killed off all the producers of thread, and eventually the thread went extinct. Dang zits.
Radicals: 魚 fish + 羊 sheep
The fish and sheep are very fresh here. This is a great place to get fresh fish and fresh sheep. I kid you not.
Reading: せん
This place also serves fresh centaur (せん), but that’s just weird. Centaur is endangered and you don’t believe in eating endangered things. Even if they are incredibly fresh.
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 艹 flowers + 両 both
If a tsunami hits these flowers they’ll both become full of water. Tsunamis carry a lot of water, definitely enough to make both of these flowers full.
Reading: まん
As you stare at the full flowers, you decide to write a manga (まん) about them. Your head is full of manga ideas!
Radicals: 丂 beggar + 一 ground
A beggar lies sprawled on the ground so you give him some money. You feel bad for the beggar on the ground, so that’s why you decided to give him something.
Reading: よ
When you set the money down next to the beggar he shouts, “No! I want a yo-yo (よ)!” so you go to the corner store and buy him a yo-yo with the money instead. You give the yo-yo to the beggar and he looks very happy.
Radicals: 扌fingers + 土 dirt + ト toe
Somebody got dirt on your fingers and dirt on your toes so you’re going to hang them upside-down and slap them with your dirty extremities.
Reading: か
You have this person hanging upside-down but they don’t seem to be suffering enough, so you hit them with your car (か). No mercy.
Radicals: 阝building + ⺤ cleat + ヨ wolverine + 心 heart
Behind a building, a cleat-wearing wolverine is holding his heart and trying to hide.
Reading: いん
The wolverine looks up at the building he’s trying to hide behind and sees it’s an inn (いん).
Radicals: 木 tree + 莫 greenhouse
A tree grows next to a greenhouse enclosing an imitation of the tree. The imitation greenhouse tree wants to be big and impressive like the tree outside, so it does its very best imitation of a real tree.
Readings: も, ぼ
The greenhouse tree realizes that its imitation will never be as good as the real thing. When it realizes this, the tree moans (も) aloud. The tree is still kinda tiny, so the moan isn’t very loud, but it is still pretty strange to witness. Speaking of witnesses, Bobo (ぼ) the clown sees this greenhouse tree moaning and decides to take it for his next clown show. Surely this miniature moaning tree can be worked into Bobo’s next clown act.
Radicals: 今 now + 口 mouth
Now your mouth can include more words than ever before! With our new and improved “Mouth Now!” program, your mouth will include more words than you ever thought possible!
Reading: がん
If you buy now, we’ll also include a handful of books by Gandhi (がん) himself. Gandhi didn’t use our program, but we’re sure if he’d had the opportunity to, he would have used it. So buy now, and get the words of Gandhi in your hands as well as your mouth!
Radicals: 言 say + 公 public
Be careful what you say in public, otherwise you might face a lawsuit. People will sue you for just about anything these days, so you really need to watch what you say in public, otherwise you might find yourself with a lawsuit on your hands.
Reading: しょう
Any and all lawsuits need to be brought before the Shougun (しょう). Oh, you thought you’d get a judge or a jury? Nope, the Shougun decides your fate.
Radicals: 阝building + 艮 root
A building’s roots will limit the things under and around it.
Reading: げん
The person who hates these limits more than anyone else is Genji (げん). He wants to be able to tunnel under buildings, sneak in, smooch ladies, and sneak back out. But all the building root limits make that impossible!
Radicals: 月 moon + 巴 bed
A moon who stays in bed all day every day will soon become obese. A healthy moon needs movement and exercise to stay fit and not become obese. If a moon stays in bed all day, they’ll be sure to grow obese over time.
Reading: ひ
Since the obese moon is in bed all day, and since the moon stays pretty cold, she needs some extra heat (ひ) to stay warm. A heated blanket should do the trick.
Radicals: 曲 music + 豆 beans
Music beans make farts plentiful. And lucky for you, you have an abundant stock of these music beans, so you can eat plenty of them to power your musical bean toots.
Reading: ほう
Your music bean farts are too plentiful to leave your home (ほう). If you tried to leave your home you’d definitely fart all over people outside, so you keep your plentiful farts to yourself.
Radicals: 龸 viking + 木 tree
A Viking with enough trees will prosper. Vikings need trees to build their boats and homes, and they flourish when they have enough.
Reading: えい
Vikings knew that in order to prosper they also needed to collect acorns (えい). If you’re chopping down trees all the time, you need to actively grow them back too. That’s why acorns are the actual, secret key to Viking prosperity.
Pull out
Radicals: 扌fingers + 友 friend
Touch your fingers to your friend to pull out their friendship. Pull it out with a high five. Pull it out with a back rub. Pull it out with an, “Oh no, there’s some lint on your shirt, let me get that for you.”
Reading: ぬ
Your friend looks you in the eye and says, I want you to pull out my hair. I want my head to be nude (ぬ). Now you have to use your fingers on your friend to pull out their hair and make their head all nude.
Radicals: 夫 husband + 日 sun
A husband marries a husband while the sun goes down and the men replace their solitary lives with one of everlasting companionship. Instead of one husband and one wife, we have two husbands here. They shed their lives of bachelorhood and replace it with one of monogamy.
Reading: か
After the ceremony, the husband and his husband get in a car (か) and drive off into the sunset. They’ll never be able to replace this memory with anything. Truly it is the happiest day of these husbands’ lives.
Radicals: 糸 thread + 合 suit
Your threads have to suit you if you want a good salary. No one is going to give you a salary if your clothes don’t suit you. You have to look professional!
Reading: きゅう
Your salary is paid in cucumbers (きゅう). Maybe you shouldn’t have worn that cucumber tie when you interviewed for this job, even though it suited you well.
Radicals: 日 sun + 京 capital
The sun rises over the capital, creating a scene of breathtaking beauty. The sun is bright and warm as it crests over the capital. It’s quite the scene to behold.
Reading: けい
The only way to make this scene better would be to add cake (けい). Now that you think about it, as the sun rises and frosts the capital with light, the buildings start to look like big, shiny cakes.
Radicals: 龹 gladiator + 己 oneself
A gladiator only sees himself (oneself) on those big scrolls they advertise the fights with. Gladiators don’t get mirrors and there are no cameras or videos yet. The scroll drawings are all they get of themselves.
Reading: かん
When you look at the scroll you realize… you look just like Genghis Khan (かん)! You excitedly fist pump and start showing everyone how cool you are.
Radicals: 扌fingers + 申 humble + 又 stool
You want to get your fingers on the humble stool, so you dedicate your life to search for it. Wait, the humble stool? You know, like the holy grail or the ark of the covenant, but it’s called the humble stool. It’s from some bible or something, I promise.
Reading: そう
You search and you search and, unfortunately, you spend your entire life searching and you die without finding the humble stool. But don’t worry, your soul (そう) comes back and now you get to continue your search but with afterlife powers!
Set up
Radicals: 木 tree + 冓 lifeguard
A tree is what a lifeguard uses to set up the station where he’ll care for the people on the beach and in the water. Trees provide the shade lifeguards need to take care of half-drowned kids and grannies with sand stuck in their bathing suits. That’s why they set up their care stations here.
Reading: こう
You look closer at the set up and realize the lifeguard is こういち! You know he teaches Japanese but… is こういち really qualified to care for people like this?
Radicals: 日 sun + 京 capital + 彡 hair
The sun rises over the capital, shines down on your hair, and casts a long shadow on the ground in front of you.
Reading: えい
In the shade from your shadow you see a small acorn (えい) laying on the ground. You’re about to reach down and pick it up when you realize that your shadow is keeping this little acorn from growing up big and strong.
Radicals: 糸 thread + 交 mix
A thread is mixed all around and begins to strangle you.
Reading: こう
As you are strangled you see who set this trap. (What else could it be, with all this thread everywhere?) It is こういち, who just watches you as you lose consciousness, tapping his fingers together.
Radicals: 言 say + 斤 axe + 丶drop
You say you have an axe with a drop of blood on it. You hit someone with that axe and now they’re going to sue you. That drop of blood on your axe is pretty incriminating, which is why they have enough of a case to sue you.
Reading: そ
You want to sue them back so you clean the axe with some soap (そ). “Your honor,” you say in court, “I don’t see any drops of blood, I countersue!”
Radicals: ネ spirit + 甫 wedding
There is a spirit at your wedding. It’s there as a supplement to the guests because not enough people came.
Reading: ほ
Along with the spirits to supplement your wedding guests, you made everyone carry a hoe (ほ). That way no one had to bring a date, they carry a garden hoe as a supplement and no one feels bad about being dateless. Everyone is!
Radicals: 氵tsunami + [?] Unicode: 广 + 廿 yurt + 又 stool
A tsunami carries your yurt and you on a stool under it away. You are now in transit.
Reading: わた
The transit of yourself and your yurt home is due to the water (わた). This is water transit.