Kanji - Level 22 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 扌fingers + 爰 football
You use your fingers in the game of football to aid and assist the other players. And when you smash your fingers in football, you need to get some aid yourself.
If you’re from the UK, just imagine someone kicking or stomping on your fingers instead.
Reading: えん
When you need aid for your football wrecked fingers you can’t help but feel like it’s the end (えん) for you. Your fingers hurt so much, you don’t even want the nice nurses to aid you.
Radicals: 能 ability + 心 heart
You have a great ability because your heart gives you the appearance of a superhuman. Your heart is really strong and powerful, fuelling your body to the best of its ability. All this together gives you the appearance of someone in top condition.
Reading: たい
While you may have the appearance of someone who is super strong, powerful, and awesome, you do have one shortcoming. You don’t know how to tie (たい) a tie. Actually, you don’t even know how to tie your shoes, let alone your tie. How embarrassing.
Radicals: 言 say + 廴 yoga + 正 correct
They say yoga is the correct way to go through birth. Birth isn’t easy, but people keep telling you that yoga is the right way to prepare and actually do it.
Reading: たん
To prepare for giving birth you end up doing so much yoga outside that you get a really deep tan (たん).
Radicals: 衣 clothes
The clothes radical and the clothes kanji are exactly the same! Surprising!
Readings: い, え
An eagle (い) sees a pile of your clothes and lays an egg (え) in them. The eagle’s egg needs a soft warm place to incubate, and your pile of clothes is the perfect place.
Radicals: 丬icicle + 犬 dog
See all those icicles to the dog’s left? Good thing they all fell on his left, or he would’ve been in a terrible condition.
Reading: じょう
What saved the dog’s condition was none other than Joe (じょう), the local farmhand. He constantly keeps an eye on the dog’s condition, including any dangerously sharp icicles that could descend on him.
Radicals: 力 power + 口 mouth + 貝 shellfish
You use the power of your mouth to spit shellfish at people as a form of congratulations! In fact, you yell “CONGRATULATIONS!” as the shellfish come pouring out of your powerful mouth.
Reading: が
When you say congratulations like this, you look just like a gargoyle (が). You’re crouching down, your mouth wide open, just like a stone gargoyle.
Radicals: 竹 bamboo + 巩 saw + 木 tree
You use a bamboo saw to cut down trees to construct and build a building. The bamboo saw was crafted by a master bamboosmith, and cuts through trees with ease so you can quickly construct this new building.
Reading: ちく
As you construct and build this building, you hear a strange cheeping noise. Suddenly a chick (ちく) pops out of one of the logs you are building with. Then another, and another. You’re surrounded by chicks! Is this because you used the magical(?) bamboo saw??
Radicals: 各 kiss
You kiss each of your best pals to show them how much you love and care for them. You kiss each friend right on the mouth.
Reading: かく
Actually, each of your best pals are of the cock (かく) variety. By that, I mean they are both roosters. Imagine kissing both of these cocks on their beaks.
Radicals: 阝building + 夂 winter + 牛 cow
Inside the building is the Winter Cow. You need to see it, so you go inside. It is deep down in there, and you’ll have to descend to reach it.
Reading: こう
You descend to the bottom and there it is, the Winter Cow. You walk up to the cow, and it swings its head back to see you. Instead of a cow’s face, it’s こういち’s face.
Radicals: 弗 dollar + 貝 shellfish
Dollars and shellfish are used to pay expenses and costs. Shellfish used to be used as currency, so they’re like the coins that go with dollars.
Reading: ひ
What is the biggest expense and cost? It’s the heat (ひ) bill.
Radicals: 言 say + 平 peace
You should say “peace” before you evaluate a situation. That way everyone will know where you’re coming from. If you’re honest and say “peace” before you evaluate a situation out loud, everyone will know where you stand.
Reading: ひょう
When you say “peace,” you end up making a really bad pun and you hear somebody say “Heyo!” (ひょう) You look at the people around you and try to evaluate who said heyo, but you can’t tell. You start talking again when somebody exclaims “That’s what she said” and another person shouts “Heyo!” once again, but you still can’t evaluate who’s saying these things.
Radicals: 次 next + 女 woman
“Bring in the next woman so that I may examine her figure!” We’re holding auditions for a commercial and we need to find a woman with a nice figure. The last woman was no good, so bring in the next one.
Reading: し
The next woman comes in and you examine her figure. The figure you’ve been searching for! It just happens to belong to a sheep (し) woman. But she’s soft, fluffy, and round. The perfect figure!
Radicals: 坴 womb + 丸 circle + 力 power
The womb is a circle of power where a force of nature is formed. The womb has the power to create life. Life is a force of nature, and the circle of life starts in the womb.
Readings: せい, せ
Now pretend you’re the mother. You’ll need all the force you can muster to bring that baby into the world, so you grab hold of your special saber (せい) and slice it about in the air to give you the extra force you need.
Give up
Radicals: 言 say + 立 stand + 巾 towel
You have something to say, you stand on a towel, and shout, “I GIVE UP!”
Reading: あきら
Just before you’re ready to give up on something, you yell, “AKIRA (あきら)!”
Radicals: 示 jackhammer
You can use a jackhammer to indicate and show someone where the prize is buried. You buried the prize to keep it safe, but the jackhammer is great at unearthing it. Jackhammers do a great job and show where the treasure lies. They indicate quite clearly where one needs to go.
Readings: じ, し
Actually, you’re unearthing Jesus (じ). He’s the treasure. For your soul. He’s here to show you that Jesus is still a hip and cool guy and he wants to indicate to you that having faith in Jesus and God and stuff is super rad. Jesus is all like, “Who has two thumbs and wants to show you the way of the Lord? This guy.”
Lie down
Radicals: 宀 roof +丬icicle + ヨ wolverine + 冖 forehead + 又 stool
From the roof, an icicle falls and hits wolverine in the forehead, and he has to go over to the stool to lie down. And eventually he goes to sleep.
Reading: ね
While wolverine sleeps, he makes a horrible neighing (ね) sound. It’s like there’s a giant horse in his mouth screaming to get out! NEIGH NEIGH!
Radicals: 龸 viking + 呂 bathtub
A Viking who knows how to use a bathtub will have to manage all the baths for the other Vikings. Vikings aren’t so great with bathing… if you can get one Viking to figure it out he has to manage the rest of them.
Reading: えい
The poor Viking trying to manage all the others keeps having to confiscate acorns (えい). “You can’t take baths in acorns and wood, it has to be water!” he shouts.
Radicals: 土 dirt + 方 direction
Can you look at the dirt and know which direction you need to go? Then you might be a monk. Monks have amazing skills like that. And I’m sure you’ve seen monks wandering around in lots of media. They don’t need maps or smartphones. They just look at the dirt and let the earth guide them to where they need to be.
Reading: ぼう
You want to know the monk’s trick so you hide behind him for a while as he walks. Finally the monk stops, looks around, takes out a bowling (ぼう) ball and starts bowling in the dirt. The bowling ball rolls off, the monk follows it, and then heads off in that direction.
Radicals: 罒 net + 言 say +刂 knife
If you try to say things with a knife, the police will put you in a net as your penalty for breaking the knife laws. You can’t just go up to other people and say things with a knife out.
Reading: ばつ
Your penalty for breaking the law isn’t over. Now that you’re stuck in a net, you can’t fight back when they hit you with bats (ばつ).
Radicals: 竹 bamboo + 木 tree + 冂 head
With a bamboo tree resting atop your head, you devise a plan. The plan is actually for getting the bamboo tree off of your head. You’re trapped under it.
Reading: さく
But why is this bamboo tree so heavy? You look to each end of the bamboo and realize that there is a sack (さく) tied on each end. Each sack seems to be filled with heavy rocks. Looks like someone made a plan to trap you here. Now you have to devise a plan to escape!
Radicals: 安 cheap + 木 tree
A cheap tree has a plan. A plan to stay cheap.
Reading: あん
The cheap tree’s plan involves only buying anchovies (あん) and surviving on them. Good exposure to the sun and fresh water is too expensive. The tree plans to save money by eating anchovies.
Radicals: 扌fingers + 日 sun + 正 correct
Pointing your fingers to the sun is the correct way to present yourself or offer to submit your ideas. You’re really just raising your hand. And when you want to present yourself, your ideas, or offer anything, the correct way is to raise your fingers to the sun. You definitely learned this in school.
Reading: てい
You want to present your show and tell of tater tots (てい) to the class. You raise your hand, the teacher calls on you, and you submit the tater tots for her and the class’s approval. “Oh my!” the teacher exclaims, “I hope you brought enough tater tots to present to the whole class!” You raise your hand once more to the sky, and in it you submit a whole tray of tater tots!
Radicals: 罒 net + 直 fix
This net needs to be fixed if you want to put food on the table.
Reading: ち
Once it’s fixed, you put a bunch of cheese (ち) in the net. You want to catch something that eats cheese, so that you can then put that animal on your dinner table.
Radicals: 土 dirt + 戈 drunkard + 口 mouth + 一 ground
Under the dirt in the ground is a drunkard with something in his mouth from a region in North America. He died from whatever it is that’s in his mouth. That’s how this drunkard ended up under the ground in the first place. His whole face region is disfigured from whatever he ate. I wonder what region of North America the strange object came from?
Reading: いき
In an attempt to identify what region of North America the thing in the drunkard’s mouth came from, you touch it and try to remove it with your bare hands. Upon touching whatever it is, you find it to be all icky (いき) and gooey. Like, super icky. So icky that you barf in the region immediately adjacent to you.
Radicals: 一 ground + 田 rice paddy + メ treasure
In the ground of the rice paddy is a treasure. As you pull it out of the mucky ground, you can feel your life force beingrenewed.
Reading: こう
Just as you were getting accustomed to this life renewing treasure, こういち comes out of nowhere, stealing your treasure and running off with it.
Radicals: 广 canopy + 心 heart
If someone gets under the canopy over your heart you should respond to them.
Reading: おう
You respond and it turns out it was to the 王 (おう).
Shinto shrine
Radicals: 宀 roof + 呂 bathtub
It may just be a roof over a bathtub, but this here is actually a Shinto shrine.
Reading: みや
What god does this Shinto shrine hold? You see that “It’s a-me-ya (みや)! (Mario!)”
Radicals: ネ spirit + 由 reason
A mix of spirit and reason helped you invent the sleeve. Your spirit told you your arms were uncomfortable, stuck to your sides under that shirt. Reason told you that maybe, just maybe, if you made holes for your arms something good would come out of it. And that’s how sleeves were born!
Reading: そで
Sleeves are so dead (そで)! Short-sleeve shirts, long-sleeve jackets… Ugh, they’re just so old-fashioned. So dead!
Radicals: 口 mouth + 及 escalator
Your mouth is like an escalator you use to suck and inhale things into your body.
Reading: きゅう
Use this mouth ability to suck cucumbers (きゅう) into your mouth. Cucumbers are shaped like cylinders so you can suck them into your mouth like this. Just as nature intended.
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + 冋 mustache
While riding on your scooter, you grow a mustache on top of the mustache you already have in order to surpass the people around you. You’re in a scooter race and your mustache is the only thing keeping you in the lead, but someone else has a mustache too! So you grow another mustache to surpass them once again!
Reading: か
Suddenly, something else manages to surpass you all. It’s a car (か)! A car with two mustaches is also riding on a scooter and going way faster than you.
Radicals: 令 orders + 頁 geoduck
Taking orders from a geoduck will place you into enemy territory. Geoducks make terrible commanders, so if you take orders from one, expect to end up in unknown territory, potentially even enemy territory. Be prepared.
Reading: りょう
Not wanting to end up dead in enemy territory, you decide to escape this geoduck leader by getting on a row (りょう) boat and rowing your way outta there. The geoduck commander orders you to halt your escape, but you still get in your row boat and row away.
Radicals: 月 moon + 兑 guard
The light of the moon is shining on a guard who’s been on duty all night. In fact, the moon light is making him so warm, he’s trying to undress and escape! Somebody stop him!
Reading: だつ
You’re unable to stop the guard from undressing and making his escape, so you decide to start throwing some darts (だつ) at him. Perhaps that’ll make him stop.
Radicals: 糸 thread + 充 allocate
You take all of your thread and allocate them into one place to unite them. With all your thread united and wrapped together, you’re ready to rule and govern the world!
Reading: とう
You’re busy trying to unite all of your thread, twisting and tying and wrapping, and suddenly you look at the ball in your hands and see とうきょう. You’ve united this thread into the shape of とうきょう. There are even little pins for all the famous neighborhoods and tourist spots. This is strange, because you don’t remember putting them there.
Radicals: イ leader + 直 fix
A leader can fix the value of certain goods and services. Leaders basically get to decide how much everything is worth in value, like rice or lamps or how much you get paid for the work you do.
Reading: ち
This leader has fixed the value of cheese (ち), making it ¥1 permanently. One yen! That’s, like, less than a penny! Unfortunately, the leader won’t fix any of the other really expensive things… so now everyone only eats cheese.
Radicals: イ leader + 覀 helicopter
The helicopter the leader is in has the most value! He would only choose to fly the very best one, after all. That’s why it’s worth way more than the others. Actually, any helicopter he flies goes up in value. That’s the amazing effect of a good leader.
Reading: か
To further increase the helicopter’s value, the leader bought himself a car (か) and then tied them together. Now it has the value of a helicopter AND a car! Wow!
Radicals: 畐 scarecrow +刂 knife
That scarecrow with the knife is the vice president. Yeah, I know how he looks, and I’m pretty sure he does some murdering on the side, but you didn’t hear that from me.
Reading: ふく
It’s the vice president’s turn to speak at the podium and he just clears his throat and yells, “F**k (ふく) you!” to the crowd, holding up his knife. They cheer.
Radicals: 矢 arrow + 隹 turkey + 見 see
There’s an arrow in a turkey that you can see in your view. The turkey seems to be viewing you too, from afar.
Reading: かん
As you view the turkey, Genghis Khan (かん) suddenly comes into your view too. He towers over the injured turkey, leans down, and… pulls the arrow out!?
Radicals: 艹 flowers + 月 moon + 龹 gladiator + 水 water
The only flowers that the moon gladiators will water are wisteria.
Reading: ふじ
Since they’re on the moon, where did they get the wisteria from? Actually, from one of the points on earth that is nearest to the moon, Mt. Fuji (ふじ).