Kanji - Level 18 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 丿slide + 土 dirt + 口 mouth
Saying you’re going to slide the dirt out of your mouth is just another way of saying you’re going to announce something. All that information is the dirt, and to announce that dirt you just slide it on out of your mouth. How’s that for a visual?
Reading: こく
Now that you’re about to announce something important, you should maybe get it nice and smooth in your mouth so the dirt can slide out easier. So take a big gulp of Coke (こく). Coke is just like, the dirt of soda anyway, you know?
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + 幸 happiness
For happiness, a scooter is the best way to attain it—plural scooters would be even better. Everyone loves a good scooter. And as they say, the path to attaining happiness is littered with plural scooters.
Reading: たつ
If you can’t attain a scooter, attaining a tattoo (たつ) of one is the next best thing. Might as well get two tattooed on because plural is always better. This is a surefire way to attain happiness. Get a tattoo.
Radicals: 火 fire + 尭 gambler
In a dangerous fire, a gambler will always try to bake something before fleeing to safety. It could be his own house on fire, and the gambler would still use the free heat source to get some baking done. Maybe he’s gambling that those baked goods will offset the cost of a new home…
This kanji also means burn, because that’s what happens when you expose something to a lot of heat.
Reading: や
He used to bake for the Yankees (や). Baseball cakes, bat baguettes, that kind of thing. A career-ending kitchen injury forced him to retire. That’s when he developed a gambling problem. But he still likes to bake whenever the Yankees are on TV.
Radicals: イ leader + 昔 long ago
Long ago, a great leader thought to borrow something precious from you. This leader did not return the thing he borrowed, and now he will pay.
Reading: しゃく
In your rage, you decide to find this leader, take back what’s yours, and in return, borrow the leader’s life. So you found him, grabbed him, and then threw him into a dirt shack (しゃく) where you shock him and do other terrible things to him.
Radicals: 弓 bow
The bow radical and the bow kanji are exactly the same!
Reading: きゅう
You have a bow in one hand and in the other… a cucumber (きゅう). You’re going to shoot this cucumber with this bow into the salad you’re making. Many people don’t know this, but this makes your cucumbers taste better.
Radicals: 月 moon + ⺍ grass + 凶 treasure chest
Nestled in the light of the moon in the grass is a treasure chest that you can see with your brain. You close your eyes, and you can see the spot, but it’s kept deep in your brain, and you have to use its power to find it.
Reading: のう
If you can unlock the secrets of your brain you’ll have powers like Nostradamus (のう). Nostradamus was able to look inward at his own hidden brain treasure chest and see the future, so maybe you can be like him too.
Radicals: 食 eat + 台 machine
What do you eat like a machine? Candy!
Reading: あめ
This candy in particular is just drops of hardened, clear sugar that looks like 雨 (あめ) drops.
Radicals: 月 moon + 勹 prison + 凶 treasure chest
In a prison on the moon lies a treasure chest containing a golden chest piece. This mighty chest armor will grant you protection from nearly any attack, for it is imbued with moon magic.
Reading: むね
Where is this chest armor from? It’s from the moon. Now how would you say that if you were Canadian? It’s from the moon, eh (むね). Right, this here chest armor is from the moon, eh.
Radicals: 車 car + 殳 weapon + 糸 thread
You’ve got a car, a weapon, and some thread lying around. So of course you decide to connect them all together.
Reading: つな
There’s only one reason you’ve connected all this together: Tuna (つな) fishing. Obviously!
Radicals: 口 mouth + 生 life + 刀 sword + 大 big
In your mouth you put your life on the line by putting in a sword that is big. You put it all the way down there, so you consume it.
Reading: きつ
The “consume a sword” illusion came with a cheap magic kit (きつ) you had.
Radicals: 竹 bamboo + 寺 temple
The bamboo temple is equal to all of the other non-bamboo temples. Just because it’s made of bamboo doesn’t make it any less special and spiritual.
Reading: とう
The bamboo temple is also an equal distance away from the other temples in とうきょう. When you look at a map of とうきょう temples, you can measure them out and they’ll all be perfectly equal.
Flat object counter
Radicals: 木 tree + 夂 winter
In the winter, one can use a sliced up tree as a flat object counter. Since it’s winter, all the leaves have fallen off the tree, so it’s easy to cut into slats. These slats can be used as counters for flat objects, such as these slats.
Reading: まい
While trying to count these slats of wood, a whole bunch of mice (まい) show up and start climbing all over the tree. This will not do, so you take two slats and start smashing and flattening all the mice. Now that the mice are flat too, you can also use them as a flat objects counter. Good job, mice.
Radicals: 亡 death + 心 heart
The death of your heart will cause you to forget all of the most important things. People think memories are kept in your brain, but that’s not true. Your heart is where all of your most precious memories are kept, and when it dies, you forget them all.
Reading: ぼう
When someone forgets everything they’re left with only one thing to do: go bowling (ぼう). Bowling is easy, and there’s nothing to forget. You pick up a ball. You drop it. Everything else is automatically taken care of.
Radicals: 艹 flowers + 可 lip ring
Using flowers to make a lip ring is always going to end in frustration.
Readings: いじ, いら, さいな
After some frustration, you made your flower lip ring. Now you look like an Egyptian (いじ) pharaoh. Because all ancient Egyptian monarchs wore flower lip rings (historical fact)!
Radicals: 言 say + 川 river
You say stuff to a river, giving it instruction. This river is a new river so it needs you to say things, giving it instruction on what to do. Otherwise the river wouldn’t know how to behave.
Reading: くん
While giving instruction to the river, you see a small boat coming down it. Inside the miniature boat is a raccoon (くん) captain and his raccoon crew. The raccoon captain is instructing them, “Stroke! Stroke!”