Kanji - Level 24 - Vocab Flashcards
Above mentioned
Kanji: 上 above + 述 mention
Above mentions are above mentioned. Look above to see where I mentioned it, okay?
Note that 上述 is a word commonly used in formal writing such as reports, academic papers, or business documents.
Reading: じょうじゅつ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Annual amount
Kanji: 年 year + 額 amount
The year amount is the yearly amount.
Reading: ねんがく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 触 touch + 角 angle
The angle of the touch is important with an antenna. Think about antennae. An ant’s antennae wiggle around and move in different angles, touching things, to understand the world around them. Imagine their tiny bug antennae touching your arm to figure out who you are.
Note that 触角 refers to the antennae of insects, crustaceans, and certain other arthropods, rather than to TV or radio antennas.
Reading: しょっかく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. しょく goes to しょっ.
Kanji: 腕 arm
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
Reading: うで
The reading is the same as the one you learned with the kanji.
Kanji: 誕 birth + 生 life + 日 sun
Remember how 誕生 is birth? If you add day on there, you have a birthday. Happy birthday!
Reading: たんじょうび
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji, but with this word 日 uses the kun’yomi ひ, which is turned into び due to rendaku.
Blood transfusion
Kanji: 輸 transport + 血 blood
Transport of blood. Only time you do this is during a blood transfusion.
Reading: ゆけつ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Blood vessel
Kanji: 血 blood + 管 pipe
The pipes that hold your blood are your blood vessels, or your veins.
Reading: けっかん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. The けつ goes to けっ.
Both arms
Kanji: 両 both + 腕 arm
Both arms are both arms!
Reading: りょううで
This is a combination of the on’yomi reading of 両 and the kun’yomi reading of 腕. You’ve learned them both, so you know this too!
Kanji: 境 boundary
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
Reading: さかい
Since this word is made up of a single kanji, it probably uses the kun’yomi reading. You did not learn this reading, so here’s a mnemonic to help you to remember: You walk up to the boundary. You’re there to pick something up to take it across. This thing you’re smuggling across the boundary is a sockeye (さかい) salmon. You take it across the boundary and sell it for a big profit.
Kanji: 境 boundary + 界 world
The boundary separates worlds. It is a boundary.
Reading: きょうかい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 建 build + 物 thing
A thing you build is a building. There aren’t too many other things you build, at least not to this extent.
Reading: たてもの
The reading is a bit weird. It’s kun’yomi readings across the board, meaning your knowledge of 建てる hopefully can come into play here. A building is something you build, so how do you say “to build”? It’s 建てる (たてる). Since it’s a thing you build, it’s a たてもの. This reading is a bit confusing, but hopefully after a while you’ll get it if you get it wrong too many times! Maybe if you think about the building you’re in and call it a 建物 a few times it’ll sink in better?
Kanji: 負 lose + 担 carry
You lose. Because of that, you have to carry this burden and responsibility.
Reading: ふたん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Burnable garbage
Kanji: 可 possible + 燃 burn + ゴ + ミ
Possible to burn ゴミ (garbage). This is burnable garbage.
Readings: かねんごみ, かねんゴミ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 特 special + 質 quality
Your special quality is your characteristics or your traits.
This is a formal word that refers to special properties that only a certain thing possesses, like the properties of steel as a material, or a certain person’s nature.
Reading: とくしつ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 子 child + 供 servant
A child servant is a child. Children are basically like little servants anyways, what else are they good for?
Reading: こども
The readings for this one are the kun’yomi readings of each kanji. 子 is just こ, like the individual vocab word. 供 is ども, however. Remember this by thinking how much children love domo-kun.
Also, 子ども is kind of more “politically correct” with the kana hanging off there. 子供 is still used in a lot of situations, usually stiff ones. The second kanji means servant, and some people don’t like that. The second version pops up a decent amount, so it’s good to be familiar with that as well.
Kanji: 親 parent + 展 expand
If intimacy expands to something, that thing is confidential. Try visualizing intimacy as a sort of gooey liquid, expanding and covering a letter, and making that letter confidential.
親展 is generally written on the front of envelopes to indicate that only the intended recipient should read its contents.
Reading: しんてん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Counter plan
Kanji: 対 versus + 策 plan
Your versus plan is to attack back. They’ve already attacked you once, so now it’s time for your counter plan.
Reading: たいさく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 違 different + い
This is a single kanji with an い on the end, meaning you’d think it’s probably an adjective. However in this case, it’s a noun. What’s the noun form of different? It’s difference.
Reading: ちがい
The reading is the same as the one you learned with the kanji. Not different at all.
Kanji: 差 distinction + 別 separate
You make a distinction between people and based off that you separate the people. This is terrible! Why so much discrimination?
Reading: さべつ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 環 loop + 境 boundary
The loop that makes up the boundary of this area holds in the environment, at least this particular one.
Reading: かんきょう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 本 book + 質 quality
The real quality of something is its essence, or its true nature. Whether it’s good or bad is a different story.
Reading: ほんしつ
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
Kanji: 審 judge + 査 examine
I will judge and inspect you. This is an examination, so we’ll see if you pass.
Reading: しんさ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 輸 transport + 出 exit
When you transport things and they exit from your country, you are exporting them.
Reading: ゆしゅつ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 遠 far + 視 look at
When you can look at far things, but not near things, you have farsightedness, longsightedness, or hyperopia.
Reading: えんし
The reading is the readings you learned with the kanji, which you’d know if it wasn’t for your farsightedness (go get some glasses so you can read our lessons!).
Fixed amount
Kanji: 定 determine + 額 amount
A determined amount is an amount that is fixed, aka a fixed amount, a fixed sum, or flat rate.
Reading: ていがく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Fixed quantity
Kanji: 定 determine + 量 quantity
A determined quantity is a fixed quantity.
Reading: ていりょう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Framed picture
Kanji: 額 amount
You previously learned this kanji with three different meanings. In vocabulary form, it just has one of these meanings, framed picture! Similarly, it can just mean picture or frame too.
Reading: がく
This has the same reading as the kanji you learned, meaning you know the reading!
Kanji: 燃 burn + 料 fee
A material you can burn is called fuel!
Reading: ねんりょう
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
Kanji: 更 renew + に
When you’re renewing what you’re saying, you’re adding onto it, which makes this furthermore or further.
This is one of those good paragraph or sentence-starting essay words, which is how you’ll often see it used!
Reading: さらに
The kanji stands by itself with a particle, meaning that this uses the kun’yomi reading, which you didn’t learn with the kanji. Here’s a mnemonic to help you:
You know a person that starts every other sentence by saying “Furthermore,” and that’s… Sarah (さら). Really feel yourself getting annoyed with this Sarah for starting every other sentence with “Furthermore, …!”
Just note that 更に is often written in kana, as さらに, especially in casual writing!
Good quality
Kanji: 良 good + 質 quality
Good quality is always good quality. Don’t skimp!
Reading: りょうしつ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Government office
Kanji: 官 government + 庁 agency
A government government office is a government office. Did I mention government?
Reading: かんちょう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Half price
Kanji: 半 half + 額 amount
A half amount sale is when things are half price. Cheap!
Reading: はんがく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
High price
Kanji: 高 tall + 値 value
A tall value. If you paid for something that had a tall value, it would have a high price.
This word is often used when something sells for a comparatively high price. Like when a stock is hitting highs, or goods are sold for higher than the average market price, or something can fetch a high price at auction.
Reading: たかね
This word uses the kun’yomi readings for both kanji, but you know them both now, so you should be able to read this too!
Kanji: 自 self + 家 house + 製 manufacture
By my self at home I manufactured this. It is homemade.
Reading: じかせい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
In charge
Kanji: 担 carry + 当 correct
You carry everyone else and you are always right. With these traits, you are in charge.
Reading: たんとう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 交 mix + 差 distinction + 点 point
You mix, but there’s a distinction as to where you mix at this point. Where is this point? It can be found when two streets cross, at an intersection, also known as a crossing.
Reading: こうさてん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 審 judge + 判 judge
This word has judge and judge in it, so it has something to do with judgment. It’s usually used in sports, so it’s the referee or umpire, depending on your sport of choice.
Reading: しんぱん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. Just watch out for rendaku turning はん into ぱん (as is so often the case after ん).
Large amount
Kanji: 多 many + 額 amount
A many amount is a large amount or large sum.
Reading: たがく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Large quantity
Kanji: 大 big + 量 quantity
A large quantity is a large quantity. Kind of like the large number of words you’re learning here now. A huge amount. Well done you.
Reading: たいりょう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Late riser
Kanji: 朝 morning + 寝 lie down + 坊 monk
Remember 寝坊 and how it means oversleep? Someone who oversleeps in the morning is someone who’s a late riser.
Reading: あさねぼう
The reading is the vocab words 朝 and 寝坊 put together into one. So long as you know them separately you should know them together too!
Layer of
Kanji: 層 layer
This is a word that’s attached to other things indicating the layer of something (or just layer). It has essentially the same meaning as the kanji it comes from, layer.
Reading: そう
The reading is the reading you learned with the kanji. It’s treated like a jukugo reading because it’s normally attached to things.
Left arm
Kanji: 左 left + 腕 arm
Your left arm is your left arm.
Reading: ひだりうで
This is a jukugo word, but it uses kun’yomi instead of on’yomi, so watch out for that!
Long sleeves
Kanji: 長 long + 袖 sleeve
Long sleeves are long sleeves.
Reading: ながそで
This word uses the kun’yomi readings for both kanji. You’ve learned them both already, so you should be able to read this already!
Low price
Kanji: 安 cheap + 値 value
A cheap valued item comes at a low price. What a good deal!
Reading: やすね
This word uses the kun’yomi readings for both kanji, but you know them both now, so you should be able to read this too!
Made in China
Kanji: 中 middle + 国 country + 製 manafucture
China (中国) manufactured items are made in China.
Reading: ちゅうごくせい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. Will help if you know the word 中国 already.
Made in Japan
Kanji: 日 sun + 本 book + 製 manufacture
Things that are manufactured in Japan (日本) are made in Japan. Good quality stuff, that is.
Reading: にほんせい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. Will help if you know how to read 日本 already.
Made in USA
Kanji: ア + メ + リ + カ + 製 manufacture
America manufactured is something that is made in USA or made in America.
Readings: あめりかせい, アメリカせい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Mail order
Kanji: 通 pass through + 販 sell
Things you sell that pass through the world to get to you are probably mail order. You order them and they get zoomed off to you, passing through all kinds of space to arrive at your door.
Reading: つうはん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 管 pipe + 理 reason
The pipe of reason. Imagine someone holding this pipe. It always leads to the correct decision because it is the pipe of reason. Those who have this pipe are in a higher rank than you. They are the management, and by using this pipe of reason they’re able to make good management decisions.
Reading: かんり
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 製 manufacture + 作 make
A place where you manufacture and make is a place where manufacturing and production are done. So many things getting made.
Reading: せいさく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Martial arts
Kanji: 武 military + 道 road
If you take the road of the military you’re going to have to fight a lot. Back in the day, this involved learning martial arts to fight with. Remember, just wax off.
Reading: ぶどう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Material quality
Kanji: 品 product + 質 quality
A product’s quality is in its material quality. If the materials aren’t any good then the product isn’t either.
Reading: ひんしつ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Metropolis government building
Kanji: 都 metropolis + 庁 agency
The metropolis agency is the government that controls the metropolitan area. Their office is in the metropolitan government building.
Reading: とちょう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Metropolis police department
Kanji: 警 warn + 視 look at + 庁 agency
They warn, they look at crime, and they’re an agency of the government. They are the metropolitan police department.
Reading: けいしちょう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 型 model
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
Reading: かた
Since this word is made up of a single kanji, it probably uses the kun’yomi reading. You did not learn this reading, so here’s a mnemonic to help you to remember: What model cutter (かた) is this? I can only use a certain type for my work.
Monthly amount
Kanji: 月 moon + 額 amount
A month’s amount is the monthly amount.
Reading: げつがく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Much more
Kanji: 一 one + 層 layer
One layer more? One whole layer? It must be much more important than we thought. Let’s pay all the more attention, in that case.
This word is often written in kana, but you’ll see it in kanji too.
Reading: いっそう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. いち goes to いっ.
Kanji: 狭 narrow + い
This is a single kanji with an い on the end, meaning you know it’s probably an adjective. What’s the adjective form of narrow? It’s narrow.
Reading: せまい
The reading is the same as the kanji, so you’re good to go here. It may be a narrow way of thinking about this kanji, but it will help you out the most.
National border
Kanji: 国 country + 境 boundary
A country boundary is that country’s national border. Be careful about crossing it if you’re carrying bananas. The border police seem to hate when you tell them you’re carrying a banana in your pants when they ask you if you’re bringing any fruits back. No idea why.
Readings: こっきょう, くにざかい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. The こく gets shortened to a nice little こっ.
National holiday
Kanji: 祝 celebrate + 日 sun
A celebrate day is a day you get off to celebrate something awesome. More specifically, this is known as a national holiday or a public holiday.
Reading: しゅくじつ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
National police agency
Kanji: 警 warn + 察 guess + 庁 agency
Unlike the 警視庁, who look at things, this is just the police officer (警察) agency. Just the general police agency of the whole country, making them part of the National Police Agency.
Reading: けいさつちょう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 近 near + 視 look at
When you can look at things that are near well but you can’t see things far away, you have nearsightedness, shortsightedness, or myopia. Good to get those eyes checked out occasionally.
Reading: きんし
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Nonburnable garbage
Kanji: 不 not + 燃 burn + ゴ + ミ
These are not burnable garbages (ごみ). Pay attention to this on signs when you throw things away. You want to put the right things into nonburnable garbage.
Readings: ふねんごみ, ふねんゴミ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 提 present + 供 servant
When you present something to your servant you’re doing them a favor. You’re kindly giving them an offer. And since they’re an aspiring TV star, you’re offering program sponsoring. You know, so they can make a TV show and fulfil their dream.
Reading: ていきょう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Open for business
Kanji: 営 manage + 業 business + 中 middle
営業 means running a business. You’re in the middle of running a business, which means you’re open for business (otherwise you wouldn’t be in the middle of running it, you’d be at the beginning or something).
Reading: えいぎょうちゅう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. It will help to know 営業 first as well.
Past tense
Kanji: 過 surpass + 去 past + 形 shape
The past shape is how things were in the past. To describe those things (like you would with an adjective, aka 形容詞), you’d use past tense.
Reading: かこけい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 現 present time + 象 elephant
A present time phenomenon is a phenomenon whether it’s in the present or in the future or in the past.
Reading: げんしょう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 管 pipe
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
Reading: くだ
“That’s coo’ だ,” you like to say in response to pipes. You’ve never seen pipes before, which makes them pretty cool to you. You’ve been using an outhouse your whole life, so pipes are pretty neat.
Place to put something
Kanji; 置 put + き + 場 location
置く is to put down something. So a location where you put something down is a place to put something.
置き場 often follows another word, signifying it’s the designated area where that specific item should be stored or parked. For example, 自転車置き場.
Reading: おきば
The reading is the readings of 置く and 場 put together.
Price tag
Kanji: 値 value + 札 bill
A price tag is… a price tag!
Reading: ねふだ
This word uses the kun’yomi readings for both kanji. You learned the kun’yomi reading for 値 in the vocabulary word 値(ね). You learned the reading for 札 in the vocabulary 札(ふだ). Put them together and you have ねふだ.
Kanji: 製 manufacture + 品 product
Manufactured goods are manufactured goods. What does that end up being? A product.
Reading: せいひん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 原 original + 型 model
The original model of something isn’t usually very good. It’s rough. It’s a prototype.
Reading: げんけい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 質 quality
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
Reading: しつ
Reading is the same as the one you learned with the kanji.
Kanji: 量 quantity
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
Reading: りょう
The reading is the same as the one you learned with the kanji.
Kanji: 質 quality + 問 problem
A quality problem is worth a question. A low quality problem however… don’t ask the question. There are stupid questions, after all.
Reading: しつもん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 記 write down + 載 place on
Please write down and put on paper the facts, so we have a record of them.
記載 refers to information that is recorded in some manner, typically in written, printed, or digital form.
Reading: きさい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 所 place + 載 place on
When you give information its place, it’s put on record. That means it has been recorded or published in a particular publication.
所載 is a formal term that is commonly used immediately after the publication’s name to specify where the information is kept.
Reading: しょさい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Remaining amount
Kanji: 残 remainder + 額 amount
The remainder amount is the remaining amount, aka the balance.
Reading: ざんがく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Rooting section
Kanji: 応 respond + 援 aid + 団 group
A group that roots for you is your rooting section or cheer squad. Go go go you!
応援団 tend to wear black school uniforms and support their team with lively chants and energetic performances. They can also have cheerleaders with pom-poms, but those are usually just called チアリーダー.
Reading: おうえんだん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. 応援 is a word you’ve seen before, so if you know that this word will be easier.
Kanji: 規 standard + 則 rule
A standard rule is just one of the rules or regulations. Nothing weird about these rules.
Reading: きそく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 規 standard + 律 law
A standard law is the rule or law you have to follow. With these standard laws comes discipline. If you don’t have these it will be chaos!
Reading: きりつ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 販 sell + 売 sell
Sell, sell, sell. This is the attitude you need if you want to work in sales or do sales. You have to work on your selling.
Reading: はんばい
This is a jukugo word, which means you need to know the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You know them both, hurray!
Kanji: 武 military + 士 samurai
A military samurai is a samurai. This is how most people say “samurai” in Japanese.
Reading: ぶし
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Sense of sight
Kanji: 視 look at + 覚 memorize
You look at things and memorize them via your sight, using your sense of sight.
Reading: しかく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Short sleeves
Kanji: 半 half + 袖 sleeve
Half sleeves is just another name for short sleeves.
Reading: はんそで
This word uses the on’yomi reading for 半 and the kun’yomi reading for 袖. You’ve learned them both already, so you should be able to read this word.
Kanji: 肩 shoulder
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
Reading: かた
The reading is the same as the one you learned with the kanji.
Kanji: 株 stock + 式 ritual
A stock ritual is the dance we do in the modern world around stocks and shares of different companies. Buy! Sell! Buy! Sell!
Reading: かぶしき
The readings are the ones you learned with the kanji.
Kanji: 株 stock
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
Reading: かぶ
The reading is the same as the kanji.
Kanji: 主 master + 観 view + 的 target
主観 is subjectivity. So when something moves towards subjectivity it is becoming subjective.
Reading: しゅかんてき
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. It will help if you know 主観.
Kanji: 対 versus + 象 elephant
The versus phenomenon is what you’re going up against. It’s your target because you’re heading towards this phenomenon you’re versusing against.
Reading: たいしょう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Time difference
Kanji: 時 time + 差 distinction
The time distinction is how you tell apart time zones. It is the time difference.
Reading: じさ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
To assist
Kanji: 援 aid + 助 help + す + る
You know that 援助 is assistance or aid. So the verb vocab version is to assist or to aid.
Reading: えんじょする
The reading is the same as 援助. It is also just the readings you learned with the kanji.
To be delivered
Kanji: 届 deliver + く
Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. The kanji itself means deliver so the verb vocab version here is to be delivered or to arrive. You know this one is “to be delivered” (aka it’s just getting delivered, you aren’t doing the delivery) because when this item arrives at your house you say “coo’” (く), it arrived.
Reading: とどく
The reading is the one you learned with the kanji: とど!
To be different
Kanji: 違 different + う
Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. The kanji itself means different so the verb vocab version is to be different… and of course, to be different is also to be wrong in Japan. Don’t be different!
Reading: ちがう
The reading is the same as the reading you learned with the kanji. It’s not different at all.
To be placed on
Kanji: 載 place on + る
Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. It’s also an intransitive verb, meaning the action happens on its own, you don’t do it. The kanji itself means place on, and this means to be placed on.
載る is also often used to refer to something being included in a written document or publication and so can also mean to be recorded, as in 新聞に載る (to be recorded in a newspaper) or 教科書に載る (to be recorded in a textbook).
Reading: のる
Since this word consists of a kanji with hiragana attached, you can bet that it will use the kun’yomi reading. You didn’t learn that reading with this kanji, so here’s a mnemonic to help you:
A reporter asks for your conversation to be placed on record, to which you respond “NO (の)!” Koichi doesn’t want everyone to know that he didn’t notice a cactus had been placed on his seat until…
To burn something
Kanji: 燃 burn + や + す
Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. The kanji itself means burn and the verb vocab version is to burn something, or to set on fire.
Reading: もやす
This is when you’re burning something. To remember this meaning, you have to remember the も part. So, just think of your friend Moe (も), and how you’re going to burn him… uh… just a little bit.
To carry
Kanji: 担 carry + ぐ
Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. The kanji itself means carry so the verb vocab version is to carry. This has to do with carrying something literal, unlike 担う which is not necessarily literal (you’ll learn it later). And in this case, you carry it on your shoulder(s). You can remember that it’s literal from the reading mnemonic, which has you carrying literal cats on your shoulders.
Reading: かつぐ
Since this word consists of a kanji with hiragana attached, you can bet that it will use the kun’yomi reading. You didn’t learn that reading with this kanji, so here’s a mnemonic to help you:
You love to carry things, especially cats (かつ). You hoist them up onto your shoulders and carry them all around town.
To celebrate
Kanji: 祝 celebrate + う
Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. The kanji itself means celebrate, so the verb vocab version is to celebrate. When you burn this word, you should 祝う!
Reading: いわう
Since this word consists of a kanji with hiragana attached, you can bet that it will use the kun’yomi reading. You didn’t learn that reading with this kanji, so here’s a mnemonic to help you:
Everyone’s here to celebrate, and all you can say is “Eek, wha…!?” (いわ). All your friends and family have come to celebrate your birthday, but you had no idea. Still confused and processing the situation, you keep saying, “Eek… what?” The surprise was a complete success!
To develop
Kanji: 発 departure + 展 expand + す + る
Let’s depart from this place and expand it out. To do that we’ll have to develop it.
Reading: はってんする
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. The はつ gets shortened to はっ, though.
To ignore
Kanji: 無 nothing + 視 look at + す + る
I will look at nothing. I am going to ignore you.
Reading: むしする
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
To make an offering
Kanji: 供 servant + え + る
You don’t servant something… but what do servants do? You are their god, so they have to make an offering to you every day.
Reading: そなえる
Since this word consists of a kanji with hiragana attached, you can bet that it will use the kun’yomi reading. It shares its reading with the word 備える, which you learned a level ago, but in case you need a reminder, here it is:
What’s the best way for your servants to make an offering? When they offer up their sauna (そな)! You really value a warm and relaxing sauna session at the end of the day.
To measure
Kanji: 量 quantity + る
Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. The kanji itself means quantity, but you don’t “to quantity.” To figure out the quantity, however, you have to measure / to weigh whatever it is you want to get the quantity of.
Reading: はかる
You need to measure the quantity of something, but don’t have a scale or anything. Luckily, you are quite the hacker (はか) and hack together a scale using only rubber bands and beans.
To mention
Kanji: 述 mention + べ + る
Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. The kanji itself means mention so the verb vocab version is to mention.
This is a formal word often used in writing.
Reading: のべる
I have to mention this thing… “NO,” (の) you quickly respond. I don’t want you mentioning that here and now.
Too much
Kanji: 過 surpass + ぎ
過ぎる is to pass. When you pass what is needed, what are you left with? Just this word: too much. This can also mean after, as in “after 5pm”, and past, as in “past sixty”.
Reading: すぎ
The reading comes from 過ぎる. Know that and you know too much. Dial it down to get 過ぎ.
To oversleep
Kanji: 寝 lie down + 坊 monk + す + る
寝坊 is oversleep. Make that into a verb and you have to oversleep.
Reading: ねぼうする
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. It also just takes the reading from 寝坊.
To point at
Kanji: 指 finger + 差 distinction + す
When you want to use your finger to explain the distinction between more than one thing, you need to point at it. Otherwise the person you’re talking to won’t be able to tell which one you’re talking about.
In general, 指差す specifically means using one’s index finger to physically point at something or someone.
Reading: ゆびさす
The readings for this word are both kun’yomi readings. You’ve learned both of these readings by now so you should be able to read this on your own.
To propose
Kanji: 提 present + 案 plan + す + る
You remember 提案, which means proposition? Make that into a verb and you have to propose.
Reading: ていあんする
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
To root for
Kanji: 応 respond + 援 aid + す + る
応援 is aid and root for, but for this verb the “root for” one is going to be more on the money. You can call this to root for, to cheer on or to cheer for.
Reading: おうえんする
The reading comes from 応援. It’s also just the on’yomi readings you learned.
To run a business
Kanji: 営 manage + 業 business + す + る
The word 営業 is business. The verb version of that (to do a business) becomes to run a business.
Reading: えいぎょうする
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. Also, it shares the reading with 営業.
To shine at
Kanji: 差 distinction + す
The kanji is distinction. To distinct something would be nice, but this is used more like to shine at or to shine on, like when a light shines on someone on a stage, distinguishing them from everyone else.
Reading: さす
The reading of the kanji is actually the same as the reading for this word, making things easy (both on’yomi and kun’yomi are さ).
To stab
Kanji: 突 stab + く
Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. The kanji itself means stab so the verb vocab version must also be to stab.
Wondering how it’s different from 刺す? 突く refers to the act of pushing or pressing something with a tip of an object, often done forcefully and swiftly. So when you use 突く as in “to stab,” your focus is on the forcefulness of the action. On the other hand, 刺す focuses more on the actual act of piercing into something or someone with a sharp thing.
This is why 突く can be be translated many ways, like to poke, to jab, and many more.
Reading: つく
If you’re going to get stabbed, don’t get stabbed two (つ) times. You can remember that this is the “two time stab” stab because it has a hole that’s big. The hole is big because you got stabbed twice.
To support
Kanji: 支 support + 援 aid + す + る
To support and aid is to support.
Reading: しえんする
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 全 all + 額 amount
All of the amount is your total.
Reading: ぜんがく
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
To touch something
Kanji: 触 touch + る
Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. The kanji itself means touch so the verb vocab version is to touch something.
触る is used when someone does the touching. It’s not used to describe objects touching each other.
Note that 触る can be used with either the particle に or を, like 手に触る or 手を触る (to touch a hand). Using に simply marks the location you touch, while using を highlights your action of touching that specific area or object. So the former is intransitive and the latter is transitive, though there’s some debate about that.
Reading: さわる
Since this word consists of a kanji with hiragana attached, you can bet that it will use the kun’yomi reading. You didn’t learn that reading with this kanji, so here’s a mnemonic to help you: You’re an idiot. You try to touch a saw (さわ).
Kanji: 感 feeling + 触 touch
Your feeling of touch is your touch sense (or simply just touch).
Reading: かんしょく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
To undress
Kanji: 脱 undress + ぐ
Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. The kanji itself means undress and the verb is to undress.
Reading: ぬぐ
Since this word consists of a kanji with hiragana attached, you can bet that it will use the kun’yomi reading. You didn’t learn that reading with this kanji, so here’s a mnemonic to help you: When you go to undress your goal is to become nude (ぬ).
Kanji: 観 view + 光 sunlight + 客 guest
Sightseeing (観光) guests are tourists and sightseers.
Reading: かんこうきゃく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. Will help to know 観光 as well.
Trade show
Kanji: 展 expand + 示 indicate + 会 meet
I want to expand my business. I want to show my goods. I want to do this in a place where everyone meets up to do these things. You can do this in a trade show.
Reading: てんじかい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 伝 revolve + 統 unite + 的 target
If 伝統 is “tradition,” then adding a 的 (-al) to it would make it traditional.
Reading: でんとうてき
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 輸 transport + 送 send
You want to transport something by sending it? Well, that’s transportation.
Reading: ゆそう
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
Kanji: 典 rule + 型 model + 的 target
You learned that 的 on the end of a word means “-al” or “-like”. So what is rule model -like? It’s a model that follows all the rules. It’s the normal model. It’s typical.
Reading: てんけいてき
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 展 expand + 開 open
To expand and open. Just imagine something happening like this. This is when something is unfolding or in development.
Reading: てんかい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 価 value + 値 value + 観 view
These views that have merit (価値) are your values.
Reading: かちかん
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
Vending machine
Kanji: 自 self + 動 move + 販 sell + 売 sell + 機 machine
Automatic (自動) sell sell machine. The machine sells things by itself, basically. This is a vending machine. There is a shorter version of this, but good to learn the long one first :)
Reading: じどうはんばいき
This is a jukugo word, which means on’yomi readings from the kanji. Remember those, and you’ll be fine here.
Vice president
Kanji: 副 vice + 大 big + 統 unite + 領 territory
You know about 大統領 (president), right? Well, this is the vice version of the president, aka the vice president.
Reading: ふくだいとうりょう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. It will help if you know the word 大統領 first, though.
Kanji: 腰 waist
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
Reading: こし
The reading is the same as what you learned with the kanji.
Kanji: 武 military + 器 container
A container used by the military is probably going to be used as a weapon. After all, that’s what the military does… weapons.
Reading: ぶき
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 気 energy + 象 elephant
The energy phenomenon. That’s when energy is doing stuff in the sky and nobody understands it. That’s the weather for you.
Reading: きしょう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 木 tree + 製 manufacture
Tree manufactured items are wooden / made from wood.
Reading: もくせい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 腕 arm + 時 time + 計 measure
Remember how 時計 is watch? An arm is now there too, making this a wristwatch.
Reading: うでどけい
The readings are the words 腕 (same reading as what you learned with the kanji) as well as the reading for 時計. Just don’t forget that rendaku!
Writing down
Kanji: 記 write down + 述 mention
When you Write down and mention what happened, you’re writing down a description and account of it.
記述 simply means writing things down (whether by hand or by typing), usually to have an objective written record about something. 記述 can also refer to the text that’s been written.
Reading: きじゅつ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.