Kanji - Level 24 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 广 canopy + 丁 street
There are people under a canopy on the street forming their own agency. They’re banding together right here in the street, making a new government office!
Reading: ちょう
This new agency is just starting to make progress when you hear a low rumble… then a screech.
“THIS IS MY STREET. NO NEW AGENCIES ON MY STREET!” Mrs. Chou (ちょう) cries as she barrels into everyone.
Radicals: 客 guest + 頁 geoduck
When you’re a guest somewhere it’s important to bring geoducks. But more than that, the amount of geoducks you bring is really what matters. If you don’t have any live geoducks go ahead and bring any amount of framed pictures of geoducks instead.
Reading: がく
Unfortunately, if you mess up the amount or the framed pictures, every other guest will gawk (がく) at you.
Radicals: 月 moon + 宀 roof + 夕 evening + 巳 snake
The moon shines on your roof in the evening and a snake suddenly appears! Wait, that’s not a snake, it’s your arm, sticking out from under the roof.
Reading: うで
Your arm is exposed to the moon and the outside and you feel a chill. Where are your clothes? Ah, you’re nude, eh (うで)?! I guess it is pretty common to sleep in the nude, eh?
Radicals: 土 dirt + 立 stand + 見 see
You stand in the dirt and see the boundary. The boundary between your home and your neighbors. The boundary between your town and the next. All you have to do to see it is stand in the dirt. It also helps that there is a boundary sign standing in the dirt that you can also see.
Reading: きょう
The boundary you’re looking at is the Kyoto (きょう) boundary. Kyoto is a really famous, important place, so if you think about it, everything could be the boundary between where you are and Kyoto if you just make them really big.
Radicals: 火 fire + 然 nature
Fire in nature will burn down everything in its path. In nature, there are no firefighters to contain the flames, so the blaze will burn until nothing’s left.
Reading: ねん
What is the worst thing that could burn in this fire? Your nendoroid (ねん) collection. You’ve spent a lot of time and money collecting all these cool and rare and unique nendoroids and now they’ve all burned in the fire.
Radicals: 扌fingers + 旦 dawn
You use your fingers at dawn to carry many things. You have to carry yourself out of bed. You have to carry your backpack or purse or laptop bag to school or work. Your fingers have to carry a lot of weight around at dawn.
Reading: たん
Once you’re carrying everything, and the dawn sun is shining bright, you start getting tan (たん). Especially those fingers you’re using to carry things.
Radicals: ネ spirit + 兄 older brother
If a spirit blesses your older brother it’s time to celebrate! This isn’t something that happens every day to everyone’s older brother. Yours is very good and very lucky. So celebrate with him!
Readings: しゅく, しゅう
Unfortunately, the two of you celebrated too much, and you went a little crazy. The spirit grabbed your brother and shook (しゅく) him. Shook him so hard his head popped off.
Radicals: 尸 flag + 由 reason
The American flag is the reason you need to deliver this package. The flag is inside the package, and you need to deliver it to the president. He lost his old flag, so now it’s up to you to deliver this new one to him. What more of a reason do you need?
Reading: とど
To deliver this flag is something you just have to do (とど). Need to do. Want to do. There is no one else to do it. This is something only you are equipped to do.
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + 韋 korea
You take your scooter to Korea and everything is different!
Reading: ちが
What’s also different is that there’s a weird tiger bouncing on its tail alongside you yelling that its name is Tigger (ちが). You didn’t know Tigger was living in Korea these days. That’s definitely different.
Radicals: 羊 sheep + 工 construction
When a sheep tries its hoof at construction, it gains distinction. Now that is something that really sets a sheep apart! After all, have you ever seen a sheep working in construction?
Reading: さ
The extra distinction of this sheep is that its really skilled with a saw (さ). That’s why it’s so good at construction.
Radicals: 尸 flag + 龷 blackjack + 𧘇 kick
There’s a flag under the blackjack table that you can kick in order to expand the table. Sometimes you only have a few people playing blackjack so you don’t need to kick the flag at all, and sometimes there are many people playing blackjack so you need to kick the flag many times in order to expand it to a proper size.
Reading: てん
The blackjack table does have a limit though of how many times it will expand, and that limit is ten (てん). You can only kick the flag to get the table to expand ten times.
Radicals: 宀 roof + 番 number
You’re about to enter a roof that has your number on it so you can face the judge. You’ve been sitting here for what feels like hours, waiting for your number to come up. Finally the time has come—the judge will see you now.
Reading: しん
The judge is not happy with you. He tells you to come closer and when you do, he takes his gavel and hits you in the shins (しん). Ouch!
Radicals: 尸 flag + 曽 mask
Behind the flag lies a mask—yet another layer of secrecy. You’re standing in front of a crowd, giving a rousing speech. Hiding your face is the flag of your country, and behind that flag you’re also wearing a mask, just in case the flag falls down. The extra layer of secrecy is just to be safe.
Reading: そう
Someone jumps up on stage and starts peeling off your layers! You stand there, first goes the flag, then the mask, then … your soul (そう) is laid bare. No, literally. You don’t have a body, your soul was under that mask. And now it’s floating there for all to see.
Look at
Radicals: ネ spirit + 見 see
When you see a spirit you have to look at it. Look at it directly, because if you look away then it could disappear. You just have to keep on looking at it deliberately.
Reading: し
You look at the spirit for as long as you can, until you hear a sheep (し) sound. You look away for a second, see the sheep look at you, and when you look back the spirit is gone. Damn!
Radicals: 王 king + 罒 net + 袁 zombie
The king is showing his people how to put a net around a weird zombie by walking around it in a loop. It’s a weird zombie because it has the ground on top of its head instead of dirt.
Reading: かん
The king also explains that this loop technique was used by Genghis Khan (かん) when he was conquering cities. He’d loop around the entire place with a net and trap them.
Radicals: 制 control + 衣 clothes
In an attempt to control your clothes, you manufacture a mind control device. This mind control device will allow you to control the mind of your clothes and all that they do. You just need to manufacture it.
Reading: せい
You manufacture these clothes to control your saber (せい). It’s hard to manufacture, you have to do a lot of work, but you manage to make your clothes control your saber. Now you don’t need to rely on your hands!
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + ホ angel + 丶drop
On this scooter, there’s an angel with a drop of sweat coming off of it, because it forgot to mention something to you! It seems like it’s something important too, since they’re sweating so much.
Reading: じゅつ
“I forgot to mention, you have to study ninjutsu (じゅつ)!” the angel yells. But it’s too late, there are ninjas jumping out of the bushes around you and taking you hostage.
Radicals: 一 ground + 弋 ceremony + 止 stop
On the ground there’s a ceremony where everyone keeps stopping. This stopping ceremony is being performed by the military. They’ll march one direction, then stop and turn, then march another direction, then stop again.
Readings: ぶ, む
You look closer at the people in the military and realize that every time they stop they take a drink of booze (ぶ)!
Radicals: 开 lantern +刂 knife + 土 dirt
There is a lantern on top of a knife in the dirt. You walk up to take the knife and lantern when you realize it’s just a model. It all looked real from far away, but now that you’re up close you can see none of it is real.
Reading: けい
You touch the model and see that it’s made of cake (けい)! Someone really into lanterns and knives must have been given this model cake as a birthday present! Though they left it out here so they probably didn’t like it.
Radicals: 犭animal + 夫 husband + 丷 horns
You have an animal for a husband with horns that are narrow. This animal husband of yours is a goat. A goat with narrow horns. Why is this animal your husband? You’re weird, that’s why.
Readings: せま, せば
I’m not even going to get into the semantics (せま) of how this weird relationship of yours works. Nope, this reading explanation is on the straight and narrow. Need to know basis. Classified. All that junk. There will be no discussion of the semantics between you and your goat lover.
Radicals: 竹 bamboo + 宀 roof + 㠯 bear
On your bamboo roof is a bear. It is pulling the bamboo off, because it wants to use it to make a long pipe.
Reading: かん
The pipe will be for Genghis Khan (かん), who would like some pipes for his house.
Place on
Radicals: 十 cross + 戈 drunkard + 車 car
You have a cross for a drunkard’s car, to place on its dashboard. Drunkards should not drive, and when you put on a cross, it prevents the car from starting!
Reading: さい
You have a lot of crosses to place on drunkard cars, so you get your cyborg (さい) to do it for you. The cyborg doesn’t need sleep, so it can patrol the streets 24/7 for the sake of public safety. What a saintly cyborg.
Radicals: 斤 axe + 貝 shellfish
You have to use two axes to open these shellfish. That seems like overkill, but it is necessary. These particular shellfish are of very high quality meaning they won’t open so easily.
Readings: しつ, しち
You finally get all of the shellfish open and you’re admiring their quality, when your shih tzu (しつ) jumps up on the table and gobbles them down. NO! You try to chase after the little dog, but it’s too late. They’re gone.
Radicals: 旦 dawn + 里 village
When dawn reaches this village it increases in quantity. That’s right. Every morning the amount of people or animals living here goes up by at least one.
Reading: りょう
Today’s dawn has brought with it an increase in the quantity of row(りょう) boats! Aww, aren’t they cute? Look at all of the new row boats lined up together. They all have their own sets of oars too.
Radicals: 貝 shellfish + 反 anti
If you’re anti-shellfish, then you won’t mind if I sell them all. You don’t want them in your house anyway!
Reading: はん
I’m going to sell all of our shellfish to Han (はん) Solo. He isn’t anti-shellfish like you, he knows how to turn a profit too!
Radicals: イ leader + 共 together
A leader is always together with their servant. The servant is their constant companion, always following close behind the leader, offering them hot towels and bottled water.
Reading: きょう
Once a year, when the servant wants to go home to きょうと, the leader follows. The servant isn’t just there for the leader, they’re companions, they support each other at all times. Even if that means heading home to きょうと to see the fam.
Radicals: 夫 husband + 見 see
A man who is husband material can see a standard woman and think she’s the greatest thing ever. This man will make a great husband. Even though the lady is pretty standard, the husband treats her like she’s anything but.
Reading: き
It’s pretty standard for a husband and wife to exchange vows when getting married, and the husband said this girl held the key (き) to his heart. She unlocked the husband’s heart with the key and now he’s a man made whole.
Radicals: 戸 door + 月 moon
The door leading to the moon can be broken down with one’s shoulder. It’s not a very sturdy door to the moon, so it’s quite easy to drop your shoulder and ram it open.
Reading: かた
“Wow, your shoulder is just like my catapult (かた)!” you hear someone shout. As you turn you’re just in time to see a man catapulting through his own moon door!
Radicals: 木 tree + 丿 slide + 未 jet
What might cause a tree to slide down a jet would be if its stocks and shares took a dive in the market. This tree was on a jet for an important investor meeting when it got the news that its stocks and shares had just plummeted. Being very upset, the tree got up and got on the emergency slide out of the jet and plummeted into the ground just like his stocks and shares.
Reading: かぶ
Once the tree hits the ground with his stocks and his shares, the impact creates a large KABOOM (かぶ)! Stocks hit the ground - KABOOM! Shares! KABOOM! Tree! KABOOOOOOM~!
Radicals: 角 angle + 虫 insect
If, at a certain angle, you approach an insect, you’ll be able to touch it without it noticing. Most of the time, insects will run away from you when you try and touch them, but if you do so from the right angle, the insect will have no idea.
Reading: しょく
Uh oh, looks like this particular insect is a lightning bug so when you touch it you get a shock (しょく). Did you know that lightning bugs contain bazillions of volts inside them? Well they do, and if you touch one, you get a shock. A very big shock.
Radicals: 車 car + 俞 death star
What does a car and the Death Star have in common? They’re both used to transport people and things.
Reading: ゆ
Right now you and the Death Star are transporting yurts (ゆ). They’re the universe’s #1 best transportable homes!
Radicals: 月 moon + 覀 helicopter + 女 woman
You’re flying a helicopter and you see a woman in the moon light touching her waist. She has both hands on her waist, like she’s Wonder Woman or something. But it’s the middle of the night. What is she doing?
Reading: こし
As you get closer you realize her waist looks weird and… puffy? You bring the helicopter down and see that the woman’s waist looks incredibly cozy (こし)! She has a blanket balled up and tied around her waist, she’s holding it there with her hand, probably because it’s cold out at night. But even with just her waist covered, she looks so warm and cozy!