Kanji - Level 34 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 豆 beans
The beans radical and the beans kanji are exactly the same!
Reading: とう
These beans are from とうきょう. Everybody knows とうきょう has the best beans. What?! You didn’t know that? Tokyo’s beans are the best beans!
Radicals: 木 tree + 支 branch
A tree branch is exactly what it sounds like: the branch of a tree.
Reading: えだ
You’re smelling and feeling the branch when, suddenly, it starts screaming at you: “Eh, dad?” (えだ). The branch won’t leave you alone. It follows you around screaming “Eh, dad?”, thinking you’re its long-lost tree branch father. Poor thing.
Radicals: 扌fingers + 冖 forehead + 車 car
You stand on the forehead of your car, take your fingers and brandish them in the air! You wave them around for everyone to see.
Reading: き
What are you brandishing in your fingers? Your car’s key (き)! You want every driver and every car to know that you aren’t going to be driving ever again!
Radicals: 亥 slice +刂 knife
A slice with a knife is called a carve.
Reading: こく
You work up a sweat trying to carve meat and wood all day, so you grab yourself a nice Coke (こく). You like Coke, and it goes well with meat and sawdust.
Radicals: 爪 claw
The claw radical and the claw kanji are exactly the same! Ravishing!
Readings: つめ, つま
You sink your claws into anything your two 目 (つめ) see, because you’re such a fierce predator. If your two 目 can see it, your claws will get to it. Your claws are basically an extension of your two eyes, that’s how skilled you are.
Radicals: 子 child + 二 two + 水 water
A child will ask if they want two waters because they need a grown-up’s consent. Children aren’t allowed to have whatever they want, they need to make sure it’s okay and get consent first.
Reading: しょう
“Of course my child, you have my consent,” comes the voice of the Shougun (しょう). The Shougun is very pleased by this child, because he expects everyone to ask for consent around him.
Radicals: 口 mouth + 亥 slice
Your mouth was sliced open by a terrible cough.
Reading: せき
Oddly enough, some people find your cough sexy (せき).
Radicals: 莫 greenhouse + 巾 towel
Hang a towel in a greenhouse and it turns into a curtain. Greenhouses are made of windows, it’s all glass, there are no walls. So when you put a towel in there it turns into a curtain. It has no choice but to cover a window, after all.
Readings: まく, ばく
You’re hanging these towel curtains because you need a quiet place to eat a Big Mac (まく). But you’re a little ashamed. Big macs aren’t really good for you, but this stupid greenhouse has too many windows and everyone can see you stuff your face. So that’s where the towel curtains come in.
Deep red
Radicals: 工 construction + 糸 thread
In this construction project, they will be using thread to hold everything together. The color of the thread is a deep red, and it gives everything a crimson look.
Readings: こう, く
You’re done, and the whole building is a deep red crimson color (it takes a lot of thread to hold a whole building in place). It’s time to show the client, Emperor こういち, the finished product.
Radicals: 矢 arrow + 隹 turkey + 欠 lack
An arrow is what this turkey lacks. For a turkey, that is a delight.
Reading: かん
Delight is what Genghis Khan (かん) felt when he saw his turkey friend, sans an arrow.
Radicals: 女 woman + 又 stool
The woman sitting on that stool is actually a dude. Oh oops! You thought he was a woman because of his long hair and the way he was sitting. Maybe you shouldn’t be judging people based on their looks!
Reading: ど
You only found out this dude wasn’t a woman when a dog (ど) ran up and the dude stood up. He started rubbing the dog’s face saying, “Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy? Not you! Me! I’m the best boy of them all. Because I am a dude, the best of all boys! HAHAHAHA!”
Radicals: 耳 ear + 口 mouth + 王 king
The ear and the mouth of a king are holy. The king has holy hearing and holy eating abilities. This king is divine.
Reading: せい
This holy king has heard of you and your special saber (せい) that glows with pure, blue light. Specifically, the holy king wants to use it on his food!
Radicals: 扌fingers + 隹 turkey
If a turkey is pointing its fingers at you, you can infer that it wants revenge. This turkey knows you killed his brother for dinner last night, and now he’s going to make you pay. You infer that this turkey is going to take their fingers and wrap them around your neck.
Reading: すい
You were able to infer the turkey’s plan, so now it’s your turn. You look around and see the only way out… is to swing (すい) to safety! How did I infer that, dear Watson? Why, isn’t it obvious! There are vines here. Turkeys can’t fly. So I shall swing my way to freedom!
Internal organs
Radicals: 月 moon + 蔵 storehouse
Your moon storehouse is another storehouse you own. Remember how your regular storehouse holds zombies (from the kanji 蔵?). Your moon storehouse is on the moon, and it is filled with internal organs.
Reading: ぞう
Where did you get all these internal organs from? You actually harvested them from the zombies (ぞう) from your other storehouse.
Radicals: 扌fingers + 員 member
Raise your fingers to another member and you’ll receive a loss in return. You should never hurt a member of your team, group, or society. It’s just wrong. And you’ll incur a loss as punishment for your bad deeds.
Reading: そん
Unfortunately for you, payment is in the form of the loss of your son (そん). The loss of any family member is horrible, but this was your son. He was your favorite child. You loved him. But that’s the loss you must bear for raising your fingers to a team member.