Kanji - Level 27 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 女 woman + 又 stool + 心 heart
A woman sitting on a stool with a broken heart is very angry. She had her heart broken by some jerk and now she’s sitting on the stool, just stewing over the guy and how angry she is with him.
Reading: ど
As you’re sitting on that stool feeling angry, your dog (ど) comes up to console you. He nuzzles his head into your lap, and you start to feel the anger melt away.
Radicals: 日 sun + 丿 slide + 廾 twenty
You want to go to the sun so you set up a slide twenty stories tall so you can ascend into the heavens.
Reading: しょう
You need to ascend into the sky and toward the sun because the Shougun (しょう) said so. He’s testing out some space travel technology (the twenty story slide) and you’re his guinea pig.
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + 米 rice
If you’re riding your scooter through some rice, it’s likely you’ve gone astray. Also you might be lost.
Reading: めい
You got so lost and went so astray you ended up on the Mayflower (めい), a ship that eventually took you across the Atlantic Ocean. Now you’ve really, really gone astray.
Radicals: 扌fingers + 召 call
Someone is reaching out with their fingers to call for you. They beckon you closer, this way.
Reading: しょう
The person beckoning you is the Shougun (しょう). You can’t help but obey the Shougun’s beckoning call.
Radicals: 月 moon + 复 black hole
Inside this moon is a black hole… haha just kidding, it’s your belly! It’s beautiful and round like the moon and it eats up everything you give it like a black hole. What a good stomach you have!
Reading: ふく
If you don’t treat your belly with respect, when you look down at it, it’ll yell, “F**k (ふく) you!” Be nice to your stomach!
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 農 farming
After a tsunami hit your farming land, you’re gonna see a lot of dense silt left behind. This thick layer really enriches the soil, and your crops will come out tasting extra thick and dense in flavor.
Reading: のう
Know who’s likely responsible for this dense, thick layer of silt? Nostradamus (のう). He’s the one who urged you to buy this farmland in the first place, likely because he predicted the tsunami would bring this thick layer of silt.
Radicals: 目 eye + 車 car
Your eyes start to close as you drive your car because you’re getting drowsy. This is a very dangerous way to drive your car, especially since your car is missing its top and its bottom. This is no time to be getting drowsy. Keep your eyes open and drive for your life!
Reading: すい
The reason you’re so drowsy, and also the reason your car is missing part of its bottom, is because you took one of the car’s tires and made a tire swing (すい) out of it. You’d been swinging on the tire swing all day and now you’re super drowsy and worn out.
Radicals: 广 canopy + ヨ wolverine + 水 water
You see a canopy under which Wolverine is sipping some water. He looks so at ease and at peace.
Reading: こう
Suddenly you realize that it’s not just Wolverine, but also こういち. hanging out under the canopy.
Radicals: 立 stand + 山 mountain + 而 rake
Setting up a stand on the top of a mountain, you rake all the rocks to the edge of it. You want to clear the area around your stand, so you get your rake out and you rake all the stones and debris away from the stand and toward the edge of the mountain top. It also creates a small barrier around the edge as well.
Reading: たん
You set up this stand at the top of the mountain so you could give a speech to the world. But you need to look your best, so you decide to get a tan (たん). You lie next to the edge of the mountain, and prepare to tan. Everyone likes a person with a healthy tan.
Radicals: 木 tree + 一 ground + 勹 prison + 口 mouth + 又 stool
There aren’t many trees in your underground prison, so you’ve been given a task: using only your mouth and a stool, plant as many in the ground as you can. It’s an extreme challenge!
Readings: きょく, ごく
This extreme challenge could only be solved by one person: Goku (ごく) from Dragon Ball Z! He has a special cloak that’ll allow you to plant trees in record time, so he quickly cloaks you (きょく) to help with your extreme task.
Get a position
Radicals: 京 capital + 犬 dog
In the capital, even a broken dog can get a position. That’s because the capital has so many jobs available that even a poor, broken dog can find a place to work.
Reading: しゅう
In order to help the dog get a position, the capital cobbler made him a pair of nice shoes (しゅう). The shoes help him walk on his hurt legs, but more importantly, they boost his confidence and make him feel ready for any position.
Radicals: 良 good + 阝building
Inside the “Good Building” there’s a single guy.
Reading: ろう
You talk to that guy. The only thing he does is offer you roe (ろう).
Radicals: イ leader + 廴 yoga + 聿 brush
The leader of your yoga class uses a special brush to stay healthy. She rubs the brush on her long arms and legs, and she never ever gets sick.
Reading: けん
Not everyone wants to be healthy, but Ken (けん) the samurai sure does. He needs to be ready at a moment’s notice so he can do tasks for other people. He’s at every class, rubbing himself down with the brush.
Radicals: 言 say + 禾 grain + 乃 stairs
You say you’ve left some grain on the stairs. This is how you invite people into your place.
Reading: ゆう
You’ve invited people in by leaving grain on the stairs but some youths (ゆう) have ended up eating all the grain.
Radicals: 代 substitute + 貝 shellfish
You substitute some shellfish for collateral so your friend will lend you some money. Normally he would ask for something more valuable, but you’ve convinced him to substitute these shellfish for what he would normally take as collateral when lending to people.
Reading: か
You want your friend to lend you some money so you can buy yourself a car (か). You need money and a car a lot more than you need this pile of shellfish, so you’re happy to put them up as collateral for the loan.
Long for
Radicals: 忄soul + 立 stand + 里 village
Your soul stands in the village you long for. It’s the village you’re from, and no matter how far you go, no matter how old you get, your soul is still there, and you yearn for it.
Reading: あこが
No matter how much you long for it, you can’t go back because a cougar (あこが) is in the way. Whenever you try to return to your village to be reunited with the soul you yearn for, a cougar is back, and won’t let you in.
Radicals: 戈 drunkard + 口 mouth + 一 ground + 心 heart
A drunkard who has his mouth on the ground, has a heart that is misguided. First of all, he tries to drink his problems away, but worse, he’s so drunk he’s trying to drink out of the ground.
Reading: わく
Nowadays we don’t say misguided, we say wack (わく). Like, damn that drunkard is so messed up, he’s wack.
Radicals: 疒 sick + マ mama + 用 task
When your sick mama tries to do a task she’s filled with pain!
Reading: つう
Your mama’s pain is too (つう) much for her to handle, so now you have to do all of her tasks too.
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + 艮 root
If you’re on your scooter and you run over a root, you’ll need to retreat. The roots have obviously rejected you, they want you to leave, so you should.
Reading: たい
You’re trying to retreat by scooting backwards, but the roots grab onto your tie (たい). You try to pull your tie off but it’s just getting tighter and tighter around your neck.
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + 余 surplus
When you ride a scooter you’ll have a surplus of possible routes. Not only can you drive on any road, but you can ride on the sidewalk too!
Reading: と
You decide to take the fastest route, since you have so many options, and drive on the sidewalk. However, in doing so you run over every single toe (と) on every single person trying to walk there.
Radicals: 革 leather + 化 change
Take your leather and change it into shoes.
Reading: くつ
Some shoes aren’t made from leather anymore these days, but you know who always wears shoes made of leather? Old coots (くつ). Old coots are so old that the only shoes they wore growing up were made from leather so they refuse to wear any shoes that aren’t made from leather. Crazy old coots.
Radicals: 目 eye + 民 peoples
Closing each eye is something that the peoples do before they sleep. The peoples can’t sleep with both eyes open and they can’t sleep with just one eye open either. Peoples have to close each eye before they can sleep.
Reading: みん
The reason you want to sleep is because all the other peoples were mean (みん) to you. They were so mean that the only way you could get over it was to close your eyes and sleep. You just want to sleep.
Spare time
Radicals: 日 sun + 𠀉 comb + 匚 cage + 又 stool
In the sun while holding a comb in a cage and sitting on a stool, you comb your hair in your spare time. Since you’re in a cage, you actually fashioned this comb yourself, so it’s a little messed up, missing a prong. You’re working on improving it in your spare time, and you also use it to style your mop.
Reading: か
So how did you get in this cage? Well, before you used to comb your hair in your spare time, you used to steal cars (か). You’d stolen many a car in your day, but you finally got caught in the act of stealing a car, and now you’re spending all of your spare time in that cage, just combing your hair.
Radicals: 𠀉 comb + 殳 weapon
Cut this comb up with your weapon and turn it into the steps for some stairs.
Reading: だん
You slowly work to create these stairs, you have to slice up a lot of combs, and at dawn (だん) they are done!
Radicals: 田 rice paddy + 月 moon
If you eat a rice paddy the size of the moon, your stomach is going to hurt. All the rice in a rice paddy the size of the moon is way too much rice for anyone to consume. If you do, your stomach is going to ache like crazy.
Reading: い
From the sky, an eagle swoops down and flies right into your distended stomach. Bam! The eagle (い) hits your stomach and you vomit up the entire moon sized rice paddy.
Radicals: 疒 sick + 正 correct
When someone is sick in order to diagnose the correct cause and treatment, you need to check their symptoms. You have to be especially careful too, because if you get a symptom wrong, you could kill them!
Reading: しょう
You need to figure out the symptoms the Shougun (しょう) is having. This is really serious too, so you better be correct about which sickness he has. If something bad happens to the Shougun it will be off with your head.
Radicals: 糸 thread + 立 stand + 巾 towel
You have a special thread in your towel you can use to make it stand up by tightening it.
Reading: てい
You tighten your towel before you eat tater (てい) tots every night. That way it stands up nice and straight next to your eating chair, ready for all that delicious tater tot grease that gets on your fingers.
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + 白 white
The scooter is white. This color will urge and compel you to use it. Scooter companies use colors to get you to do what they want. Some would say they are trying to coerce you, even.
Reading: はく
When they urge, compel and coerce you like this, they are hacking (はく) your brain.
Radicals: 言 say + 方 direction
Someone just asked you to say which direction they should visit.
Reading: ほう
You end up saying, “You should visit my home (ほう).” How kind of you!
Radicals: 糸 thread + 音 sound + 戈 drunkard
Taking a thread and moving to the sound of the music, a drunkard makes a weave through some fabric. He’s using the thread to weave his clothes back together after he damaged them in a fall down the stairs. You know, because he’s a drunkard.
Readings: しき, しょく
This drunkard is really chic (しき), but he’s just fallen on hard times and has been hitting the bottle pretty hard lately. The piece of clothing he’s using the thread to weave back together is one of his fancy chic outfits.
Radicals: 忄soul + 𭕄 grass + 凶 treasure chest
If your soul is lying in the grass in a treasure chest, you’re going to worry about it. It’s just sitting there, out in the open, waiting for anyone to come and open it.
Reading: なや
Unfortunately, you also worry about opening it yourself. You stand in front of the chest and think, “Should I open it? Nah, yah (なや). Wait. Nah. Yah. Dang, you can’t make up your mind.
Radicals: 尸 flag + 出 exit
You see a flag by the exit letting you know to yield. There’s cross traffic just outside the exit, and the flag lets you know that you need to yield to them.
Reading: くつ
Even though the flag told you to yield, you’re starting to lose your patience. The people walking outside the exit are all a bunch of crazy old coots (くつ)! These crazy coots keep walking right in front of the door, getting in the way. The old coots aren’t even going anywhere, they just keep looping around to obstruct the way!