Kanji - Level 21 - Vocab Flashcards
Kanji: 実 truth + 際 occasion
A truth occasion is reality. This word is also used a lot as an adverb (with or without the particle に) to mean actually or really.
Reading: じっさい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. The つ is shortened to っ.
Kanji: 宇 outer space + 宙 midair + 人 person
You know how 宇宙 is space? Well, a person from space is an alien.
Reading: うちゅうじん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. It will also help to know how to read the word 宇宙 on its own, too.
Arch enemy
Kanji: 大 big + 敵 enemy
Your big enemy is your worst enemy. Your arch enemy.
Reading: たいてき
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
A right
Kanji: 権 rights + 利 profit
You have rights to profit! This is a right you have!
Reading: けんり
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
As a whole
Kanji: 総 whole + 体 body + 的 target
With the whole body. Do it as a whole instead of as a part, or something.
Reading: そうたいてき
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Biker gang
Kanji: 暴 violence + 走 run + 族 tribe
A tribe that runs wild (暴走) is what the Japanese call a biker gang. Just imagine them riding around on their bikes, running wild. They’re also close, like a family. How nice!
Reading: ぼうそうぞく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 分 part + 解 untie
Take all the separate parts. Now untie them, unraveling the connections between the two parts. In this way we can do a breakdown. We’re dismantling or disassembling something.
Reading: ぶんかい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Reading: 資 resources + 本 book
To start a business, your main resource is your capital, which can be money and various other types of assets, like real estate properties.
Reading: しほん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 得 acquire + 体 body
With time your body will acquire a certain type of character. It shows your true nature as a person.
Note: We almost always use this word in the phrases 得体が知れない/得体の知れない, so the kind of “character” we’re talking about is a more mysterious one.
Reading: えたい
The reading is a combination of kun’yomi and on’yomi readings. That being said, both readings for both kanji are the readings you learned already, so you should be able to read this.
Kanji: 検 examine + 査 inspect
We’re going to need to examine and inspect you for our annual checkup, mmk? Now drop your pants and cough, please.
Reading: けんさ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 布 cloth + 地 earth
Cloth from the earth is still cloth, just a little dirty.
Reading: ぬのじ
The reading is a combination of kun’yomi and on’yomi readings. That being said, you’ve learned them both already!
Kanji: 理 reason + 解 untie
I’ve untied all the reason and made it even simpler, making it easier to understand. This increases my comprehension and understanding by quite a bit!
Reading: りかい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 強 strong + 制 control
They have strong control over us. That’s why they can make us do all this compulsory stuff. We have to do it. They’re too strong!
Reading: きょうせい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 条 clause + 件 matter
A clause in the matter complicates things. It adds conditions, terms and requirements to an otherwise simple matter.
Reading: じょうけん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 確 certain + 認 recognize
Just be sure to make certain that you recognize him. We need confirmation and verification, so make certain again, please.
Reading: かくにん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 建 build + 設 establish
Build and establish. As you can guess from the kanji, this could refer both to the construction of buildings, as well as the establishment of an organization or structure.
Reading: けんせつ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Correct answer
Kanji: 正 correct + 解 untie
It is correct you have solved the answer, getting the correct answer. You’ll see this on Japanese game shows a lot. 正解!!!
Reading: せいかい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Crime syndicate
Kanji: 暴 violence + 力 power + 団 group
A group that has power using violence? Sounds like a crime syndicate to me, probably the Yakuza or some other gangster organization .
Reading: ぼうりょくだん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 批 criticism + 判 judge
A criticism is when you judge. It is still just a criticism.
Reading: ひはん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Cut it out
Kanji: い + い + 加 add + 減 decrease + に + し + ろ
You know how いい加減 is unfounded or pointless? Because if you add and then decrease you haven’t really done anything? Well, this is like saying “do the pointless!” Okay, that doesn’t make any sense. This is a phrase that means something similar to cut it out or cut the BS!
Reading: いいかげんにしろ
The reading is the same as いい加減, which you (hopefully) learned earlier.
Kanji: 定 determine + 義 righteousness
Please determine what righteousness means. I want the definition for it.
Reading: ていぎ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Drunk driving
Kanji: 飲 drink + 酒 alcohol + 運 carry + 転 revolve
You know that 飲酒 is “drinking alcohol” and 運転する is “to drive”, so it makes sense that this word means drunk driving, or drinking and driving.
Reading: いんしゅうんてん
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
Kanji: 任 duty + 務 task
You have a duty. You have a task. You have both a duty and a task to do.
Reading: にんむ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 経 passage of time + 済 come to an end
When a passage of time comes to an end, you look back on it and see how well you did. Did we make more money? Did we make less? That’s all economics, baby (that’s money, baby!).
Reading: けいざい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. The さい changes to ざい, though, so watch out for that.
Kanji: 選 choose + 挙 raise
You have to choose someone and raise them up to office. This is an election.
Reading: せんきょ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 敵 enemy
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
てき and かたき, however, have slightly different nuances. てき simply means “enemy”, whereas かたき typically refers to someone you hold a deep grudge against, often on behalf of another.
Readings: てき, かたき
The reading is the same as what you learned with the kanji. No enemies here!
Kanji: 羨 envy + 望 hope
Envy consumes your hope turning it all to envy and jealousy.
Reading: せんぼう
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You’ve learned them already, so you should be able to read this on your own!
Kanji: 解 untie + 説 theory
When you untie a theory for someone, you’re taking it apart and making it more understandable to them. You are doing an explanation of something for them.
Reading: かいせつ
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
Kanji: 外 outside + れ
The kanji 外 alone means “outside.” This word means extremity. How can you remember this? Just think of the れ as a “ray of sunshine.” Where you are, in the extremity of space, even the れs of the sun cannot be seen. So, when 外 is combined with れ just think of this.
Reading: はずれ
Let’s continue the previous story: You’re off in the extremity of space and your friend is running low on Vitamin D. He has (はず) to get some sun れs on his skin! How’s that supposed to happen with those spacesuits on, though?
Kanji: 履 footwear + き + 物 thing
Remember how 履く is “to put on shoes” and 物 means “thing”? Well, combine them and you have a word for things you put on your feet, a.k.a. footwear or shoes.
You might know that 履く is used for lots of different clothes you wear below the waist, but be careful: 履き物 only refers to footwear and shoes.
Reading: はきもの
The reading is that of 履く and 物 put together. Just know those separately and you should be able to figure this one out as well.
Kanji: 資 resources + 金 gold
The resources of gold that we have are our current funds.
資金 is specifically for monetary funds, not other types of assets. That 金 kanji can mean money, so it should be easy to remember.
Reading: しきん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
High class
Kanji: 立 stand + 派 sect
The sect that stands the highest are those who are high class, splendid, and fine. 立派だ!
Reading: りっぱ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. The りつ shortens to りっ though, so keep an eye on that you splendid frood you. Oh and は changes to ぱ too. Because rendaku and all that.
Human rights
Kanji: 人 person + 権 rights
People Rights are human rights.
Reading: じんけん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 事 action + 件 matter
An action of some matter is really just something that happens. It’s an incident or case.
事件 often refers to significant or serious occurrences like crime cases or accidents. It can also be used playfully — “There was a 事件 at the party!” — to dramatize an event like someone asking out your classmate.
Reading: じけん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 増 increase + 加 add
An increase will add to what you had before. This is an increase.
This word refers to an increase in number or quantity, often used in formal contexts, reports, or news articles.
Reading: ぞうか
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 国 country + 際 occasion
You have an occasion to check out another country. Wow, so international!
Reading: こくさい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 投 throw + 資 resources
Go ahead and throw your resources at the project. It could use the investment.
Reading: とうし
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well!
Kanji: 主 master + 義 righteousness
The main cause behind someone’s righteousness is usually what isms, principles or doctrines they believe in. Buddhism, Shintoism, socialism, communism, you name it. If you believe in one of those it’s the main driving factor behind what you believe righteousness to be.
Reading: しゅぎ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 判 judge + 断 cut off
I judge to cut off your head. That is my judgment!
Reading: はんだん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 正 correct + 義 righteousness
The correct righteousness is always your righteousness. It is your form of justice.
Reading: せいぎ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 心 heart + 得 acquire
What does your heart want to acquire above all other things? Knowledge! That’s why you’re here isn’t it? Dig deep and see that all your heart wants is more information and understanding of Japanese to be happy.
Reading: こころえ
The readings for this word are both kun’yomi readings. You’ve learned both of these readings by now so you should be able to read this on your own.
Kanji: 資 resources + 料 fee
If you use resources to make material, you’ll have material. This is in the sense of material for a book, or data and documents for research.
Reading: しりょう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Member of a committee
Kanji: 委 committee + 員 member
A committee member is a member of a committee (or a committee member).
Reading: いいん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.