Kanji - Level 28 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 工 construction + 夂 winter
Construction in the winter leads to aggression. Just think about it. It’s cold, it’s unpleasant, and you don’t want to be there. So, you start to develop an aggression towards other people working with you on this winter project.
Reading: こう
You’re taking your aggression out on everyone. Then, the sexy construction worker from WaniKani Level 1, こういち, walks by without a shirt on. You take out all your aggression on him.
Radicals: 車 car + 殳 weapon + 手 hand
If someone is coming toward you in a car, holding a weapon in their hand, they’re going to attack you!
Reading: げき
Right before the attack begins, you recognize the hand holding this weapon and driving this car. It’s Gecki (げき), your long-lost gecko who you may or may not have let fly off into a really fierce tsunami. Oops. I think he may be here attacking you out of revenge.
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 斤 axe + 一 ground + ハ fins
After a tsunami, you find an axe on the ground next to some fins on the beach. The tsunami was pretty violent, and it looks like this axe got blown into some fish and cut off their fins and now those things are just on the ground by the beach.
Reading: はま
Walking down the beach a bit more, you also find a hammer (はま). Gosh, looks like the tsunami hit a workshop or a hardware store or something. First the axe, now a hammer.
Radicals: 糸 thread + 奇 odd
This thread is odd, but that’s what makes it beautiful. It’s a little frayed, it’s a little miscolored, but that’s what makes it appealing to you.
Reading: き
You take this beautiful thread and lock it up with a key (き). You want to keep it all to yourself, you want its beauty to be for your eyes only!
Radicals: 丷 horns + 一 ground + ハ fins + 皿 plate
There are some horns on the ground next to fins on a plate that are meant to benefit everyone. If you’re a member of this town, one of your benefits is this little set up.
Reading: えき
Another benefit is free 駅 (えき) usage! Whenever you come back home from places on the train, this 駅 is completely free.
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 召 call
A tsunami can’t resist the call of a bog. Whenever a tsunami is headed toward land, a bog will always call out to it, “Hey tsunami, don’t you want to hit me with your water? Come this way~”
Reading: ぬま
As you listen to the bog’s call you realize it looks just like the Numa (ぬま) Numa guy in your mind. You open your eyes and it’s just a bog. You close your eyes, and there he is. The Numa Numa guy.
Radicals:丨stick + 日 sun + 儿 legs
Pointing your magic solar powered wishing stick at the sun, you attain the legs of a child. You’re old and want young legs to carry you around, so you took your wishing stick that’s powered by the sun, and you wished for the legs of a child.
Readings: じ, に
As you delight in your new legs, Jesus (じ) descends from the sky. “My child,” he says, “why have you pointed the stick at the sun and wished for the legs of a child? You were already perfect, just as all of God’s children are perfect.”
Radicals: 扌fingers + 前 before
Your fingers before were complete.
Reading: そろ
To have your complete fingers back, you gotta run to the hospital solo (そろ).
Radicals: 宀 roof + 生 life + 罒 net + 心 heart
The roof protecting your life and the net protecting your heart are both protected by the constitution.
Reading: けん
Your country’s constitution is being protected by none other than Ken (けん) the samurai, hero for hire.
Radicals: 冫ice + 令 orders
You got your ice orders. Of course, your ice orders are to make things cool and cold.
Reading: れい
How will you make things cool and cold? You’ll use a special ray (れい) gun that shoots a cold ray.
Deal with
Radicals: 夂 winter + 几 table
A winter table would be an odd thing to deal with. Winter can be hard to deal with on its own, but turn your table into winter? Just dealing with your food getting cold would be the worst!
Reading: しょ
This winter table is something you have to deal with, sure, but what if you just gave it to a circus show (しょ)? They like weird stuff like this.
Radicals: 彳loiter + 山 mountain + 兀 pi + 夂 winter
You loiter on the mountain, reading off the digits of pi on this winter morning. The cold mountain air is so delicate, and changes only in very tiny ways — just like pi when you add another digit to it.
Reading: び
Ah! Of course! The delicate bumble bee (び). Slightly out of place in winter, but this tiny creature is your idea of delicate. It lands on your finger, and you look at every tiny fiber of its being.
Radicals: 十 cross + 丶drop + 専 specialty
You wear a great big cross with a drop on it, and head to a specialty exhibition for gambling. The big cross and drop on your chest is your badge for being admitted into the exhibition. Everyone at the specialty exhibition has a cross and drop, and everyone is gambling.
Readings: はく, ばく
You’re not very good at gambling, but you are pretty good at cheating. You hack (はく) the specialty exhibition gambling machines to pay out lots of cash just for you. You hack quickly and quietly, so luckily no one notices that you’ve hacked the system.
Radicals: 禾 grain + 口 mouth + 王 king
The Grain Mouth King pours grain from his mouth for you and his other subjects. You go to him and pull his finger. When you do this, grain pours from his mouth. But we were greedy. We didn’t understand the extent to which we were harvesting his mouth wheat.
Reading: てい
The extent to which we were harvesting grain from his mouth was too great. The Grain Mouth King has run out of grain. He worries he will lose power if he has no grain to offer, so he switches to barfing out tater (てい) tots instead.
Radicals: 冫ice + 東 east
Ice from the east is frozen. Well, of course, all ice is frozen, but ice from the east is like, really super frozen.
Reading: とう
Japan is a country in the east, and this ice was frozen in とうきょう. とうきょう is really good at freezing frozen things, so it makes sense that this frozen ice came from there.
Radicals: 巨 giant
The giant radical and the giant kanji are exactly the same! Massive!
Reading: きょ
Just recently, a giant rampaged through Little Kyoto (きょ), so now it’s even smaller than before. Poor Little Kyoto.
Radicals: 禾 grain + 隹 turkey
Only give grains to a turkey if it’s immature. Adult turkeys should be eating healthier things, like insects and grass. But immature turkeys don’t care if they get fat, so they whine and whine and whine until you give them grains.
Reading: ち
Another thing immature turkeys (and people) love is cheese (ち). Most of us non-immature people and birds still like cheese, but if you didn’t have an immature cheese phase as a kid or teen, you won’t be able to like cheese as a mature old person.
Radicals: 幺 poop + 力 power
Super poop is a super power you have in infancy. Those in infancy have the power to poop at will, whenever and wherever they please. Infancy poop power!
Reading: よう
In infancy, one eats a lot of soft foods, such as yogurt (よう). Yogurt is the food item above all others that grants superior pooping power.
Line up
Radicals: 丷 horns + 一 ground + 业 spikes
You stick horns in the ground using them as spikes and you line up the horns in a straight line. Horns are pretty much the same thing as spikes once you stick them in the ground, and you line these ones up precisely for optimal protection.
Reading: へい
As you line up these horns and stick them into the ground, you notice a bull munching on hay (へい) nearby. It’s staring at the horns you’re lining up. Somehow it feels like it’s munching that hay angrily. You gulp, looking at its horn as it grabs another mouthful of hay, and you feel pretty guilty.
Radicals: 麗 lovely
If you know the radical meaning lovely, you know the kanji meaning lovely as well!
Reading: れい
“Lovely” is the name of my ray (れい) gun. It’s more lovely than any other thing.
Radicals: イ leader +丨stick + 夂 winter + 彡 hair
Your leader is using a stick in the winter made of hair. This is the stick of mastering and repair.
Reading: しゅう
What’s the key to mastering any skill? A stick and a shoe (しゅう)!
Radicals: 奇 odd
The odd radical and the odd kanji are the same. They’re both… really strange.
Reading: き
You’re odd too, just like this kanji. But you don’t want anyone to know, so you lock away your strange habits with a key (き).
Radicals: 女 woman + 少 few
A woman is one of the few peculiar things in the world. Everything but a woman can be explained and made sense of. There are only a few truly peculiar things in this world, with woman being one of them.
Reading: みょう
But when you think about it, we’re all a little peculiar. Me, you, myou (みょう) everybody!
Radicals: 血 blood + 彡 hair + 𠂢 (without the cliff radical) tofu
Blood and hair and tofu make up the populace. Those are the three categories the entire populace fits into, anyway.
Reading: しゅう
The entire populace deserves shoes (しゅう). It’s a basic thing all humans should have like flowing blood, hair (somewhere), and tofu to eat.
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 青 blue
A tsunami that’s blue is pure. Some tsunami are other colors, like brown or red because they aren’t pure, they’ll full of trash and poop and other horrible things. But a blue tsunami is completely pure!
Readings: せい, しょう, しん
Seeing this pure blue tsunami inspires you to pull out your glowing blue saber (せい)! As the pure water comes toward you, you take one, long slash!
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 生 life + 刀 sword + 糸 thread
A tsunami takes life, cuts it like a sword through thread, and leaves everything behind completely pure and clean. Everything is dead and gone, wiped clean off the face of the earth, thanks to the tsunami. It’s back to the way it was before humans were here, completely undefiled.
Reading: けつ
After the tsunami pulls away, everything left is pure white. You hate this, so you run over and squirt ketsup (けつ) all over the place to make it not so pure.
Radicals: 金 gold + ヨ wolverine + 水 water
A gold Wolverine swam in the water while his father made a record of it. Wolverine is gold in color because he just won the gold medal in swimming, so now he is gold. Way to go, Wolverine.
Reading: ろく
Since Wolverine is actually a mutant, he is soon disqualified from his gold medal. His father makes a record of this also. One angry fan threw a rock (ろく) at Wolverine afterwards. Then another threw a rock. And another rock. Before you knew it, everyone was throwing rocks at Wolverine. Wolverine’s dad didn’t step in to help though, he just kept keeping records.
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + 屯 barracks + 丶drop
Your scooter takes you to the barracks, drops you off, and then goes in reverse all the way back home in the opposite direction.
Reading: ぎゃく
Your scooter going in reverse and leaving you here is opposite of what you want. You want to ride it back home when you’re done, so you stuff the wheels with Gak (ぎゃく). If you don’t know what Gak is, check out this Gak commercial.
Radicals: 禾 grain + 夕 evening
A grain, from one evening to the next evening, experiences a shift. After two evenings, the grain has shifted from one location to another.
Reading: い
This shift is caused by the eagle (い) that wants to eat the grains. Every other evening, the eagle swoops down, shifts the grains (eating a few) and then flies off.
Radicals: 米 rice + 青 blue
Rice that is blue has a strong spirit. Our spirits are blue, so if you ever see rice (or other food, or even people) that’s blue, you know that’s their spirit radiating out!
Reading: せい
You want to see the spirit up close, so you take your saber (せい), throw the blue rice in the air, and slice it in half! The rice explodes and blue light fills everything!
Then it’s gone.
Radicals: 阝building + 丷 horns + 豕 pig
This building has a pig with horns on it because it’s our squad’s place.
Reading: たい
Our squad also wears special ties (たい) with our horned pig on it. And we don’t care if you think that’s lame, because we’re A FAMILY.
Radicals: 广 canopy + 車 car
A canopy is over your car because your car is in storage in a large storehouse.
Reading: こ
Your car is in this storage warehouse, just sitting there. A 子 (こ) notices this, and decides to take your car on a joyride. You won’t notice, right? You never drive it.
Radicals: 龹 gladiator + 刀 sword
The gladiator in front of you draws his sword. He points the sword at your chest and right when you think everything is about to end, you realize he’s pointing the sword at the ticket in your hand.
Reading: けん
The gladiator happily marks your ticket with his blade, when Ken (けん) the samurai pushes past you. He holds up his own sword, challenging the gladiator, who just shakes his head and points at your ticket again.
Radicals: 𠆢 hat + 人 person + 十 cross
As a hat, four people holding a cross use an umbrella. The umbrella is big enough to be a hat for all four people, so it makes sense. All four of them are religious missionaries, so that’s why they’re holding the cross.
Reading: かさ
You know the Spanish phrase “Mi casa (かさ) es su casa”? Well this is kind of like that, but only with a hat. And that hat is an umbrella. Mi casa es yours too, because it’s an umbrella and also a hat. This makes sense, trust me.
Radicals: 女 woman + ヨ wolverine + 冖 forehead + 巾 towel
That woman dressed as Wolverine with a towel tied around her forehead is your wife. You’re cosplaying together!
Reading: ふ
Your wife suddenly looks at you and calls you a fool (ふ). Wuh! Then you look down and see that you’re also dressed as Wolverine.